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Earlier Divine War

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  • Earlier Divine War

    Okay, I usually don't complain much, but this is really not nice: Divine War hours 21.30-22.00. Why so late? So everyone who started playing on the wrong time zone server won't be able to participate(and it's not just me but like 3/4 of my server, probably other servers have same problem too)? Not to mention that it starts right after TA 2 and whomever is still finishing their attempts will miss Divine War too. There is like 4 and a half hours in between WR and WB when we don't have what to do and then we have like a gazilion events - WB, TA, Divine War and then whatever seasonal it is that day? Why not move Divine War a bit before WB so we actually have what to do? That hours it is now are sooooo not nice.
    s56 Starcrest Mountains

    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

  • #2
    It's a reasonable time if you ask me, but yea, some players won't be able ( here for those who entered on a US East/west server but they are EU or vice versa, it's their problem.)
    During the day wasn't good either because many other people would have complained because they have a " real-life " and need to work.
    Other than that, I can't think of a better time than the one that it is.

    It's the first hour, of the first day
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    You were everything, and could have been
    It's the first summer, of the first year
    Today only rain, knocks on my window
    And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

    I fail to emerge
    It's a universe, that wants me to get off
    Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

    It's the first night, when I feel cold
    Your arms can no longer warm me
    A cold soul, I cannot love.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gurothos View Post
      It's a reasonable time if you ask me, but yea, some players won't be able ( here for those who entered on a US East/west server but they are EU or vice versa, it's their problem.)
      During the day wasn't good either because many other people would have complained because they have a " real-life " and need to work.
      Other than that, I can't think of a better time than the one that it is.
      What about these still stuck in TA? Cause I have had times where I have been late for quiz because I have still been finishing TA(yes that's the early one, more suitable for me, but it applies for late one too). And if not before WB(and I am not suggesting long before wb, just right before it) maybe between WB and TA?
      s56 Starcrest Mountains

      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


      • #4
        Why not to make it after WB? Divine War is half an hour and there are right half an hour between WB and TA.


        • #5
          Why not the half hour between 1st TA and quiz? There are lots of people i have heard of that cant join. Since they are on a different time zone.. Or how about twice a day? So the European people can join as well..


          • #6
            Originally posted by DOXXIE100 View Post
            Why not the half hour between 1st TA and quiz? There are lots of people i have heard of that cant join. Since they are on a different time zone..
            That is a good idea too.


            • #7
              everyone has to think though about the server they are playing on. I know many join servers from different timezones cause they figure out how the events fall in their schedules, but that doesnt mean everyone does that. For example, 2130 on eastern US server is a good time and better than between first ta and quiz for those living in the eastern US timezone. For those that are actually playing on their timezone's server, between first ta and wb is usually during working hours. The same thing with maintenance, people play all hours of the day, there is no 1 time that is perfect for everyone.


              • #8
                I cant even to WB at my srw becouse Im from GTM +1 (WB is in like 1h to me and 18h to them) timezone and chose a american srw you should write which srw belongs to which timezone!!!!And I agrre to move the time I say around 12-15h srw time.
                Last edited by DJ_-_hell; 02-08-2015, 12:31 PM.
                Server:S35 Asraels Grasp


                • #9

                  that time isnt so bad even if is finish in next day for me,is just 5 days event
                  is much beter if they move gauntled 1 hours early


                  • #10
                    cant agree, i come to game an less than hour before wb and surely any time before mean i cant participate, why dont make 2 divine war like TA, one after quiz (14.30 server time) and one after WB (20.30 server time) everyone can participate in time they are able to be here
                    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                    UC 27 current server

                    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DJ_-_hell View Post
                      I cant even to WB at my srw becouse Im from GTM +1 (WB is in like 1h to me and 18h to them) timezone and chose a american srw you should write which srw belongs to which timezone!!!!And I agrre to move the time I say around 12-15h srw time.
                      Lol, you are a tad better than me, I am GMT+2 and play on US East server. WB - 2am. Funny part is that on my server there are from 25 active players 3-4 US East. The rest of us are GMT, GMT+1, GMT+2 or GMT +8... Our server hero is GMT.... You can guess how many from our server will join... and on Sunday, no less. If it was Friday or Saturday there was at least a small chance for some of us to make it. Which leads me to new idea - if War is not going to happen every day can it only happen Fridays and Saturdays?
                      s56 Starcrest Mountains

                      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
                        cant agree, i come to game an less than hour before wb and surely any time before mean i cant participate, why dont make 2 divine war like TA, one after quiz (14.30 server time) and one after WB (20.30 server time) everyone can participate in time they are able to be here
                        So if it starts half an hour before WB you will be alright, lol. And agree, 2 of these will just be best.
                        s56 Starcrest Mountains

                        “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                        • #13
                          Well done LOA Divine War looks like a winner to me. Regarding times...Might want to consider putting it on 2 times a day like TA? I know its in its infancy ie. DW but has so much potential to make this game rock!


                          • #14
                            Divine War is boring as hell lol, no idea what ur talking about sammy. Anyway, for me the time is ok, shortens the amount of waiting from WB to Guntlet as I only do that. Luckly I have some experience from past games and joined a server from my time zone. Sad for those that didn't...
                            IGN: Zephyr
                            S(186) Heaven of Lapha


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 99sammy View Post
                              Well done LOA Divine War looks like a winner to me. Regarding times...Might want to consider putting it on 2 times a day like TA? I know its in its infancy ie. DW but has so much potential to make this game rock!

                              Originally posted by R27680291 View Post
                              Divine War is boring as hell lol, no idea what ur talking about sammy. Anyway, for me the time is ok, shortens the amount of waiting from WB to Guntlet as I only do that. Luckly I have some experience from past games and joined a server from my time zone. Sad for those that didn't...
                              All my friends who managed to join DW said it have been waaaay fun and are trilled with it. Feeling sorry for myself. Maybe I will get the chance to join during the weekend. I have never played that type of a game before and when I registered I joined the recommended server. Not my time zone.When they released archer I decided to check it out and joined GMT server with the idea that if I feel better there that will be my main server but.... I am GMT+2 time zone so if 9pm my time is acceptable for WB, 12.30am for Gauntlet is not really that nice, especially on week days. I ended up keeping my US East server's character as main - this way if I get up for work an hour earlier than usual I actually make Gauntlet.
                              s56 Starcrest Mountains

                              “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

