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  • Petition

    Most of players will agree that BR means nothing anymore
    That number become missleading and confusing for all players not just the new ones. Dont know about you, but, for me, i want to know who i am facing on CS, TA or tornament because sometimes dont have enough time to do completely check on everyones stats, it become somehow reasonable on CS with that bonuses for loosing battles , but, being killed from 7-8 lvl lower player with 300k or even more less BR than yours and also killing 4-5 higher lvl and 300k+ higher BR isnt understendable for me anymore.
    Since that massive BR lose few months ago everything looks totaly messed up, so i am suggesting, asking, or what ever you want to call it

    Make BR number show real power of players regardles of their lvl or totaly remove it from all PvP battles and stop to confuse players

    Think that will probably fix some other things too, like unbalanced CS teams or TA that is based on useless numbers that shows nothing

    Thank you all
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for

  • #2
    ummm, TA is based on team level and not BR, so just because you have a higher BR overall you may be facing 2 amazing opponents with 1 weak one. CS ( I believe) matches you up based on you CS battle points (reason I think this is because I won with a good streak lately and am being put against opponents who are way out of my league, and Im lower level and BR than players who are in the weaker opponent CS events).

    BR isn't useless as you claim, but certain builds can overcome BR disadvantages thanks to the benefits that bonuses gives. Also there are high dodge builds that sure you have higher BR and deal more damage, but if you can't land a hit on them they will inevitably win if they can hit you. If you want to know why you lose to lower level BR watch the match to see what it is your lacking that is causing you to lose and start working on a way to overcome that.

    I get beat now by those rage builds sometimes having 400k BR lower than me, but there are really easy ways to beat it that if I set it up they cant beat me no matter how they change their formation, only reason I dislike it is because the formation to beat them is only for them, it is useless for normal opponents in my BR range and for events such as DA and zodiac.

    The place I would say BR has become utterly useless is in PvE. In spire I can beat 7mil+ BR team easy peasy, but in lets go with zodiac, I fight a 2.3mil BR mob that has lower BR than me and cant even kill the first mob. Not to mention the 0 BR mobs in the daily quests. with 0 BR I feel that the vibrations from walking into the battle should cause it to turn to ashes...


    • #3
      i am not mad to lose from someone with different build, i just think that if number exist it must mean something, shows player power not his lvl
      and about your first part, it is exactly what i say- you see your team is like 2.5 mill BR and oposite is 1.9 and your team lose or other team is 2.9 and you win, in both case BR dont mean anything , if BR will be calculated to show players power, in that case mine team BR will be 2.1 and oposite will be 2.2 or even higher
      why just dont put perecntage instead BR number that says you have 60% or 15% chance to win or something like that, i know this is far from possible, but that is just thoughts
      S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
      now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
      Guild - Lunatic Cafe
      UC 27 current server

      You are really alive when you have someone to die for


      • #4
        Think of it this way though. I am 2.2mil BR in TA and my opponent today was 2.8mil BR. I beat them relatively easy for this reason, my overall build vs there's was better.

        They had 3 players with 1mil to 1.2mil hp each and 3 pets all around 700-800k hp, not so strong attack power and quite slow with about average angels (max level, but normal speed and evolve)

        My team has 2 players with over 1.5mil hp and 1 with 300k hp, hecate with 1.3mil hp other 2 heros with 900k hp and 40k hp (lol). My damage was triple or higher to them then theirs to mine and my angels were faster than their main chars.

        So even though they had a 600mil BR they were quite weaker than my main 2 in team.

        So averaging out player BR it would look like this

        2.8mil BR team (theirs)
        Player 1: 1mil BR
        Player 2: 900k BR
        Player 3: 900k BR

        2.2mil BR team (mine)
        Player 1: 1.4mil BR
        Player 2: 700mil BR
        Player 3: 100k BR

        Even though their overall BR is higher, they couldnt touch me in front, their heros all were dead after the second round and I had a hecate healing 500k*2 every single round. You may be fighting an overall weaker "team" but you can't compare team BR or even levels between TA matches because each team will bring 3 unique and individual opponents that you have to face and there arent too many people that when given 1 hero and their main can overcome a 400k+ BR deficit against that main. They hit me for less than 100k with normal attacks and barely over 100k with skills, meaning every round no matter how much damage they do to me if they actually hit me Ill heal for 200k when I attack and then another 500k+ when my hecate heals.

