I am always getting blindsided (caught by surprise) by the events ending!! I know that you have the times and dates in the events, but, I work, and come in from work to play the game... It's usually like 19:00 server time (same as my local time) and I'm tired, but want to play the game for a couple hours... I play on 3 servers!
I've made friends on all 3 servers! keeping up with 3 chars on 3 servers, between 19:00 and 23:59, 2 or 3 days a week, is very hard to do!...
IF the events would just be highlighted in some fashion, when it's the last day to collect or spend or
participate in the event! It would REALLY, REALLY help me to notice that HEY, THIS Event is fading in and
out, it's on it's last day, it will go away at rollover!! EASY, even I would notice if the event was fading
in and out, or flashing slowly or just a very dark color PURPLE all of a sudden!! And it should be an easy
fix to make, just change all events to dark blue or purple, on their LAST DAY!!! Or, have a small monkey
crawling around on the event icon on it's last day, maybe have it swell up and pop every couple of minutes
on it's last day, just anything to make it
Even just the words, ENDing written across the face of the icon would work.. just some flag to tell everyone
in an instant that HEY THIS ONE IS ENDING tonight at rollover!
Thanks guys, you're the best support ever!!!
Bluby @ S135
I've made friends on all 3 servers! keeping up with 3 chars on 3 servers, between 19:00 and 23:59, 2 or 3 days a week, is very hard to do!...
IF the events would just be highlighted in some fashion, when it's the last day to collect or spend or
participate in the event! It would REALLY, REALLY help me to notice that HEY, THIS Event is fading in and
out, it's on it's last day, it will go away at rollover!! EASY, even I would notice if the event was fading
in and out, or flashing slowly or just a very dark color PURPLE all of a sudden!! And it should be an easy
fix to make, just change all events to dark blue or purple, on their LAST DAY!!! Or, have a small monkey
crawling around on the event icon on it's last day, maybe have it swell up and pop every couple of minutes
on it's last day, just anything to make it
Even just the words, ENDing written across the face of the icon would work.. just some flag to tell everyone
in an instant that HEY THIS ONE IS ENDING tonight at rollover!
Thanks guys, you're the best support ever!!!
Bluby @ S135