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Why you should revamp Demonic War

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  • Why you should revamp Demonic War

    As it currently stands and is configured, Demonic War will soon become an event that nobody participates in. The event takes 40 minutes to complete, which wouldn't be an issue if it was actually worth spending that amount of time in. Within my alliance we have a fairly good number of big hitters (~20 members, people who break the 5 billion damage mark in gauntlet with ease). Contrast that with the number of people who broke the 1 billion damage mark during our past Demonic War, 0. Maybe not a huge deal, but it at the very least suggests that something is off.

    Now let's turn to rewards. Most of these players can cap out the gold limit in WB/Gauntlet at 250,000 per hit. What do they get on average per hit in DW? 20,000. Less than a tenth of gold per hit. With a 40 minute event, let's assume (very generously) that a player gets 200 attacks in that gives: 20000*200 = 4,000,000 gold for the entire event. A player that maxes out the cap in Gauntlet reaches this amount in under 20 attacks. It doesn't need to be increased to anything ridiculous (keeping the sashes the same is fine at one per hit, roughly) but the gold should be increased to at least maintain player interest, as it's a bit insulting how low it is now.

    Why should you care? 4 million gold for 40 minutes of time (especially for players that can easily make that much elsewhere) is not going to maintain player interest in the event. After a few DWs, players will wise up and stop participating in the event all together. This will undermine the whole alliance/divine realm aspect (fighting alongside our mates from other servers) of the game that many of us were excited for, as players lose even more interest in the realm. The rewards are mediocre for the large time investment for the event, which will likely result in diminished participation.
    Last edited by drcaptawesome; 02-15-2015, 09:25 PM. Reason: Clarification

  • #2
    hehe, true
    League of Angels

    SERVER ->> [S182] Snakemoor Fen
    ALLIANCE ->> Asgard
    GUILD ->> AnOnYmOuS
    LVL ->> 82
    BR ->> 3 136 506


    • #3
      While i agree that gold would be nice to have increased, unlike wb, gold isnt the main item you collect in demonic war. The knights and warlord sash's are. Gold and gem chests seem to just be an extra little bonus added on for each hit. Though, why lvl 2 gem makes me laugh. You gotta be lvl 70 just to participate and I wouldnt mind seeing that changed to even lvl 4 gem chests cause 1 lvl 2 gem chest reward is kinda pointless for lvl 70 players unless you dont play often.


      • #4
        Too lazy to argue anything on what Demonic War should be like as I still haven't gotten a chance to do it myself thanks to Divine Realm bugs. >.>

        But if you're wondering why people do less damage in Demonic War than gauntlet / world boss / guild boss, the mobs are supposed to be significantly different (area of effect damage, etc.) and I'm pretty sure people do less damage because of that. Watch a fight to make sure. c:


        • #5
          Ahhhh no, they not only do area damage, they also have a TON of defense. I attacked with my 2m br party, 400k patk main and did a total of 100k damage. So I changed my move to blazing arrow, rearranged party etc and did a whopping 4 million damage. After all the atk boosts, I finally capped out at 9 million damage per hit. Something else than the 170m damage i hit in gauntlet I guess. So yeah, these bosses are very very strong.


          • #6
            and why only a few chest for all players give everyone who join a chest

