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stupid tycon

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  • #16
    I think the game is a lot of people who have free access to diamonds and that they drive the game in this respect to ordinary players seemed only money. As the next event is the new requirements for awards.
    Harveen obtained after 40 minutes 172k tycoon points, including over 70k with runestones. Even if one attempts spire gained 1000 runestones, it had to come from at least 70x. Who in their right mind would issue as many diamonds at once ? (50-70x attempts, flip a gold card 50-70x, flip a diamond card 50-70x and finish now complete), This release of some or several thousand diamonds and at the same time.

    For who gets such events, for only 200 players ? and what about the rest players ?

    Yes, tycoon is stupid, for high demands and in general are weak awards (rank 201+).

    And for whom hot event Tycoon rewards exchange ? for only Harvenn ?

    EDIT: correction...
    Harveen have 264k tycoon points whereof Runestones has 164k points...
    Last edited by Androm3da; 01-26-2015, 08:01 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Androm3da View Post
      I think the game is a lot of people who have free access to diamonds and that they drive the game in this respect to ordinary players seemed only money. As the next event is the new requirements for awards.
      Harveen obtained after 40 minutes 172k tycoon points, including over 70k with runestones. Even if one attempts spire gained 1000 runestones, it had to come from at least 70x. Who in their right mind would issue as many diamonds at once ? (50-70x attempts, flip a gold card 50-70x, flip a diamond card 50-70x and finish now complete), This release of some or several thousand diamonds and at the same time.

      For who gets such events, for only 200 players ? and what about the rest players ?

      Yes, tycoon is stupid, for high demands and in general are weak awards (rank 201+).

      And for whom hot event Tycoon rewards exchange ? for only Harvenn ?

      EDIT: correction...
      Harveen have 264k tycoon points whereof Runestones has 164k points...
      Lol, not only for Harveen - for checkmaid and burning too. And at some point a lot of spire challenge cards were offered, even I have some and the cashers probably have more. So... maybe ot as much dias as you think for runes.

      P.S. All mythic lowerl vl equips are synchable from abyss and tarot, useless to get new ones you need to upgrade from scratch.
      s56 Starcrest Mountains

      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


      • #18
        Lol, even the mega casher on my server who is always in at least top 20 of tycoon says tycoon rewards are stupid and he won't bother with it.
        Last edited by osobena; 01-27-2015, 02:45 AM.
        s56 Starcrest Mountains

        “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


        • #19
          indeed those lower stat tycon gear can be synt or buy from tarot and not even take to much ( most easy get by synt,sometim than in tycon )
          other stuping thing about tycon is about giving to new server( under x months old) only tycon gear like void mail, vidar boot etc
          yes is more beter those gear instead some recipe even for old peoples instead **** gear like genesis and 1 angel or other stupid things who can get 1 month later free
          now to upgrate genesis or other part like that need 400 royal mask,and what are way to get? tt who for most peoples are denied since only 2 teams going to stage and much more they need going adv knock out stage to get decent amount and other way is tournament where needed spend tones of dia to get top 100
          so where is point give us again and again useles gear
          we not even can sell them as old iron to get gold/kg :P


          • #20
            I'd like to see a way to upgrade from t1 to t2 godly gear by fusing together multiples of t1 gear. So if you have three Genesis Mail or something, you can make a Void Armor with them. Would make extras less useless and offer a way to upgrade gear without 400 Royal's Marks.


            • #21
              tommorow's compensation will be my first 50 royal marks :P


              • #22
                Originally posted by tackleit1994 View Post
                tommorow's compensation will be my first 50 royal marks :P
                hahahaha and hight chance remain with those 50 till end of game:P


                • #23
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	CStycoon.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	207.5 KB
ID:	1707217

                  10 hours after reset in US East..... Lol, last tycoon by that time these 3 and burning and Abba had over 200k, not to mention there were a few others with over 100k(think we had top 10 filled). Even the big cashers seems to be planning on skipping that tycoon.
                  s56 Starcrest Mountains

                  “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                  • #24
                    heres europe 15 hrs after reset :P

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled32.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	213.8 KB
ID:	1707218

                    meanwhile in oceanic, a newbie aaaaaaaaaaaa (approx., one 'a' give and take) is giving tuff time to checkmaid :P
                    League of Angels

                    S94 Lonewind Forest
                    Magus Rynd


                    • #25
                      Click image for larger version

Name:	cst23.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	210.6 KB
ID:	1707219

                      LOL, but almost 24h from tycoon start it's only the 2 of them and with only 120k. Considering that I have seen 300-400k on our bracket for first day - not impressed.
                      s56 Starcrest Mountains

                      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                      • #26
                        It is worse than just stupid!

                        I have been prepping for 3 weeks for this cross server Tycoon. Saving every Word Boss, Wyrm race, Friend assist reward, Inferno and more; did all the routines that got me over the minimum for a single server Tycoon. and this barely netted me 16k points. We need 100k points.

                        NO I am not spending $400 to get that minimum. Note none of those things required me to open a chest, just collect. The greed factor here is just too much.


                        • #27
                          Actually Harveen had 260k points 2 hours after reset


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by The1Leon View Post
                            I have been prepping for 3 weeks for this cross server Tycoon. Saving every Word Boss, Wyrm race, Friend assist reward, Inferno and more; did all the routines that got me over the minimum for a single server Tycoon. and this barely netted me 16k points. We need 100k points.

                            NO I am not spending $400 to get that minimum. Note none of those things required me to open a chest, just collect. The greed factor here is just too much.
                            i believe previous mails dont count anymore. but if they do, ill be sure to do it next time
                            League of Angels

                            S94 Lonewind Forest
                            Magus Rynd


                            • #29
                              Didn't harveen win the last cs tycoon when snow queen was offered as main reward ?


                              • #30
                                Double post :P sry
                                Beserker lvl 73
                                980K BR
                                Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
                                Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
                                Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
                                Guild: Legendary

                                Lilya Lita
                                Mystic lvl 72
                                1.1M BR
                                Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
                                Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
                                Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni

