hey everybody 
I was reading LE and her evolution's skill description when i saw this line in brackets :
On LE : dragon fury stats will be covered, not including party rage buff.
On her evolution : dragon fury effect will be disabled.
SO dragon fury buff means nereida's buff unless im mistaken. So as far as i can interpret it a bit means for LE that her buff will buff the already buffed stats from your party with nereid'as buff except rage, and for her evolution that nereida's buff will be "canceled" and then LE evolution's buff will be applied ? But that doesnt make much sense for an evolution to be worse then the non-evolved hero so im probably interpreting it wrong.
Any help anyone ?

I was reading LE and her evolution's skill description when i saw this line in brackets :
On LE : dragon fury stats will be covered, not including party rage buff.
On her evolution : dragon fury effect will be disabled.
SO dragon fury buff means nereida's buff unless im mistaken. So as far as i can interpret it a bit means for LE that her buff will buff the already buffed stats from your party with nereid'as buff except rage, and for her evolution that nereida's buff will be "canceled" and then LE evolution's buff will be applied ? But that doesnt make much sense for an evolution to be worse then the non-evolved hero so im probably interpreting it wrong.
Any help anyone ?
