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Hero Q's (Once again)

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  • Hero Q's (Once again)

    Okay, at present i have Beserker Claws, Demon Huntress, Djinni, and Night Sentinel. I am a lvl 67 beserker.
    I have 2300 orangesouls and both Valkyrie and Astral Hunter Souls.

    I have 600 rubysouls and am aiming for Neredia.

    I am 1/10 the way to Lunar priestess/Hecate XD Long time before I see her of them.

    I want to know if I should replace Demon Huntress, Djnni, and NS with valk, astral, and nere.
    I want to know which of LP or Hecate I should get if i use the above build, and once I am lvl 70, which of these 5 heros I should deploy as the backup hero and which four to use in party.
    And lastly, out of Vienna (majestic) , Fortuna (majestic, 1/4 to unearthly), Isolde (mythic), (See sig for these angels lvls) Amora, Nyssa, Claudia, Aeode and Glacia (All between lvl 20 and 50), who is best for deploy, main ga, and other ga's.

    I am sick of wondering about these and decided to just ask XD much appreciate any help given.
    Last edited by ShiraBrie; 01-01-2015, 08:33 PM.
    Beserker lvl 73
    980K BR
    Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
    Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
    Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
    Guild: Legendary

    Lilya Lita
    Mystic lvl 72
    1.1M BR
    Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
    Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
    Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni

  • #2
    Based on current progress of the game. Don't get LP or hecate. Wait for dragon singer. She heals much better. If you must have a healer for some reason before then, use main.

    Replace almost everything except claw. Get IRB1 and then IRB2. IF for some reason you want to be different and dont want IRB, then idk? do whatever? Anything goes...

    Valk or any other warrior is a good sub for before u get IRB2 and ES/another striker type that you wish to use in place.

    For deployment, Glacia/Claudia before you get 100% hit angels for light/non-casher like yourself.

    For GA, refer to hunuot's GA post (cant spell his name) for choice...I think that post is one of the most helpful one in a long time lol XD.
    This is Eisia


    • #3
      I guess that using a heal skill on your main really depends on the class, cause I found it not very effective on sorc...especially for main rage skill...I have no idea why they put a heal skill on main serves better as a partner or final skill.
      [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
      [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
      League of Angels
      [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
      Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
      Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

      That being said character names in games I play is Solariai


      • #4
        OK will wait for Dragon Singer wasn't keen on either of them at present I guess I would use her as backup behind IRB if I ever got her?

        IRB to my memory is Astral Child, Neredia, Astral Hunter and Striker (BC or valk? ES is good but can't get him for along time), but I don't know which of the two IRB's this is or what the other one is?

        With the angels why Glacia/Claudia in particular? Why not say Isolde with the extra bit of her skill despite being worst angel of her lvl, or Fortuna with her stats? I think Glacia's the one with good dodge, but I used her as a majestic angel for while, with a majestic vienna for my min's GA, but I lost about 10k br and 5 CoM places :P

        I have no idea what I'm talking about, so these are probably rather noobish suggestions :P ty for replying

        P.S I am ignoring awakening at present, since I no knowledge of it. But I guess that it where I could get a healing skill that isn't from a hero.
        Last edited by ShiraBrie; 01-01-2015, 03:29 PM.
        Beserker lvl 73
        980K BR
        Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
        Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
        Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
        Guild: Legendary

        Lilya Lita
        Mystic lvl 72
        1.1M BR
        Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
        Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
        Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


        • #5
          Originally posted by ShiraBrie View Post
          OK will wait for Dragon Singer wasn't keen on either of them at present I guess I would use her as backup behind IRB if I ever got her?

          IRB to my memory is Astral Child, Neredia, Astral Hunter and Striker (BC or valk? ES is good but can't get him for along time), but I don't know which of the two IRB's this is or what the other one is?

          With the angels why Glacia/Claudia in particular? Why not say Isolde with the extra bit of her skill despite being worst angel of her lvl, or Fortuna with her stats? I think Glacia's the one with good dodge, but I used her as a majestic angel for while, with a majestic vienna for my min's GA, but I lost about 10k br and 5 CoM places :P

          I have no idea what I'm talking about, so these are probably rather noobish suggestions :P ty for replying

          P.S I am ignoring awakening at present, since I no knowledge of it. But I guess that it where I could get a healing skill that isn't from a hero.
          Typical IRB1 is Astral Child + Nereida both at +15 evo standing backrow. Gives 100 rage backrow and 45 rage front row.

          Typical IRB2 is Nereida +18 and LE +21 evo standing anywhere. Gives full party 100 rage.

