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Being able to declare sitting account during a short period

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  • Being able to declare sitting account during a short period

    hi, i recieved today while i was logged of a PM from GM Caorthannach saying i'll be ban because i log from many different IP.
    some other persons recieved warning about sharing account based on IP log adress.

    But *** is this Scotland IP that Nira, one of my mate, told me about? i never went in Scotland at all, never logged from here, how R2 can u pretend see me with a scottish IP.
    BTW i am guide and travel planer, i travel a lot and i log from different places all over the world. My girfriend is in romania, i'm in France. when visit her, u'll ban me cause i'll log on same IP as her? i need to declare all my travels to prove that it's me? u are worst than a dictature.
    talk with ppl before pretend sharing account please. noone babysited me. i always play myself.

    and btw, ur sharring account against the Policy is ridiculous, it means ppl cannot go in holidays without loosing power on their char, u imagine how it's difficult for a high BR playing on top crossserver and stay there?

    we are not slave at all.

    you finaly decided to merge us with another server, FINALY. R2 multiply servers without caring of those with only few ppl active. how do u think it's possible to do TA or TD or inferno each day in those conditions when there are less than 50persons playing daily this game any lvl confused. today i admit, one of my mate logged me cause at lunchtime he was uneable to do TA alone cause our server is dying, that's why u (R2) saw a germany IP.
    So now ppl who have a life and still wanna play this game are uneable to play it cause of ur Policy and u reproach them, u prefer see them not attempt events they want because there are not enough ppl present to build ONE team? Stop reproach ppl to do sharing account cause they are obliged to. Ur way of dealing this game make us playing like that.
    Add in ur rules a way to declare a babysitting of an account for a period less than 10-15days, like in other games. U forgot we are humans, not cash only, and ur game isnt our life. think about the way u rule this game before strike us, cause u'll loose all ur clients like this. ALL the top players have been sitted once. u'll ban all the top 100 of each zone?
    stop argue, begin to think would be a good idea comming from R2


  • #2
    lol, i like how you start this out as saying you are innocent and looking for answers and then later on admit that you were doing exactly what you were accused of doing.


    • #3
      Whew....supercasher abt to get banned XD

      P.S, sorry for this post, I agree, just fancied trolling....scroll down for my full apology
      Last edited by ShiraBrie; 12-18-2014, 04:13 PM.
      Beserker lvl 73
      980K BR
      Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
      Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
      Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
      Guild: Legendary

      Lilya Lita
      Mystic lvl 72
      1.1M BR
      Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
      Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
      Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


      • #4
        banned of what? i did nothing wrong, up to u it's normal for a player to try to attempt an event and not being able to do it cause there is noone online?
        who is responsable? R2 or me who helped? u wont makes things change by answering like this. this thread isnt made for gulty or not me, it's made to help us and defend our right to keep playing this game in decent conditions all over the year and face this Policy of more server and ** the old ones they can die.


        • #5
          Hmmm ... i dont understand this problem of login, some of us cant stay late at night to lets say do gauntlets and tc's cause we have to wakeup in the morning and work/work/work .. the idea of someone completeing your tasks not bad at all, iam confused why is considered ilegal. I was playing an older online game where gm's didnt bother with such things all they were looking for was: activity/spending/less bugs+ makeing players happy (a GM/VeT being online few minutes on servers from time to time checking the realm's and answering questions helps). Now i admit this is not that game but still .. the man is playing + paying = let the man enjoy the game without ruining his day with such msg's. I still cant understand from where you inspired yourself when added/created this .. terms of use or policy or whatever !?!
          Last edited by p0lal3la; 12-18-2014, 02:58 PM.


          • #6
            i totaly agree with you nidd ... they should realise we are humans that also have a function irl and not to be treaded as meat.

            some rules are total ******** .... and about topic ... maybe they merge you with 69 ! we are dead .... 10-12ppl in wb
            S69 Foultusk Lair
            IGN Jm4nsk1
            Guild BloodOath
            Alliance BloodOath
            lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


            • #7
              i agree with niddhog we are not robots always 24 hours open game we need work and sleeping, if we not work how you can get a money if we not spend money for this game lol please respect of players, GTA not make a rules like this, i have a friend in GTA sometime him pilot playing him char but GTA it's ok with that not like R2, i already lost a friend in same server beacouse using pilot and now him char already banned, him char (BAL00GA s116 imp parliament)
              Attached Files
              Last edited by RandyMahardika; 12-18-2014, 03:29 PM.
              IGN: Ogami S116 Imp Parliament


              • #8
                Im not saying that its fair or smart, but you agreed to these terms when you clicked accept to play the game whether you wanted to read them or not. There are plenty other people who play properly and dont share accounts and put themselves at a disadvantage so is it fair to them?

                In essence what you are doing is considered cheating since you are breaking the rules, if you want the rules to change you should try to change them first before breaking them. There is always this awesome option called "miss the task for the day instead of breaking rules to finish it". I know that may be a hard concept to grasp, but jsut because an event is held every day doesnt mean you have to complete it. Yes you'll fall behind a little and yes you'll get just a little compared to what you wouldve got fromt he retrieve function, but its better than this risk isnt it?

                I;ve missed all but 1 wb this week due to having a life and I couldve easily had someone run my account to do wb, but I actually like to play fair so I decided to just miss it and enjoy myself instead of risking it.

