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where is the originalities??

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  • where is the originalities??

    mages taking blazing arrow??
    warriors taking arcane lightning??

    where is the original skills of this classes?? and the worst of it is that the custom(new)skills surpasses the original skills of this classes

    i mean new skills get to 10 level but the original skills of this classes is only at 5 lvl

    pls modify this skills

    Last edited by arachmond; 02-26-2015, 08:42 AM.

  • #2
    completely agree with this!!...up vote (y)


    • #3
      i think that is compensation because hunters are maded too OP and it was easier to get everyones same skills than buff-debuff
      S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
      now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
      Guild - Lunatic Cafe
      UC 27 current server

      You are really alive when you have someone to die for


      • #4
        Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
        i think that is compensation because hunters are maded too OP and it was easier to get everyones same skills than buff-debuff

        Until they give us the invincible shield from Dragon they are still going to be game breaking overpowered, all you have to do is put a decent amount of dodge on and its crazy how overpowered they are.

        I don't know what they were thinking with this skill, lets see a 50% chance on every hit to be invincible even if dodged or a 100% chance to remove 10 rage.

        Not hard to pick is it, if it wasn't for the cost every power-gamer would have re rolled right away.

        And if you've just started and reading this do your self a favor and pick this class.


        • #5
          hunters has more attack than mages and warriors but cant you see the balance about it?? their skills are better than mages and warriors

          we have only lane and row attacking skills but them had a all hit (original) skill

          we have buff and debuff they also have

          and their skills are far more brutal than mage and warriors


          • #6
            hunters has more attack than mages and warriors but cant you see the balance about it?? their skills are better than mages and warriors

            we have only lane and row attacking skills but them had a all hit (original) skill

            we have buff and debuff they also have

            and their skills are far more brutal than mage and warriors


            • #7
              Hunter is pretty nice at the start of a new server, but gets really toned down when you get a higher level, since dragonsoul skill will not activate on rage attacks. Paladin dragonsoul skill looks much better. (dodge / block reducing rage). Also, the attacks of hunters are very good at the start as well, but at lvl 70 everyone will use other attacks anyway.

              So in short, hunters might seem OP at the start of a server, but play long enough and that advantage dissappears.


              • #8
                It is their way of making additional money and trying to overcome complaints of certain skills and too many battles ending in timing out back in the days due to hecate healing and massive dodges. They still should cap dodge though.


                • #9
                  i agree with that just like crits that do only 1.75% damage

