I have been thinking about it for a while now and decided to say something about it. It would be best if when a player decides to inherit his/her angel to another that the full experience, level, and current progress be transferred completely 100%. Instead of this being the situation, for angels the inherit tops out at level 40 when you attempt to do so. I tried to inherit my maxed out level 60 Glacia to Pandora and when I looked at the spec card before continuing with the process i noticed my angel would not proceed to go to level 60, instead it would peak at level 40, ask for more holy crystals to proceed to go to level 41 and then continue from there. For heroes when attempting to inherit them all but rebirth is transferred to the new hero. It would take an entire load off the players if the rebirth effects would also transfer from each hero to the next via inherit feature. Back me up if you would like this to be a possibility for players to do!
I have been thinking about it for a while now and decided to say something about it. It would be best if when a player decides to inherit his/her angel to another that the full experience, level, and current progress be transferred completely 100%. Instead of this being the situation, for angels the inherit tops out at level 40 when you attempt to do so. I tried to inherit my maxed out level 60 Glacia to Pandora and when I looked at the spec card before continuing with the process i noticed my angel would not proceed to go to level 60, instead it would peak at level 40, ask for more holy crystals to proceed to go to level 41 and then continue from there. For heroes when attempting to inherit them all but rebirth is transferred to the new hero. It would take an entire load off the players if the rebirth effects would also transfer from each hero to the next via inherit feature. Back me up if you would like this to be a possibility for players to do!
