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How to report players

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  • How to report players

    RANT REMOVED.. suggest you be a bit more careful, no matter your issues. Dropping fbombs and cussing is a good way to lose the right to post in forums.
    Last edited by CafeAuLait; 12-20-2014, 02:20 AM. Reason: language

  • #2
    Sorry for my rant, i talked to the GM and got things taken care of. was just a lil ticked after losing Rose Event and the same person has won 3-4 times in a row. just find it odd they get Roses from people that have been offline for a week or more, you know why login just to send someone Roses!!!


    • #3
      Jealousy/Covetousness is all about being concerned with other people's blessings rather than yours. But may I tell you this. You shouldn't be concerned with anybody's blessing. Yes, because every living human is blessed. Oh! Yes, it's a matter of mentality. Besides, if not for any other thing/reason. At least, the life you are living presently is being denied to many people out there in the mortuary. At this juncture, I hope you've realized truly you are not expected to covet/jealous anyone for any reason. Thus, go ahead and appreciate whatever you've got currently. And do glorify/thank God almighty who is the sole giver and taker of life/grace/wisdom/insight/every other true blessing.


      • #4
        OMG !!! as well to TS as replyer
        S69 Foultusk Lair
        IGN Jm4nsk1
        Guild BloodOath
        Alliance BloodOath
        lvl 100 BR 43 Mil

