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More Vouchers!

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  • More Vouchers!

    Recently are coming out of many events that require the use of vouchers, but I and many of my server we have very few. I believe that most of the players agree that we need more opportunities to have vouchers. too few receive from cs, not to mention the prismatich wheel .... only two laps for vouchers where if you're not lucky win 400 vouchers -_-. we need more ways to earn vouchers!

  • #2
    But if you are lucky, you get 20k vouchers.......... -_-"

    I dont know why you said too few vouchers, one day you get about 1000 vouchers. You must be spending them at vouchers shop/domination, thats why you dont have enough i guess. If you saved them, you should have more than enough for all the events.

    Sorry if i offended you, but that is the fact.


    • #3
      lol you not offend me ^^ ...ok you,with 1k vouchers can open skill book cheast and buy energy for craft master? i cant just because im not lucky in game,from wheel max i won was 800 vouchers never saw 10k vouchers -_- i think we have too low chance to get vouchers. i talk about me, but seams is same for lot player on my server


      • #4
        Originally posted by Norman818181 View Post
        But if you are lucky, you get 20k vouchers.......... -_-"

        I dont know why you said too few vouchers, one day you get about 1000 vouchers. You must be spending them at vouchers shop/domination, thats why you dont have enough i guess. If you saved them, you should have more than enough for all the events.

        Sorry if i offended you, but that is the fact.
        i bet you must be a newbie
        what we can do with 1k vouchers and 450 voucher from cs everyday ????
        i spent my 20k vouchers in 3 days to draw a lot of skill book
        and now we need more vouchers for crafting events dumb !
        dont comment if you know nothing !


        • #5
          sorry,, not mean to be rude but i am in bad mood and very upset because they remove fushion gems from tarots rewards


          • #6
            alright, Ill help settle this right now. You dont NEED vouchers, you WANT vouchers. You DONT have to use 10k vouchers to buy max skill books everyday, you DONT have to spend vouchers to get extra angel quiz vouchers, you DONT have to use vouchers for crafting event, you DONT have to use vouchers to buy more Daric.

            The fact of the matter is you WANT more vouchers just so you can advance faster because it is an easy shortcut. You get free books everyday, you get free energy everyday. Every day you are given plenty free, including vouchers.

            Although more vouchers would be nice, it is definitely not a NEED and requesting it as such is just being greedy and to me its the same as asking for free lvl 99 account with all heros max lvl max dia's max forge max equips max everything.

            Instead of being so wasteful with your vouchers start to save them up to be used strategically for what you feel absolutely must have. The purpose of vouchers is to assist in getting things to help with dia sales, not to take over for them.


            • #7
              The story is not the person to want is the need, there are many things to do with a relatively small amount of vouchers you earn per day.
              There could come talk prismatc the wheel, but it's no use having 10,000 vouchers if the chance is extremely low and most of the time for the 200 or 300.
              Yes, we NEED more ways to get vouchers.


              • #8
                Why do you need more vouchers? So you can be sure to participate in every single event that comes by that requries them? Last I checked they were a free bonus given to get some items that at times gives the same benefit as dia's can give. Explain to me how NEEDING something that is given free is required to be increased?

                Ive been able to do just about everything event wise thats come out for the last several months and have yet to go under 10k vouchers. But I'm also smart and dont waste all my vouchers on things like buying max skill books every day. I get the free ones then use my brain to trade for skills I actually need and will get other skills in time when I get to a point where itll take forever to get awakening levels. If your smart and actually plan things and dont throw vouchers like dollar bills in a strip club then youd have plenty to spend when something you actually must have comes around. This isnt need, this is purely a want (greed) because you want to do max everything everyday.