        Hope this shines a little light on why TA can be quite misleading when looking at BR comparisons. If you check out their hp you can tend to get a better idea of what type of BR players your really facing, not exact, but a good estimate. (although archers can be quite OP so with them and their damn shield it changes things a lot...supposed to be low percentage but some people get that shield every single time i attack them >.> )


        • #5
          cross server isnt so big problem because of buffs, and as i says before, sometime i have only few minutes time to do something on breaak or so, dont have time to check all that stats, and also there is some difference betwen classes as well, that also affect BR, same lvl sorcerer in most time isnt strong as hunter and in cloths all look the same, some change in looks betwen classes even in same armor and cloths should help a bit too.

          But in the end, if i need to check this and that everytime why BR exist at all?? That is point here. Is it helps you? Surely it's not helping me
          In CS you know majority of stronger players by name allready so i wont rush on nidhog or punisher na matter how low or high they BR is
          S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
          now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
          Guild - Lunatic Cafe
          UC 27 current server

          You are really alive when you have someone to die for


          • #6
            Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
            Think of it this way though. I am 2.2mil BR in TA and my opponent today was 2.8mil BR. I beat them relatively easy for this reason, my overall build vs there's was better.

            They had 3 players with 1mil to 1.2mil hp each and 3 pets all around 700-800k hp, not so strong attack power and quite slow with about average angels (max level, but normal speed and evolve)

            My team has 2 players with over 1.5mil hp and 1 with 300k hp, hecate with 1.3mil hp other 2 heros with 900k hp and 40k hp (lol). My damage was triple or higher to them then theirs to mine and my angels were faster than their main chars.

            So even though they had a 600mil BR they were quite weaker than my main 2 in team.

            So averaging out player BR it would look like this

            2.8mil BR team (theirs)
            Player 1: 1mil BR
            Player 2: 900k BR
            Player 3: 900k BR

            2.2mil BR team (mine)
            Player 1: 1.4mil BR
            Player 2: 700mil BR
            Player 3: 100k BR

            Even though their overall BR is higher, they couldnt touch me in front, their heros all were dead after the second round and I had a hecate healing 500k*2 every single round. You may be fighting an overall weaker "team" but you can't compare team BR or even levels between TA matches because each team will bring 3 unique and individual opponents that you have to face and there arent too many people that when given 1 hero and their main can overcome a 400k+ BR deficit against that main. They hit me for less than 100k with normal attacks and barely over 100k with skills, meaning every round no matter how much damage they do to me if they actually hit me Ill heal for 200k when I attack and then another 500k+ when my hecate heals.

            Hope this shines a little light on why TA can be quite misleading when looking at BR comparisons. If you check out their hp you can tend to get a better idea of what type of BR players your really facing, not exact, but a good estimate. (although archers can be quite OP so with them and their damn shield it changes things a lot...supposed to be low percentage but some people get that shield every single time i attack them >.> )
            more or less what i thinking, too many ways to build character but only one way to show how strong he is, and that number is useless
            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
            UC 27 current server

            You are really alive when you have someone to die for


            • #7
              I have Main+Claws, LE and AH. +2 more tanks just to die and give a bit more rage (if some boots proc does heywire on my turn of play).
              Main and Claws are about 500k each, AH is 315k, LE is 290k, but a loooot weaker than AH. +2 tanks are 240k total. That comes to about 2M BR total, but, look at how strenght is devided there. The ones responsible for dmg have 1/2 of my total BR. AH and LE are there to "make the engine runing", and try not to die too soon, or engine breaks. Now, if i atack a taem with 500k main, that makes 1.5M left, on 5 heroes, thats 300k each. That, i can tell u, wil go the meat grinder, realy fast and ugly.
              Same with TA. One super strong+2 weak vs 3 strong, wins anyday.
              As Tyler sead, dont look for overall BR, just look stats, and ul do fine.

