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Rose Event

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  • Rose Event

    I have a character on UA8, he is an archer, Level 44 and I have not activated his VIP. I find it upsetting that I cannot send more then 3 packs of 9 roses at a time. Honestly, I think non-VIPS should be able to send as many packs as they want. If you want people to have fun in the game, at least give them something instead of the ability to send more then 3 packs. Because honestly, you don't really get anything to help with your character out of three packs. I have already voiced this concern to GM VetKali on S231 and she understands where I am coming from. Please get back to me on this suggestion, I would love to know the decision or what moderators think of it. -DevilsDemon21
    Last edited by DevilsDemon21; 12-16-2014, 03:06 AM. Reason: misspelling of the word "on"

  • #2
    yeah would be nice if we can send more packs .. not asking for those 99 and 999 packs just if vip0 can send multiple number of 9 roses


    • #3
      and yeah everyone create 100 account recharge on everyone 1 dias from offer and "Voila" have 100k roses and win the event do you think that its nice?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Tzapasa View Post
        and yeah everyone create 100 account recharge on everyone 1 dias from offer and "Voila" have 100k roses and win the event do you think that its nice?
        Yeah, but do you really think that anybody is going to take the time to make 100 accounts?


        • #5
          yes plenty of ppl would only takes like 30 min to make 1 acc and only 5 min next day to send rose and bam auto win nice rose prize


          • #6
            Aha .. regarding that .. i think u will get banned if u send too many roses from ur alt account to urself and someone complains about it .. Something in TOS said like U can create multiple account but u cannot exploit them


            • #7
              but it can b rly hard to prove that they r ur alts if u never tell any1 ur doin it


              • #8
                Originally posted by Huntresssss View Post
                but it can b rly hard to prove that they r ur alts if u never tell any1 ur doin it
                R2 will know. Same IP address. And saying you have 100 brothers and sisters who all share the same computer but have different accs is kinda stupid.

                By the way, if you accivate vip, even trial vip, after it expires you will be able to send unlimited 9, 99, 365
                Beserker lvl 73
                980K BR
                Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                Guild: Legendary

                Lilya Lita
                Mystic lvl 72
                1.1M BR
                Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ShiraBrie View Post
                  R2 will know. Same IP address. And saying you have 100 brothers and sisters who all share the same computer but have different accs is kinda stupid.

                  By the way, if you accivate vip, even trial vip, after it expires you will be able to send unlimited 9, 99, 365
                  u can just say that u are on a internet cafe and the second part its true :P


                  • #10
                    Yea but agree about rising. maybe not too much but for players that play long enough to reach VIP1 or VIP2 while never get the trial VIP I think they deserve a raise. Maybe up to 10x9roses per day? Cause the rewards good and they need the resources.

                    For now the solution just sacrifice free diamonds (they lately generous) to get 1 month VIP and get unlimited attempt permanently.
                    Originally posted by Henry Miller
                    There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



                    • #11
                      Even those that are not rechargeing for VIP have the chance to activate VIP4 due FREE DIA giveaway .. this thread is ...