                • #9
                  also the voch shop will make u run outa voch rly quickly so might wanan avoid that XD


                  • #10
                    it cost 900 voucher to buy energy at craft event
                    we also need vouchers to draw skill books,
                    and we dont have other events yet like merchant or any events that cost vouchers, and for they who need to host feast and wedding party everyday,,, with the voucher we got everyday,,, its not enough anymore

                    all i want to say is we need to get more voucher daily,,, i am not asking 10k vouchers lol
                    and yes with 1450 max voucher daily, we can choose where and how many we use our vouchers
                    but its really not enough and is it wrong to ask more vouchers ?

                    whats wrong with you lol
                    if you satisfied with current daily voucher you got, its your problem
                    but i believe most players will need more daily vouchers because more things cost more vouchers lately, not several months ago dumb.
                    Last edited by seleneguo; 12-19-2014, 08:48 AM.


                    • #11
                      Great idea, we do really need more vouchers. For now things seems good but will be awful when group buy comes and we need even more vouchers to shop.
                      Originally posted by Henry Miller
                      There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
                        alright, Ill help settle this right now. You dont NEED vouchers, you WANT vouchers. You DONT have to use 10k vouchers to buy max skill books everyday, you DONT have to spend vouchers to get extra angel quiz vouchers, you DONT have to use vouchers for crafting event, you DONT have to use vouchers to buy more Daric.

                        The fact of the matter is you WANT more vouchers just so you can advance faster because it is an easy shortcut. You get free books everyday, you get free energy everyday. Every day you are given plenty free, including vouchers.

                        Although more vouchers would be nice, it is definitely not a NEED and requesting it as such is just being greedy and to me its the same as asking for free lvl 99 account with all heros max lvl max dia's max forge max equips max everything.

                        Instead of being so wasteful with your vouchers start to save them up to be used strategically for what you feel absolutely must have. The purpose of vouchers is to assist in getting things to help with dia sales, not to take over for them.
                        LOOOL asking vouchers is not the same with being greedy. With the new feature they release that require vouchers, it is just normal to ask for extra. This is SUGGESTION and FEEDBACK place! I will wait for your thread protesting about too much vouchers given IF they really do give more. And extra vouchers is great suggestion IMO!
                        Originally posted by Henry Miller
                        There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by seleneguo View Post
                          it cost 900 voucher to buy energy at craft event
                          we also need vouchers to draw skill books,
                          and we dont have other events yet like merchant or any events that cost vouchers, and for they who need to host feast and wedding party everyday,,, with the voucher we got everyday,,, its not enough anymore

                          all i want to say is we need to get more voucher daily,,, i am not asking 10k vouchers lol
                          and yes with 1450 max voucher daily, we can choose where and how many we use our vouchers
                          but its really not enough and is it wrong to ask more vouchers ?

                          whats wrong with you lol
                          if you satisfied with current daily voucher you got, its your problem
                          but i believe most players will need more daily vouchers because more things cost more vouchers lately, not several months ago dumb.
                          You are seriously Dumb and Greedy. Who asked you to use them on skill books, vouchers shop, Feast and wedding?

                          What you are asking for is like GIVE ME EVERYTHING so that i can upgrade. Why dont you ask them to give more Bless stones and etc? Everyday i dont have enough bless stone and etc for upgrade. why not give me 10k everyday. That is what you are asking for same for vouchers. Noobish.


                          • #14
                            Ppl want/NEED more vauchers becouse several things were added that REQUIRES vauchers to use it. If there was a lover limit, ppl prob would ask for more, but not that much. Sure, u dont HAVE to get more, and just use what u got already, but it will take u a LOT more time to do it, and ppl with dia will have yet another enormas advantage, realy, do i have to say more?
                            With new skills for heroes (thet uses bles stones) and new Avaken skils, if u dont folow, ur out. Done, finito. Can not even do PVE properly, let alone PVP.
                            Actio and reaction. New stuf to do/upgrade/use, give more resorses. Logic or not?


                            • #15
                              agree on all, we need more vouchers AND more bless stones as well, since there isnt enough of them after hero skills come out, but also too many things that need vouchers comming every day, it is not greed , we just dont have enough to participate not on all events but on just few of them, especialy when major events like tycoon comes out that requires alot of points and you just need to spend all vouchers saved just on shop resources
                              S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                              now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                              Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                              UC 27 current server

                              You are really alive when you have someone to die for