          AH and DH can be useful too to make IRB variations. As long as you can make a rage loop feeding on itself.

          Yes, healing skills come from awakening.

          Both Glacia/Claudia give dodge halo spots (Claudia spot is even better than Glacia esp with where the spot is). For light casher/non-casher, efficiency on resources and PvE always comes anything in between these two angels and 100% hit angels I personally don't care about, but you might find them useful depending on your own situation since idk about your in-server environment and idk about your complete build.
          This is Eisia


          • #6
            Originally posted by uxu4n View Post
            Both Glacia/Claudia give dodge halo spots (Claudia spot is even better than Glacia esp with where the spot is).
            I'm curious! ...and I have a tendency to derail threads with unrelated questions.
            Why is Claudia's spot location better than Glacia's? Usually front middle seems to get attacked more than any other spot, since the other team's middle member and whichever of top / bottom doesn't have a front-row target lined up with them both attack that spot. So I can see front middle being a good spot to put a 50-50 dragonsoul warrior sacrifice, and using main front top for the dodge halo bonus, but if you have a hero who isn't a sacrifice in your front row, wouldn't you want to put them front top so they live a tiny bit longer? Or am I neglecting to account for first-turn ES targetting front top + back bottom if everyone's at the same health?

            Not very good at party formations so I figure I'd take this moment to learn. >.>


            • #7
              Originally posted by kaitsuna View Post
              I'm curious! ...and I have a tendency to derail threads with unrelated questions.
              Why is Claudia's spot location better than Glacia's? Usually front middle seems to get attacked more than any other spot, since the other team's middle member and whichever of top / bottom doesn't have a front-row target lined up with them both attack that spot. So I can see front middle being a good spot to put a 50-50 dragonsoul warrior sacrifice, and using main front top for the dodge halo bonus, but if you have a hero who isn't a sacrifice in your front row, wouldn't you want to put them front top so they live a tiny bit longer? Or am I neglecting to account for first-turn ES targetting front top + back bottom if everyone's at the same health?

              Not very good at party formations so I figure I'd take this moment to learn. >.>
              You just gave the reason...for light cashers/non cashers, that claudia spot is so much better...
              This is Eisia


              • #8
                Good to know my logical thinking facilities are still intact. c: Thanks for reading my wall of text and confirming that ~

                I stopped running a warrior sacrifice because people started using all backrow attacks and my Rose Knight wouldn't even die before Nereida's turn to go, haha. ;c


                • #9
                  You could use another striker..


                  • #10
                    So if I continued with Neredia, BC, astral and Valk, and changed LP/Hecate project to LE, and used valk as minor backup at lv 70, would that be better? And put my current angel resources into my lvl 42 mythic Claudia rather than lvl 39 epic Isolde? And placed Vienna on best hero (BC), keeping Fortuna on main, and putting Amora, Isolde, Aeode, and Nyssa on on other heros and backup, what that that be a good setup?

                    If it is expect halo questions and gem questions next Thank you for explaining IRB lol
                    Last edited by ShiraBrie; 01-01-2015, 08:39 PM.
                    Beserker lvl 73
                    980K BR
                    Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                    Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                    Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                    Guild: Legendary

                    Lilya Lita
                    Mystic lvl 72
                    1.1M BR
                    Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                    Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                    Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ShiraBrie View Post
                      So if I continued with Neredia, BC, astral and Valk, and changed LP/Hecate project to LE, and used valk as minor backup at lv 70, would that be better? And put my current angel resources into my lvl 42 mythic Claudia rather than lvl 39 epic Isolde? And placed Vienna on best hero (BC), keeping Fortuna on main, and putting Amora, Isolde, Aeode, and Nyssa on on other heros and backup, what that that be a good setup?

                      If it is expect halo questions and gem questions next Thank you for explaining IRB lol
                      If by astral you mean astral child, then yes. Eventually you will want to inherit astral child/nereida into nereida/LE using whatever order you would like to do it as.

                      Valk can be used as a sacrifice before IRB2 and sub-tank/sub-striker while you work on getting ES after you get IRB2 (both warrior types, so everything inherits perfectly).

                      The choice of focusing on main or claw is dependent on you. I would get main to be dodgy and meaty for tanking at the very least tho.

                      Deployed angels dont actually need evolution until you get to 100% hit angels because they don't usually hit/deal enough damage to anything important anyway (esp so for light/non-cashers if you also want good GAs). Much better off just leave the seraphs for GAs.

