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IS this even possible ?

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  • IS this even possible ?

    I was just checking some people on my server Divine Favor 135 and surprising I found out this from a player. Not sure if its possible but please let me know !!
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  • #2
    yes this is possible. Not sure what the exact rules are on it, but Ive transfered even a lvl 84 weapon on a lvl 20 hero. I think the levels you can forge too can only go up to your main chars level.


    the other reason you posted this is because the hero has lvl 70 (I think) equips on a hero lower than that level. If you notice the hero has 1 rebirth, so most likely they leveled her up, equipped her and then rebirthed her. If you leave them on they wont be taken off, but if you take them off you can't re-equip them until the hero is again above the minimum level.


    • #3
      Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
      yes this is possible. Not sure what the exact rules are on it, but Ive transfered even a lvl 84 weapon on a lvl 20 hero. I think the levels you can forge too can only go up to your main chars level.


      the other reason you posted this is because the hero has lvl 70 (I think) equips on a hero lower than that level. If you notice the hero has 1 rebirth, so most likely they leveled her up, equipped her and then rebirthed her. If you leave them on they wont be taken off, but if you take them off you can't re-equip them until the hero is again above the minimum level.

      Where as I have my hero 2 rebirth but I cant equip the lvl 70 gears, says level not sufficient but how is it even possible ?


      • #4
        if rebirthed at 70 with equips on then not a bug, but if you remove a level 70 item or try to put a new item on a rebirthed hero that has not been releveled to 70 then it wont work, as hero must reach level 70 first,

        Always replace all equip before rebirthing at 60, 70, 80 unless you have a tonne of time scrolls to relevel them up fast


        • #5
          Most likely the player waited till Nereida was 70, equipped her with 70 gear then rebirthed her ( once hero rebirthed, even if it becomes level 40/50/60, but has a higher item set on it, it's not a bug or problem ).
          Most people wait for a hero to become higher level, equip the right set, then rebirth ( once hero is rebirthed, it's a bit hard to get it to a higher level ).

          It's the first hour, of the first day
          It's hard without you, I cannot lie
          You were everything, and could have been
          It's the first summer, of the first year
          Today only rain, knocks on my window
          And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

          I fail to emerge
          It's a universe, that wants me to get off
          Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

          It's the first night, when I feel cold
          Your arms can no longer warm me
          A cold soul, I cannot love.


          • #6
            I was able to enhance my equipment to L.70 once my chars hit level 70 and I rebirthed them (and made the L.70 gears). No bug. Also, the equip level of the weapon/armor is the level you can equip it, so if it says it's equippable at level 1, then even if the enchant on it is +100, you can still equip it at level 1.
            Last edited by vastilos; 12-12-2014, 04:17 PM.


            • #7
              i do that also with my hero's as i get them. level them up to the required level to equip the gear before i rebirth. as long as you do not unequip the gear it will stay with them
              rebirth causes hero to lose 20 levels so looks to be in range of 70 when they rebirthed
              League of Angels
              ChaosBlade Level 96 Berserker
              Server 13 "Valkyrie's Call"
              10.6 Million+ BR
              The Free Ruby Hero's, Fame Hunter, MoD, Earth Shaker, Amazon Hunter, Bloodsucker + Many More

              Crystal Saga
              (J4)Chaosblade Level 147 Eidolon Knight
              Too many Pets

              “Life is nothing without a little chaos to make it interesting.”


              • #8
                Yep this isn't a bug...I rebirthed at 55 and had a lower level character with lv55 gear.

                Just make sure you level the hero to an appropriate level you want a gear at before rebirth.
                [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
                [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
                League of Angels
                [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
                Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
                Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

                That being said character names in games I play is Solariai


                • #9
                  Guys, it's pretty obvious that they rebirthed after equipping.
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