                If you decide to play with fire there is a chance you'll get burned, should be more careful.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
                  Im not saying that its fair or smart, but you agreed to these terms when you clicked accept to play the game whether you wanted to read them or not. There are plenty other people who play properly and dont share accounts and put themselves at a disadvantage so is it fair to them?

                  In essence what you are doing is considered cheating since you are breaking the rules, if you want the rules to change you should try to change them first before breaking them. There is always this awesome option called "miss the task for the day instead of breaking rules to finish it". I know that may be a hard concept to grasp, but jsut because an event is held every day doesnt mean you have to complete it. Yes you'll fall behind a little and yes you'll get just a little compared to what you wouldve got fromt he retrieve function, but its better than this risk isnt it?

                  I;ve missed all but 1 wb this week due to having a life and I couldve easily had someone run my account to do wb, but I actually like to play fair so I decided to just miss it and enjoy myself instead of risking it.

                  If you decide to play with fire there is a chance you'll get burned, should be more careful.
                  i'm sorry but i dont feel like a slave who should choose between my IRL and the game. when i'm not home during a week on another game i declare the name of the person who will sit me and all is fine cause they know which IP is logging me. once again this thread isnt for my case but to improve their idiot Policy. now a lot a games permit sitting if they are declared to the support. also i want to cheer them to merge more and more server to recover a decent population of active ppl. why merge only 2 server.? lets merge 4-5 at same time. and it will solve any share account. cause serious dont u think it's not normal to be able to attempt an event like TA cause there is too few ppl online at same time to build a team?


                  • #10
                    Yea...I've shared acc's...not this one, so don't go banning me

                    It helps you, your guild...if a friend is making u vip it helps r2, or a group is farming for free gold it helps them.....apart from gullible morons who'll lend their acc's and get blocked out by the person who tricked them obviously.

                    So we have to lose out cos of gullible morons and lazy mods....suck it up guys Sorry for you Niddhog
                    Last edited by ShiraBrie; 12-18-2014, 04:13 PM.
                    Beserker lvl 73
                    980K BR
                    Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                    Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                    Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                    Guild: Legendary

                    Lilya Lita
                    Mystic lvl 72
                    1.1M BR
                    Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                    Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                    Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                    • #11
                      dont be sorry, i'm not banned or anything. all right. just trying to make things change cause i dont see why ppl should choose between IRL and game. we are not only meat or cash cards. we have also rights as gamers (as general term).


                      • #12
                        why would you feel like a slave? Do you absolutely have to make all these events? Gold farming using multiple accounts is the epitamy of cheating and one of the main reasons we'll never have a trade function in this game...

                        If you are at the point that you consider playing this game as a requirement to survive you seriously need mental help. You won't die or be a slave if you miss events from time to time so play it like a game because thats what it is. Its to have fun with your free time, not to schedule your life around and feel cheated if you miss any single event...

                        Also how does making one VIP help them? I cant imagine there are too many people willing to pay cash for another persons account so I can only assume you mean to do surveys to pay dia's for VIP, and how does free dia's from surveys help the company?

                        It really doesnt matter if you agree with me or not because it is the current policy of the game and if you arent following it you are at risk for your own actions.

                        Again, I may not agree that it is right, I travel a lot and am also getting new ip's sometimes multiple times a week so I can understand why you'd like it changed, but if a ban is given under current policy its the fault of the person that broke said policy.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
                          Also how does making one VIP help them? I cant imagine there are too many people willing to pay cash for another persons account so I can only assume you mean to do surveys to pay dia's for VIP, and how does free dia's from surveys help the company?
                          Well me and some friends ever help others by buying VIP so it is possible, we can do it without sharing ID/pass so no sharing needed. And about free diaz, you may get it free but the sponsor pay it so it still counts as helping company even those diaz not from your pocket.

                          Related to the policy, I think every rules always have positive and negative side. I can't say much about about sharing policy cause I never share mine, BUT I have seen sharing sometimes (if not often) useful. Not only for those who needs it but for the helper cause in old servers finding team mate not easy. TA can be done with extra alts but you can't do TD or IF with new alts and rising alt needs months.

                          While about determining how people banned based on IP it just super ridiculous. Stupidest thing related to sharing policy! Many of LoA players are travele (at least 70% I knew are travelers) and holiday season is coming everyone will soon have different IP. We all will get banned? While we're not home we are not allowed to log in?

                          I'm sure I ever read post about different/same IP log in months ago. And 'real' GM confirmed that IP issue won't make you banned. *if I can find that post link I will post again

                          Anyway it just plain stupid if let say you're in Starbucks and wants to play LOA then you have to shout asking if anyone there playing LOA cause you don't wanna get banned for sharing Starbucks' IP


                          • #14
                            i could agree with that, i log mostly from my house, but from time to time i go to visit my parents or my son that lives on different towns than me, sometimes i has problem with my pc, and i go to log from my friend pc, or my work place or even on internet caffe, so if you see my ip adresses isnt same every day i be baned? it should be some way to say -hey it is me just logging from another place- if you log on facebook account or via e-mail address it shouldnt be a problem because it is me or someone hacked my accounts and i will be punished for that?
                            some lvl of rule should be here, but also dont need to be hard on players
                            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                            UC 27 current server

                            You are really alive when you have someone to die for