                      My Glacia was at 5 star for the longest time and 7 star only because i got extra celestial/majestic mark that i dont want to use on my 6th GA (originally I even regretted getting her to even 5 stars...wasteful).
                      This is Eisia


                      • #12
                        i'd say glacia is better halo positioning (or maybe adeode if u wont hit on ur main to u know hit ppl) cuz for rage build both 1 and 2 u want a high dodge high hp main in front row to soak dam wile bk row feed rage to GW to kill there bk row quickly then kill there front row b4 main dy or any bk row to keep rage loop goin. with awakening ur main getting fed rage also helps to have high dam and use main rage more allowing to giv less rage out cuz a rage att gives 0 rage when hitting so u live longer as they use less rage att

                        i have completed IRB2 myself and it is rather op


                        • #13
                          Don't get any healer... you don't really need it, you better get a striker like ES, I was in your situation long time ago, wondering about Hecate, but I changed my mind and I got ES, and now he's a beast, and he can kill everything. Any healer have no chances vs ES or his evolved version Hercules...
                          The feeling when my ES kills 1kk+ hp Hecate and ofc a strong main is awesome
                          Anyway, odin's blade regenerate a lot of health and if your dodge is high you don't need any more health. My opinion... high dodge + hit on main and around 15k hit on ES and there you go, Hecate is useless in pvm where now there's rounds limit.. I survive a lot ( my hp is full in Eternal Spire ) but I can't kill monsters in time ( 31 rounds ).
                          Trust me, you won't regret a striker like ES instead of a healer he's the best main-char killer, even better than your main.
                          So I read that you can't get him now, but trust me, you better wait for him and till than, work on your Claw, he's also crazy, you need damage, not hp now..
                          I have an enemy in CoM he's a casher and he got Hecate + LE + Nereida + berserker if I'm right. Hecate have about ~900k hp and heals his party pretty good, but me with shadowstrike and my ES, are taking down he's team members 1 by 1. ( me ~600k dmg with shadowstrike and my ES finish the opponent so, it's very easy )
                          That's just my opinion
                          A healer can't heal the damage inflicted by a striker like ES, only if your Healer is OP... so if you are a big a$$ casher but again, if you are a big casher, you better spend your money on ES, and kill enemies, before they kill you.
                          And for me, Aoede is the best angel as deployed : Me on Hit, ES and Berserker on ATK, Nereida on Agility and Djinii on HP ( to take first hit which most time is a skill so it's a sacrifice hero ) and you can see that I don't use any healer.
                          P.S: Sorry for my bad English
                          Last edited by g0d~afk; 01-03-2015, 03:10 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by g0d~afk View Post
                            Don't get any healer... you don't really need it, you better get a striker like ES, I was in your situation long time ago, wondering about Hecate, but I changed my mind and I got ES, and now he's a beast, and he can kill everything. Any healer have no chances vs ES or his evolved version Hercules...
                            The feeling when my ES kills 1kk+ hp Hecate and ofc a strong main is awesome
                            Anyway, odin's blade regenerate a lot of health and if your dodge is high you don't need any more health. My opinion... high dodge + hit on main and around 15k hit on ES and there you go, Hecate is useless in pvm where now there's rounds limit.. I survive a lot ( my hp is full in Eternal Spire ) but I can't kill monsters in time ( 31 rounds ).
                            Trust me, you won't regret a striker like ES instead of a healer he's the best main-char killer, even better than your main.
                            So I read that you can't get him now, but trust me, you better wait for him and till than, work on your Claw, he's also crazy, you need damage, not hp now..
                            I have an enemy in CoM he's a casher and he got Hecate + LE + Nereida + berserker if I'm right. Hecate have about ~900k hp and heals his party pretty good, but me with shadowstrike and my ES, are taking down he's team members 1 by 1. ( me ~600k dmg with shadowstrike and my ES finish the opponent so, it's very easy )
                            That's just my opinion
                            A healer can't heal the damage inflicted by a striker like ES, only if your Healer is OP... so if you are a big a$$ casher but again, if you are a big casher, you better spend your money on ES, and kill enemies, before they kill you.
                            And for me, Aoede is the best angel as deployed : Me on Hit, ES and Berserker on ATK, Nereida on Agility and Djinii on HP ( to take first hit which most time is a skill so it's a sacrifice hero ) and you can see that I don't use any healer.
                            P.S: Sorry for my bad English
                            with the new awakening system, once main gets ES skill then main is by far better. Main and es both with same skill will be deadly


                            • #15
                              Is very hard to get ES's skill, you need a very very looooong time to get it... or.. some $$$

