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Which hero should i choose

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  • Which hero should i choose

    Hey everybody,

    Tomorrow (or today depending when this post is read P) i will be buying my first hoc hero. Since i had to save for more then 3 months to get 1 i wont be getting another soon so i want to ask some opinions about it so i can choose wisely.

    My main choices are earthshaker, hecate, light envoy, the new hero mountain king i know nothing aboutso cant consider him unless you all say hes awesome P

    Atm i have djinni, berserker claw, nereida and nether knight in my team (nether knight will be replaced by whichever hero i buy in hoc). I was thinking i could maybe buy light envoy another time since i can try a IRB with astral child/nereida + totem or nereid/astral hunter + totem. But then i still have 2 choices left hecate and earthshaker. I see in tournaments less "top" people seem to be using hecate, i guess due her not being able to heal enough against the dmg that is done ? im lev 68 and prolly never gonna be in "top" player, but would be sad if i had to remove hecate in the near furture after i buy her because she cant keep up with the dmg even tho im a mediocore player.
    And earthshaker ive read hes great in a top team, but i dont have a top team that can smash an opponent in 2 hits P

    So thats my problem in short, so any advices on which hero to pick ? Any input is welcome

  • #2
    Just dont get Hecate... either LE and ES are fine choices (Im leaning for LE for IRB but you need a lot of ** to upgrade her and nereida for an infinite loop).


    • #3
      Get Hecate so I don't have to worry about smart players in my cross-server games. c:
      ...jokes aside Hecate has a place, mostly in two or three-man teams, and she's very strong in the mid-60s, but later she's not going to keep up with damage unless you pour a ton of resources into her. If you plan on going with an IRB, you also won't have a place to put her in your party unless you really want a front-row tank Hecate or something. I think she's decent but situational, and as a free / low spender there's really not much you can do with her.

      Light Envoy isn't a huge help if you don't have a rage loop for her. Without rage boosters, Earthshaker may be more useful because of his 50 rage requirement, but honestly I think most DPS heroes are basically interchangeable early on. I'd go with Light Envoy first and prioritize getting an IRB going - +15 on both LE and Astral Child should work.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kaitsuna View Post
        I'd go with Light Envoy first and prioritize getting an IRB going - +15 on both LE and Astral Child should work.
        I was wondering why you say LE + astral child ? Should i toss out my nereida then ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by R2108792244 View Post
          I was wondering why you say LE + astral child ? Should i toss out my nereida then ?
          Requirements for IRB is any combination of heroes that give you 100 rage per turn. LE+15 and Astral Child+15 will give you that much; so will Nereida+15 and Astral Child+15. If you have LE, she gives a much better buff than Nereida, so I'd replace Nereida with her.

          Eventually, though, you'll probably want to go for LE+21 with Nereida+18, which'll give your entire party 100 rage per turn.


          • #6
            Originally posted by kaitsuna View Post
            Requirements for IRB is any combination of heroes that give you 100 rage per turn. LE+15 and Astral Child+15 will give you that much; so will Nereida+15 and Astral Child+15. If you have LE, she gives a much better buff than Nereida, so I'd replace Nereida with her.

            Eventually, though, you'll probably want to go for LE+21 with Nereida+18, which'll give your entire party 100 rage per turn.
            You can have IRB with Nereida+15 and LE+15 and Blazing Phantom for Nereida partner's skill (though the rage loop is easily broken because you need 3 of them on the field. But since they're all mages and if you can manage to get godly armor on them, they could survive long enough untill you finish your enemy first).

            Therefore I'd recommend getting LE to get IRB asap, ES is awesome but Wolf/Claw still do good with IRB. Hecate, as others said, don't mind her. So you would have a decent party of Main-Nereida-LE-Blazing-Claw.

            After that, you would have a huge boost in WB/GB and especially gauntlet, which will give you tons of golds/guild honors for tons of gems.
            You may also do better in dark abyss thus gives you more blessed stones, and use them to get LE to +21 for a more stable IRB.
            Last edited by Heath2412; 12-15-2014, 12:44 AM.


            • #7
              ever try LE Nere but blazing as backup?


              • #8
                get LE, buy Blazing Phantom and then you'll have infinite rage to do WB, Gauntlet, can be useful in some PvP too.
                Don Juan
                S176 Malefic Court


                • #9
                  my 1st was LE and super glad turned down hec which evey1 was saying was brill now my GW pwns all ppl on my server and 75% of cs i never dy and LE is only +20 atm when hit +21 (a few days) i will go from only 20 or so mil/hit infornt in WB to like 90mil IRB2 is just so so powerful in pve and if get agi on LE/GW high pvp also


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Huntresssss View Post
                    my 1st was LE and super glad turned down hec which evey1 was saying was brill now my GW pwns all ppl on my server and 75% of cs i never dy and LE is only +20 atm when hit +21 (a few days) i will go from only 20 or so mil/hit infornt in WB to like 90mil IRB2 is just so so powerful in pve and if get agi on LE/GW high pvp also
                    What lvl are you and what br? Only 20m in WB for IRBv2 sounds too little. My LE is still upgrade 19 and I do over 100m. What totem are you using?
                    s56 Starcrest Mountains

                    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                    • #11
                      So so far seems best choice would be LE that has been suggested to take from hoc in my case. Also several people have suggested i would take blazing soul in my team since it would work well.
                      so my team would change from djinni, berserker claw, nereida, nether knight and main to ---> berserker claw, nereida, LE, blazing soul and main.

                      This raises a few questions in setup tho, since in my old setup i had my main and nether knight in front for pve to protect my back row (where my healer, nereida and striker was). However now i would have 3 mages, 1 striker and my main, i can put my main in front again but which other hero should i put in front? I guess my common sense would say either blazing soul or claw so LE and nereida can be protected. However if i lose claw early i will lose alot of dmg, so that would leave blazing soul to be put in front ?
                      Any suggestions on this ?

                      I was also considering on perhaps using Glacia and put my main on the dodge spot of the halo for more tankiness, but ive read somewhere that someone said glacia's dodge spot was bugged and that it would give you less dodge or something, the specifics werent given. Anyone know if this is true (or perhaps already fixed) ?
                      Atm i use fortuna as halo angel

                      thanks for the suggestions you all have given so far :-)


                      • #12
                        Nereida has + 17 atm


                        • #13
                          AC LE 1st til u reach the goal.. then inherit AC to.nereida back..


                          • #14
                            tbh i have only inherited angels so far. Is anything lost with inheriting heroes ? (with lost i mean doesnt move to your new hero, but stays on the old one).


                            • #15
                              Personally I think LE would be the strongest hero you can get with the awakening system being released, with using Neredia also, and you can use blazing until you upgrade them high enough you can keep the IRC going for everyone. It will be very strong in PvE and good for PvP also

