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CS tournament discussion for those who couldn't join yesterday

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  • CS tournament discussion for those who couldn't join yesterday

    Like the title of the thread I would like to discuss about what will happen for us who had tournament bug yesterday. Because the tournament is still running and there are players with about like 1 400 points and higher in ranking and we have 1 000 points thanks to yesterday's bug. Will there be any compensation for us? Or will the game just ignore it?

  • #2
    nothin can happen really, cus they cant give compensation to specific accts. if theres gonna be a compensation, its gonna be general. and general compensation will again give unfair advantage to those who already got pts yest and made it to ranks

    if they can, however, they should give 10 more free attempts and 1 more free refresh to specific accts, who encountered the problem yest
    League of Angels

    S94 Lonewind Forest
    Magus Rynd


    • #3
      What can we do? We might as well make the best of what's left for us to do, it's not the end of the world.


      • #4
        Originally posted by MagusRynd View Post
        nothin can happen really, cus they cant give compensation to specific accts. if theres gonna be a compensation, its gonna be general. and general compensation will again give unfair advantage to those who already got pts yest and made it to ranks

        if they can, however, they should give 10 more free attempts and 1 more free refresh to specific accts, who encountered the problem yest
        If will be gr8 if it is possible that way


        • #5
          For me still not working screen is empty.why i didnt write this before now its sims is ok. Few minutes ago i checked hot events and there is new Event divine wars but catch is we cant play becaue you must sign with gtarcade account. i dont get it why they putting this event in our hot events i think someone is drunk or making new jokes. 2-3 days ago when was reset its happened realy strange thing screen become first black then was after few seconds monitor shut down i again activate his screen was still black, server still writing data and then i get buggies game in 1 year.
          Last edited by sunraa; 01-26-2015, 08:04 AM.


          • #6
            playing long enough to realize - nothing will be done. compensation? only possible way is compensation for everyone (which means to noone as it doesnt fix the harm done) as they got no tools to diferentiate the ones who had the bug from the ones who had no. rollback of an event? also no as they could easy be suited from the ones who spent diamonds


            • #7
              due to yesterday bugged in CS tourney our server 204 "The floating City" Wasn't able to join CS tourney yesterday and a big missed to our part. Now CS tourney is fixed but wasn't able to cope up with their points coz most of them 1900 plus now, later turning 2000 points.

              Please remove also the Preview of divine war its GTarcade thing and not for R2games player.

              "How can I face my problem if your problem is your face"

              Server 204 The floating City soaring high!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Katarina91 View Post
                Like the title of the thread I would like to discuss about what will happen for us who had tournament bug yesterday. Because the tournament is still running and there are players with about like 1 400 points and higher in ranking and we have 1 000 points thanks to yesterday's bug. Will there be any compensation for us? Or will the game just ignore it?
                will be same compensation like was in lucky tree: nothing
                on lucky tree some peoples lost all their jackpot card couse o "bug" so they was forced cash
                tt was buged 1 days enought to force spend dia if want go hight rank

                i start to believe those ' bugs ' arent just come without intention


                • #9
                  Realy lucky tree was buged to, then i was realy lucky with my 438 vouchers i spend all and also i spend 5340 dia who i got, but again i am not happy if other didnt get it


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sunraa View Post
                    Realy lucky tree was buged to, then i was realy lucky with my 438 vouchers i spend all and also i spend 5340 dia who i got, but again i am not happy if other didnt get it
                    I believe they are forced by the company so others will start spending more.


                    • #11
                      Those baboons think they can foul everyone... and they can , because we are the morons here! not them, WE ARE ! they can "love" us however they want just because we let them. Every time they screw something , every single damn time , they won't compensate with the actual resources we lost. The moment we accepted their terms&conditions we are their "lovers" ......


                      • #12
                        How about this that we at same time and day stop login few days, then you will see how they will react. but i think this is almost impossible because most people are sheeps.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by InverSe619 View Post
                          Those baboons think they can foul everyone... and they can , because we are the morons here! not them, WE ARE ! they can "love" us however they want just because we let them. Every time they screw something , every single damn time , they won't compensate with the actual resources we lost. The moment we accepted their terms&conditions we are their "lovers" ......
                          no one screws their lover... oh wait
                          League of Angels

                          S94 Lonewind Forest
                          Magus Rynd


                          • #14
                            but wat u can do is stop spending money like yest i was about to recharge spending quit a bit of money but CST was broken so though na not worth the recharge cuz no point... if more ppl did that i'm sure they would actually do somet cuz their profit margins actually become hurt


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Huntresssss View Post
                              but wat u can do is stop spending money like yest i was about to recharge spending quit a bit of money but CST was broken so though na not worth the recharge cuz no point... if more ppl did that i'm sure they would actually do somet cuz their profit margins actually become hurt
                              I agree, if they can release events without bugs they dont deserve to have people paying money. Broken game should be paying all of us as testers since were the ones always finding and being affected by these bugs.

