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Make Gauntlet be set by guild

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  • Make Gauntlet be set by guild

    Since Gauntlet doesnt affect anyone but each own guild, make Gauntlet to be able to be set by the guild. The game can dictate which days it is available, but let the guild set the time. Allow the guild to be able to set gauntlet at two different
    times on each event but each player can only participate in one. It will be similar to like a guild boss in that there is a limit on how many times it can be done in a day (in this case every other day) and can only be participated once per player. This way people can play at different times and also of different difficulties. You can cater to some in the day and some in the night or one for higher levels and one for lower levels.

  • #2
    Hi, not going to happen. You can do a lot of things by guilds but it does affect everyone as far as the devotion goes. We have seasons and we have times for a reason on seasonal events.
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    • #3
      Well then would be good for it to be bit earlier if possible, as that time is late for many


      • #4
        Gauntlet has always been held at that time since start. If it's too early or too late for you then you probably need to change server region.


        • #5
          Blackofblackest <<< u are kidding? for example i got lvl 83 hero in my server with 2.4 milion BR and u think i want change my server?


          • #6
            Originally posted by lOMGlImmortal View Post
            Blackofblackest <<< u are kidding? for example i got lvl 83 hero in my server with 2.4 milion BR and u think i want change my server?
            what he says, change server is too expensive and take too many time to get back on where char are now
            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
            UC 27 current server

            You are really alive when you have someone to die for


            • #7
              There is no way of making everyone happy with gauntlet, even with the suggestion that makes it like picking the day and time like demonic war, there are still going to be many that cant do it cause of time. We see that when the alliance leader is trying to decide when to run demonic war. Some players choose to play on a server in a different time zone and some just go where they were randomly placed. But gauntlet has been here since this game started, so before everyone built up the chars, and spent money and time to get strong, you would have known if gauntlet was going to be too late or impossible to do on the server you were playing and could have changed servers.


              • #8
                To say you picked the server time blah blah is not always the best reply to sitautions. This is an online game and as such people do have friends and even real life friends across time zones that would enjoy gaming together. Allowing guild to choose time two times on days gauntlet is available is good. It also solves a part of issue where the lowbies wont be able to do much in guantlets. Take Gauntlet out of the devotion then since it is not even a daily event anyways. It is one of the most crucial and better regular events. Even on my server gauntlet starts 1030pm is super late as many has to work early in the morning. At least then move some stuff up in time zone or something. Most people dont even care for Team Arenas other than for daily devotion and ya the dragon crest thingy is ok now and then i suppose. We just do fast TA in 7-10 minutes to avoid spending a long time in that event. How about get rid of Twilight Clash then and make emblem available in other events. Heck most servers are dead anyways so there arent many teams doing TC. Not to mention it takes so long for stuff most people dont really care about. I think most people wouldnt care if you take out TC and TA and make those things available elsewhere.


                • #9
                  hmm, some players like TC, i think best options will be to just move time for gauntlet at least to 22.00 server time, though there is big gap betwen afternoon TA and WB where gauntlet can be done and most of players are on on that time
                  but as CafeAuLate says- no point to discuss about it because R2 and GT have firm attitude that changes are not gonna happen, if they are just that strong will when dealing with bugs
                  S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                  now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                  Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                  UC 27 current server

                  You are really alive when you have someone to die for

