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Absolutely appalling matchmaking

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  • Absolutely appalling matchmaking

    Considering the fact that League of angels has been out for over a year now, and they have made absolutely zero changes to making team arena somewhat of a fair fight for the most part. You could get people 1-2m battle rating below you or above you and you could win 10 in a row or lose 10 in a row. I go with random people and friends and the matches are nowhere near fair more than half the time, the outcome is all ready predictable and it makes team arena more of a dull, task that yields very little if any reward. The matching at least in team arena in this game is some of the worst I have ever seen. And not only that, but the same could be said for Wartune and it makes one think if R2 doesn't care or wants it to be set-up that way. Either way, it is absolutely ridiculous.

  • #2
    just one button will change it complitly, especialy for long battles over 20 turns that usualy cause lag
    so add skip button that we can end long fight
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


    • #3
      from what i`ve understood they can`t add a skip button due to fact that TA is CS(dunno why since tournament matches are CS and u can skip them but oh well)
      as for the topic starter the only way to "balance" TA would be a MMR system(match making rating) where u gain some rating when u win a match and u lose some when u lose a match . other than that i don`t see how it could get balanced(aint working Lvl based , won`t work br based)


      • #4
        ya if did bR based then could get 2 ppl with rly low BR and 1 person uber high and farm 10 easy wins.. even easier than high lvl and 2 low lvl


        • #5
          guys if you wanna skip the battles just refresh when the fight starts and then make a new party open right away. it works just fine.


          • #6
            It's fairly easy to set-up a balanced system. In fact most games have it or the option to increase the difficulty or challenges basically. The fact that you can all ready tell who is going to win most of the time before a person even attacks is what makes team arena so bad. The fight should be a surprise for the most part and it should be a ballpark estimate of matching with somewhat close br. Sure it doesn't need to be exact, but it should at least be fair once in awhile if not most of the time. The current matching is so poor that it will pair you against opponents that can solo your whole team, and that's just 1 of them and vice versa. Sure it feels great when your on the winning end of things but its even better when the matches were actually fun and enjoyably.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Learnasugrow View Post
              It's fairly easy to set-up a balanced system. In fact most games have it or the option to increase the difficulty or challenges basically. The fact that you can all ready tell who is going to win most of the time before a person even attacks is what makes team arena so bad. The fight should be a surprise for the most part and it should be a ballpark estimate of matching with somewhat close br. Sure it doesn't need to be exact, but it should at least be fair once in awhile if not most of the time. The current matching is so poor that it will pair you against opponents that can solo your whole team, and that's just 1 of them and vice versa. Sure it feels great when your on the winning end of things but its even better when the matches were actually fun and enjoyably.
              Except BR isnt a deciding factor at all. I beat people sometimes 1mil+ BR over my team in TA and there are times where teams 300k+ BR below beat my team. Theres a little luck but if you get your team setup right there is always a chance to overcome higher BR teams.


              • #8
                Yes unbalanced teams, but when its unbalanced in your favour u dont mind do you? And besides remember that when its unbalanced against you, its in favour of someone else.

                Sure its not fair but...whatever. But skip button WOULD be good.
                Beserker lvl 73
                980K BR
                Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                Guild: Legendary

                Lilya Lita
                Mystic lvl 72
                1.1M BR
                Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni


                • #9
                  From a rewards perspective, Win or Lose doesn't matter nearly as much as just getting your attempts completed. So I don't care so much about the team balancing, but i do care that it as time goes on, it is taking longer and longer for the battles to complete.


                  • #10
                    For low lvls -70 TA is decent but from there i dont even know on what to spend the drgonbadges ... the cherub to make is a verry long path ... seraps yeah but they are only 20 .. then what else?


                    • #11
                      Just reload your browser as soon as the battle starts. Then recreate the team and go again. Rinse and repeat. No need to watch the battles


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kumpy1 View Post
                        Just reload your browser as soon as the battle starts. Then recreate the team and go again. Rinse and repeat. No need to watch the battles
                        That is absolutely pointless. Why would I ever want to refresh and regroup every single battle? Talk about time consuming and unnecessary.

                        Originally posted by ShiraBrie View Post
                        Yes unbalanced teams, but when its unbalanced in your favour u dont mind do you? And besides remember that when its unbalanced against you, its in favour of someone else.

                        Sure its not fair but...whatever. But skip button WOULD be good.
                        I actually feel bad for opposing teams, but then again what would you know? Regardless of whose favor the balance lies in, I would not care to see a skip button incorporated.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by R23121670 View Post
                          Except BR isnt a deciding factor at all. I beat people sometimes 1mil+ BR over my team in TA and there are times where teams 300k+ BR below beat my team. Theres a little luck but if you get your team setup right there is always a chance to overcome higher BR teams.
                          That doesn't happen very often, and goes to show why the matching is so messed up


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Learnasugrow View Post
                            That is absolutely pointless. Why would I ever want to refresh and regroup every single battle? Talk about time consuming and unnecessary.
                            absolutely pointless and time consuming? So its better to spend sometimes 10-15 mins in a battle where all chars are using heals and multiple skills every round than to click refresh, wait 20 secs for game to load, regroup and start next battle? LOL, thats pretty damn funny.

                            Originally posted by Learnasugrow View Post
                            That doesn't happen very often, and goes to show why the matching is so messed up
                            Maybe not for you, but it happens with me very frequently (maybe not 1mil+ but anything under 500k BR above my team we have a very high win rate against). I like to watch the matches especially vs the harder teams just for fun. Takes too long, but sometimes its fun to watch.


                            • #15
                              The fact that it's setting up 2m br difference matches quite often is not good. I don't think I have ever won a single match with a 2m br difference and I see them quite often. Not only that but it's predictable and as soon as I see it. Why is the system setting up matches that are so poor and guaranteed your loss?

