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Check in rewards

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  • Check in rewards

    I think it would be nice if we would get each day, when we log in, different prizes, not only after 1,3,10 days...Daily log in prizes would be greatly appreciated, in my opinion

  • #2
    true, and after 20th day is gap till the end of month, like we dont play at that time, i think it should be 1, 5, 10, 21, 29 day at least
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


    • #3
      i agree would be nice to get daily login rewards and like a click n spin reward feature for hours spent online to get extra rewards


      • #4
        I want my 30 time skips at 20 day check in back. Those candys can go ....
        Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


        • #5
          Wow and spin reward for hours spent .. we have time bonus .. candy giveaway will stop at a certain point .. it would be better if daily check will get halfed just to cover the remaining days of the month !?! comeon we getting enough stuff for playingit / spending time.


          • #6
            In Blade Hunter, there's the daily log in rewards ...Thought it would be nice to see it in here, too.


            • #7
              They should definitely add a reward for a 25 and a 30 day check-in.
              Or maybe a daily check-in bonus with increasing rewards for continuous logins or maybe a fixed daily check-in reward.


              • #8
                i agree that there could be a few more prizes at the least... and for the love of god, stop giving us candy as our reward playing, it isn't a reward as we get nothing from it.. only the people who click us get something and that is if it works.. useful items only please
                Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

                S195 Fox's Inn
                Level 85+


                • #9
                  lots of suggestion, still none is implemented, pointless


                  • #10
                    why pointless? i think 40% of the games improvements came from players who care

