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Game Bullying

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  • Game Bullying

    We need a better way to protect ourself in raid... I have a bully that attacks me up to 10 x daily... I use the 1hour protection .. but he just waits for the hr to expire then attacks me again.

    I do not mind attacks, but i do not like to be bullied, singled out, harrased, or ganged up on.... Which Hotdog from Wild Heart is guilty of all four.

    maybe an 8 hr protection, that costs diamonds... so it is not abused.
    or maybe put a limit on the number of attacks that a person can attack you in raid.

    Game bulling is never a good thing for online gaming, people get tired and quit, which is not good for the community....
    Also not good for the developers.... as is loss of revenue.

    I have to much invested in the game, and will never quit... But I also know im not the only one in LOA being bullied, another guild mate is also by the same person.... and im sure there is alot more that are being bullied as well on other servers.

    Attached below you will see the bully going on.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	raid chest 1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	133.1 KB
ID:	1762660Click image for larger version

Name:	raid chest.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	141.0 KB
ID:	1762659
    Please help in this matter.

    Thank you

  • #2
    Not sure about R2 policy. But GTA unless it's verbal abuse with screenshot proof, they will say it's all part of the game and not do anything about it. Maybe you can talk to the player politely and nicely? Most of the time if this is not malicious against you they will stop once you ask them.

    If it is malicious then it will show up in the convo and you can screenshot it and then R2 might be able to help in that case?
    This is Eisia


    • #3
      As far as I remember, if you don't provide screen-shots with him insulting or using inappropiate language on wc/pm/etc, we can't do anything.
      Each player is free to attack anyone as many times as they wish.
      10 free attacks, then that person can buy 10/20 more and keep attacking that person, it's part of the game.
      Last edited by Gurothos; 12-13-2014, 07:09 PM.

      It's the first hour, of the first day
      It's hard without you, I cannot lie
      You were everything, and could have been
      It's the first summer, of the first year
      Today only rain, knocks on my window
      And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

      I fail to emerge
      It's a universe, that wants me to get off
      Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

      It's the first night, when I feel cold
      Your arms can no longer warm me
      A cold soul, I cannot love.


      • #4
        Wow, you are in luck with that Hotdog. Too bad nothing can be done.


        • #5
          he is 2nd in com.. he has alot of choices to attack.. he is doing it because we finally are able to beat his guild in TC...... and as he stated when i asked him..........

          " Because I can" that is his reply.


          • #6
            Originally posted by blowbuck View Post
            he is 2nd in com.. he has alot of choices to attack.. he is doing it because we finally are able to beat his guild in TC...... and as he stated when i asked him..........

            " Because I can" that is his reply.
            your right nothing you can do about it ... but he seems like a lame player to always pick the same person you badmouth about him before ?

            ime first in our com and i never atk the same person more then 2 times on a day except when i need to complete something and my time is short then i would take a 3rd atk.
            S69 Foultusk Lair
            IGN Jm4nsk1
            Guild BloodOath
            Alliance BloodOath
            lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


            • #7
              on a pvp mechanics there is no such things as bully -_-"


              • #8
                this game future so nothing can do at all. i i can really understand your stuaion experienced in the past. there was a player he did raid all everywhere on me because i rejected in game marriage offer. i ttired to send ticket but nothing count this as a insult. mine is left the game now . hope you can get stronger and beat thim payback.


                • #9
                  that is not it tyler... but you can think what you want... your opinion no longer matters to me.


                  • #10
                    i have the same problem with 2 players on my server, they both capture me all the time, raid me, plunder my wyrm ,and i know its personal because
                    they could plunder better wyrms when mines running, they are high lvl so they dont have a problem attacking others~ and what was my crime .well i asked a simple question
                    to one of them,and got a nasty insulting message back,and no i wasn't rude to them .Some people are just plain twisted .
                    There's nothing much you can do but use your protects in raiders , try n do wrym when the player isn't on ,ask a stronger guildie to give u protection in garden.
                    Best thing you can do is ignore the person,if they see their games are having no effect on you ,they'll soon get fed up.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jm4nsk1 View Post
                      your right nothing you can do about it ... but he seems like a lame player to always pick the same person you badmouth about him before ?

                      ime first in our com and i never atk the same person more then 2 times on a day except when i need to complete something and my time is short then i would take a 3rd atk.
                      i allways attack person with highest ammount of shards and medim chance to raid them, that way feels like it wasnt harm him/her if lost 4-5 shards from stack of 24 or even more
                      S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                      now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                      Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                      UC 27 current server

                      You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gurothos View Post
                        As far as I remember, if you provide screen-shots with him insulting or using inappropiate language on wc/pm/etc, we can't do anything.
                        Each player is free to attack anyone as many times as they wish.
                        10 free attacks, then that person can buy 10/20 more and keep attacking that person, it's part of the game.
                        You mean you can do something if he does provide screenshots of that said player insulting him? or R2 won't do anything even if the convo is recorded as screenshot and involves insult.

                        And to OP:
                        I do agree it's not bullying if it's just raiding shards, small server sometimes u really cannot find anyone else to raid. And you are unlucky your playtime is same as this dude.
                        This is Eisia


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by blowbuck View Post
                          he is 2nd in com.. he has alot of choices to attack.. he is doing it because we finally are able to beat his guild in TC...... and as he stated when i asked him..........

                          " Because I can" that is his reply.
                          hahahahaha , he do that after u seize glory at TC? those kid really **** off for sure. his attitude like childhren indeed. this is the word from me, " no matter what he do , the fact he is LOST. and sulking , which the fact U ARE THE WINNER. keep throwing thantrum like that, mean u are the real winner." place it on your mind, its hard but it will made u a gentleman.


                          • #14
                            tbh..i usually hit the same people in Raiders every day....#1 because they always have shards for me #2 because I don't care for them #3 because I can beat them. If they don't show up in my list..i hit others to get my stuff done. In wyrm...I attack purples or golds...unless I am short on time then i take what i can. It's part of the game. Before I got strong the same person raided me every day. He left the game eventually and I got stronger. My only suggestion to you you always do your Raiders the same time of day? Maybe try doing it a different time of day....or different times every day. That might help some.

                            IGN: MizUndrstd
                            Server: s4
                            Guild: HelloKitty


                            • #15
                              If I were him I will keep attacking you too, just to make sure you won't catch up to me, my other reason for attacking could be you're not in the same guild as i am..... so I don't see any bullying here unless it's verbal abuse

