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Skyls combination

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  • Skyls combination

    I want to hear as much opinions as possible regarding the best combo skyls. I am very courious to see what kind of new tactics you guys can come with.

    *later edit. ---> medium casher! not some uber ultra you know what !

  • #2
    Well for the really good skills we got a bit of grinding to do
    [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way
    [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots


    • #3
      Maybe flaming Arrow for initial skill? at lvl 1-3 it's still weaker damage than the strongest initial skill from each Class, but after lvl 4 it should deal around 300% of your normal dmg + ignores defense, it's easier to get too because it's just an Epic skill
      Last edited by lezickh; 12-11-2014, 05:07 PM.


      • #4
        Well, let me just say Thunderclap joint/partner skill is currently broken. That 50% counter lets you trigger your equipment skills with each counter, including Loki Staff's 12% health recovery. In one turn I countered twice and did one regular attack, so that's 36% health recovery just that one turn.


        • #5
          Originally posted by R267919473 View Post
          Well, let me just say Thunderclap joint/partner skill is currently broken. That 50% counter lets you trigger your equipment skills with each counter, including Loki Staff's 12% health recovery. In one turn I countered twice and did one regular attack, so that's 36% health recovery just that one turn.
          Lol tanky. Maybe it's intended to be like that? Dont think anyone ever tested counter attack on zeihander before? xD

          And yes. Blazing arrow is first skill im getting. Been waiting for this skill since they released it in back in September. Good thing I hold out for not getting Amazon =D saves a bunch of HoC vouchers now.
          This is Eisia


          • #6
            there are many indeed. but many skyls i don't undestant what they that counter totaly op if is true ...hit->counter ...


            • #7
              Shadow Strike is good skill too, easier to get because it's only a rare quality skill


              • #8
                Blazing Arrow looks godly. I'm no theorycrafter, but here's a few of the (more easily available) ones I find interesting.

                - Shadowstrike - with some upgrades I think this'll have the highest %atk scaling of any skill.
                - Abyssal Gaze - useful for tanky / dodgy mains. I think this doesn't work on skills, though, so not sure how much use it'll be?
                - Sands of Time - undodgeable. Good thing it's a partner skill or else dodge builds are completely dead. Still a bit of a nerf to dodge.

                The influx of backrow striking skills will also be really interesting. I've been jealous of hunter multi-shot for a while, now I can get my own. c:

                Other skills look really situational. Would be kind of cool to have my main be a tanky rage booster and have like, all dps heroes but I'd have to be Bill Gates to pull that off effectively.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by R267919473 View Post
                  Well, let me just say Thunderclap joint/partner skill is currently broken. That 50% counter lets you trigger your equipment skills with each counter, including Loki Staff's 12% health recovery. In one turn I countered twice and did one regular attack, so that's 36% health recovery just that one turn.
                  well, itll get fixed. i hope you wont flame when that happens, cus weapon heals you fer 12% of yer HP ONCE PER TURN, so you cant recover 36% in one turn.
                  League of Angels

                  S94 Lonewind Forest
                  Magus Rynd


                  • #10
                    i am curious with joint skill - Star Splendor,,, it said it doesnt need rage.
                    so what i want to know if this joint skill will triggered every turn or need initial skill triggered first ?


                    • #11
                      poor rate for mythic and celestial book from drawing it with 900 dia.
                      i just get 2 books of Thunder Storm and the other 8 books just epic and legendary skill books
                      so if you want to collecting 50 mythic books its gonna be long lol

                      since it cost 900 dia, its not worth to draw !


                      • #12
                        and for that thunder clap skill,,, will it trigger to counter if we dodge the attack ?
                        will this skill become useless for dodge builder or againts dodge builder ?


                        • #13
                          well you can use sands of time for high DMG and 100% HIT.Blazing arrow for ignoring DEF.dream Blessing if you want a rage party but hate building up AC.Dwine warstrike for back row or Fantom can use Shadowstrike its like tornado blow just you can build it up for more DMG..and there are countles more options but these are my favorite.
                          Server:S35 Asraels Grasp


                          • #14
                            ^^ Any recommendations Tyler?

                            I was thinking blazing arrow to sands of time/dark arrow but not sure on finisher. This would be for damage dealing.


                            • #15
                              i don't know what type of skyls to choose. full damage , full defensive or 50/50

