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Show guild name of players at garden, clash of might, etc.

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  • Show guild name of players at garden, clash of might, etc.

    Hi guys,

    I'm pretty new to the game (started some weeks ago) and started again at s234, so there are many guild mates I don't know by name. I don't want to enslave or steal harvest from a guild mate, so when I'm in the garden of someone I'd like to know in which guild that player is. Now I would have to write down a list of all guild players every day, because at the moment players change their guild quite often. It would be so easy to do. At the details of each player there could be the name of the guild.

    That would also be great to know in Clash of Might and Arena, or in every players details page.

  • #2
    CoM is typically a free for all and having someone captive in garden doesnt affect them negatively at all so I dont see a reason why anyone needs to cry over being someone elses captive. Stealing crops is the only thing I could see this being a problem in. Arena...arena is personal for everyone so guild also doesnt matter for that.


    • #3
      If a guild member is one of my opponents in arena, I can ask for help to rise in the ranking. For that reason arena is a big matter to me. Also for wyrm race I want my guild members to escort me. And if I'd like to form a team (TA/TD) with players of my guild that would help also. Long for short, it would be great to know every players guild either within the details or next to the name.


      • #4
        Knowing who is from your guild is one of your responsibility as a member, you don't have to be reminded of it every single time. Now the rest is from the other guild, there's nothing simpler than that.
        Last edited by Blackofblackest; 01-02-2015, 05:35 AM. Reason: ...


        • #5
          1. arena - when you see opponents you can easily look in list to see if any of them are in guild, or click their name and then "view details" and youll be able to see all their info including guild when you do.
          2. wyrm race - you can only select people in your friends list so an easy way to start remembering guild members is by adding them as friends, also if you speak in guild chat something such as "anyone free to escort" youll typically get your top players to respond because they enjoy the gold. Other option if you arent married yet is to have the person you want as spouse to escort you for the intimacy.
          3. TA/TD - when the event starts its much easier to ask in guild if someone needs anyone for team because itll be a lot easier to get a response then to jump in anyones team solely because they are in your guild. Sometimes that person will kick you because they are waiting for another to join, then youll get upset a guild member kicked you and depending on personalities either all is forgiven or tempers flair (lots of minor possible annoyances)...just easier to ask.

          Its not that I see anything actually wrong with this suggestion, but it really isnt that hard to solve all your mentioned problems without a few seconds of effort or actually communicating in your guild as opposed to the possible 100 new bugs that would come along if they added this in an update


          • #6
            I just didn't see the guild info within "view details", thanks a lot! With that found the need for guild info is not that important anymore. I'll just not steal any crops until I know my guilds members better.


            • #7
              Time will solve this problem of yours without needing update for such .. in less then 2 months the server will lose 50% of players and so'on .. sadly people think that playing this game for 1..2 months will be enough to rock the LOA world .. others giveup cause getting bored or not being able to take the challenge with others .. time.. time.. time..


              • #8
                lol and lmao but very true
                S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                UC 27 current server

                You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                • #9
                  the enslave thing is a joke anyway, enslave whoever and when enslaved, deal with it no matter who it is by
                  Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

                  S195 Fox's Inn
                  Level 85+

