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House of Cards - Master of Poker

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  • House of Cards - Master of Poker

    Seriously??? Dude i like waited for 5 - 6 months just to earn 1200 Card Lotto Vouchers so i can get 60k on Master of Poker so i can afford Earth Shaker and now you fudging do this!!??? So now you want us to wait 2 - 3 months again just to get more Card Vouchers just so we can get Joker L that costs 80k points now?? Why are you guys lessening Free Players chances of making a strong team??? You guys . . . . too bad i can't curse here.

    Waiting for players who will reply "Just be thankful they give you tons of free stuff mount angel etc." yeah right . . .

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    Last edited by Einns; 02-11-2015, 07:58 AM.

  • #2
    6 months? Considering the fact there are around 200 free card vouchers every HoC (not counting laser and 10-20k gems and so on) and HoC is 2 times per month.... No idea what have you been doing 6 months. And anyway, you don't have to make 80k to get ES - last time he costed only 1 L joker + 3 S so 60k and rank 1-5 with them should be enough to get him.
    s56 Starcrest Mountains

    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


    • #3
      Originally posted by osobena View Post
      6 months? Considering the fact there are around 200 free card vouchers every HoC (not counting laser and 10-20k gems and so on) and HoC is 2 times per month.... No idea what have you been doing 6 months. And anyway, you don't have to make 80k to get ES - he last time costed only 1 L joker + 3 S so 60k and rank 1-5 with them should be enough to get him.
      Don't be silly who would use diamonds to get those Lotto vouchers and Gemology??? Dude i'm saving up for Tycoon as well.
      And duh!? Rank 1 - 5?? You expect free players to reach Rank 1 - 5? Prove to me first if you can reach rank 1 - 5 before saying that.
      And that 200 card vouchers a day only happened a few times most of the time it only gives 30 i think, since recharing any amount wasn't part of my counting since i don't have free offers in my country.
      Last edited by Einns; 02-11-2015, 07:57 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Einns View Post
        Don't be silly who would use diamonds to get those Lotto vouchers and Gemology??? Dude i'm saving up for Tycoon as well.
        And duh!? Rank 1 - 5?? You expect free players to reach Rank 1 - 5? Prove to me first if you can reach rank 1 - 5 before saying that.
        And that 200 card vouchers a day only happened a few times most of the time it only gives 30 i think, since recharing any amount wasn't part of my counting since i don't have free offers in my country.
        I am free player and I have made rank 2-5 2 times so far(last on Halloween) and I might do it again on this HoC. How many cashers you have on your server if you can't make rank 1-5 with 60k points? And I mean cashers that go every time? 200 per EVENT, not per day. Oh, and for free offers I suggest you try superrewards' tasks - that's where I get my free dias.
        s56 Starcrest Mountains

        “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


        • #5
          Originally posted by osobena View Post
          I am free player and I have made rank 2-5 2 times so far(last on Halloween) and I might do it again on this HoC. How many cashers you have on your server if you can't make rank 1-5 with 60k points? And I mean cashers that go every time? 200 per EVENT, not per day. Oh, and for free offers I suggest you try superrewards' tasks - that's where I get my free dias.
          Our cashers always participate in our HoC . . .. . hmm guess i don't really have much choice though guess i have to save up again, well anyways thanks and sorry (TT ~ TT)/


          • #6
            Originally posted by Einns View Post
            Our cashers always participate in our HoC . . .. . hmm guess i don't really have much choice though guess i have to save up again, well anyways thanks and sorry (TT ~ TT)/
            Ours usually do too, but only 3 of them... You are unlucky if you have more on the server who go every time. Good luck with the saving, especially on the WB bonus event.
            s56 Starcrest Mountains

            “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


            • #7
              isn't 60k points still enough to get ES?


              • #8
                Originally posted by R2471526 View Post
                isn't 60k points still enough to get ES?
                Only if you are ranked 1-5 in HoC.
                s56 Starcrest Mountains

                “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                • #9
                  Osobena is always on here steadily defending devs from actions that are clearly taken to make the game tougher on free players. You honestly don't think raising the cap on master of poker isnt an obvious shot at free/light cash players? lol Also if you are gonna rant on about how easy it is to get cards at least get your facts right. I've been thru at least 2 HoC events since i got my last hero and have 285 cards atm. That's no laser/gemo (its laughable you even mention that when a free player started this thread). Maybe in the past you could get 200 cards every HoC event but it's definately not possible now without rc or spending.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by osobena View Post
                    6 months? Considering the fact there are around 200 free card vouchers every HoC (not counting laser and 10-20k gems and so on) and HoC is 2 times per month.... No idea what have you been doing 6 months. And anyway, you don't have to make 80k to get ES - last time he costed only 1 L joker + 3 S so 60k and rank 1-5 with them should be enough to get him.
                    This.... free players in my server also get an average of 150-250 cards per HoC and they do HoC twice a month, they raised the 60k-80k because it is much easier now to get those Card vouchers... even my alt characters that i don't play much only takes 3-4 months to get a thousand Card vouchers


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kvenable View Post
                      Osobena is always on here steadily defending devs from actions that are clearly taken to make the game tougher on free players. You honestly don't think raising the cap on master of poker isnt an obvious shot at free/light cash players? lol Also if you are gonna rant on about how easy it is to get cards at least get your facts right. I've been thru at least 2 HoC events since i got my last hero and have 285 cards atm. That's no laser/gemo (its laughable you even mention that when a free player started this thread). Maybe in the past you could get 200 cards every HoC event but it's definately not possible now without rc or spending.
                      You forgot to mention that World Boss spinning wheel where you have a chance to get 5-10 cards per spin, it is easier to get cards now than before even


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lezickh View Post
                        You forgot to mention that World Boss spinning wheel where you have a chance to get 5-10 cards per spin, it is easier to get cards now than before even
                        Why would i have to mention it? The wheel is here for every big HoC, and idk when you're talking about "before" but since I've played this game its been that way. It's obviously included in my total of 285 cards for 2 HoC events where i got all the free cards possible. so 200+ cards for free players ever event? Sorry but im calling bullsht.
                        Last edited by kvenable; 02-11-2015, 12:32 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kvenable View Post
                          Why would i have to mention it? The wheel is here for every big HoC, and idk when you're talking about "before" but since I've played this game its been that way. It's obviously included in my total of 285 cards for 2 HoC events where i got all the free cards possible. so 200+ cards for free players ever event? Sorry but im calling bullsht.
                          gemnology? watch videos to get 1 diamond? and spend that 1 diamond..... He is also not defending dev, he is merely stating facts
                          Since the devs are GTA anyways so complaining at R2 won't do a damn thing


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lezickh View Post
                            gemnology? watch videos to get 1 diamond? and spend that 1 diamond..... He is also not defending dev, he is merely stating facts
                            Since the devs are GTA anyways so complaining at R2 won't do a damn thing
                            Lol. You're assuming free players have this much resources to spread around. So spend all your gemology to get 5 cards per day or whatever it is, then what do they have for tycoon? You have to remember these things. I'm gtarcade player and i'm not a free player, but I see the problems with the direction the game is going. You keep adding to your answers and how to get more cards, I'm just telling u for ur avg free player using gemo for hoc is not a viable option. Which makes 200 cards per event a joke. Please, try to defend your stance some more.


                            • #15
                              They lowered MoD price , but thats none of my busines....

