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Best guide for lucky tree

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Konjiki89 View Post
    why would someone spend REAL cash on VIRTUAL cash? Its like burning your own cash in your backyard and smell the burning cash with little bit of satisfaction.

    REALITY check
    -$30 you can buy food for 2 or 3 days, or if you like me that like to spend on food, just one day on McD with your friends and your family. Have a nice fun memory and long lasting memories with your love one. Buy gas, so that you can travel with your love one and make out in some unused road, gas for your car so that you will not late for work.

    -$30 for recharge. The only thing you get is nothing in your hand. Only in your eye and your mind. Its like you paying in p or n webcam and its only last for 30 minute, not that I've exp on it. xD satisfaction for your inner self. that is it, you think it would last? Hell no! there will be someone with UNLIMITED diamond notice that you spend huge amount of cash and gets greedy.
    He spend NOTHING and you spend your 3 month salary, plus your saving, borrowed from your ma, from your boyfriend that have to get 'down low' with rich daddies in order for you to recharge 300 diamond just to get the 'Recharge 299' prize, and try to beat someone with UNLIMITED diamond.


    Have a good day everyone!
    I would believe the people spending money are people who can afford it...not over-competitive players who think spending that much money on a game and getting that much of an edge gives them some sense of There is a free player/money player balance...if it wasn't for the money players you wouldn't be playing for free. If it wasn't for the free players the servers wouldn't be that populated. The game developers could do a better job of balancing the balance...but the people who pay money will always have a marginal lead over you.

    When all said and done though this game is a business too, not just a game...and the people on the other end want to make money off of you.


    • #17
      I have enjoyed collecting up to Level 5 world tree from our server's new casher..who started spending hundreds and possibly thousands out of the blue last month.
      As for me...not spending a cent on this game until several issues are addressed.

      IGN: MizUndrstd
      Server: s4
      Guild: HelloKitty


      • #18
        Originally posted by Miz18 View Post
        I have enjoyed collecting up to Level 5 world tree from our server's new casher..who started spending hundreds and possibly thousands out of the blue last month.
        As for me...not spending a cent on this game until several issues are addressed.
        agreed. I only spend on VIP's, not that I can't afford other than that but I've better plan for $10, like donating to the needy rather to someone that lazy to do debugging on this game.


        • #19
          Who cares what people spend on this game. If you can do it without hurting your more important obligations, fine. If you cannot afford to do so, then dont, but complaining and talking trash about those who can is pointless. The have nots will always complain about the haves, that is the way of this world. Some can say it is pointless to spend money in this game, but to others, playing games and buying games period is pointless and a waste. Others feel going to the movies is a waste of money or buying cars over 30k is a waste. Some ladies like to spend 1k for a purse, while others like to spend under 100. Whatever is the case, if it is not your cup of tea, dont do it and stop whining and complaining about those who are willing to, it is pointless. Just about anything and everything can be considered a waste in the eye of those who is unwilling to spend. To many, spending an hour playing a game or watching tv daily is a waste of time and life so to each their own.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Konjiki89 View Post
            why would someone spend REAL cash on VIRTUAL cash? Its like burning your own cash in your backyard and smell the burning cash with little bit of satisfaction.

            REALITY check
            -$30 you can buy food for 2 or 3 days, or if you like me that like to spend on food, just one day on McD with your friends and your family. Have a nice fun memory and long lasting memories with your love one. Buy gas, so that you can travel with your love one and make out in some unused road, gas for your car so that you will not late for work.

            -$30 for recharge. The only thing you get is nothing in your hand. Only in your eye and your mind. Its like you paying in p or n webcam and its only last for 30 minute, not that I've exp on it. xD satisfaction for your inner self. that is it, you think it would last? Hell no! there will be someone with UNLIMITED diamond notice that you spend huge amount of cash and gets greedy.
            He spend NOTHING and you spend your 3 month salary, plus your saving, borrowed from your ma, from your boyfriend that have to get 'down low' with rich daddies in order for you to recharge 300 diamond just to get the 'Recharge 299' prize, and try to beat someone with UNLIMITED diamond.


            Have a good day everyone!
            Reality check - most of the whiners on here complaining about nothing is free and it costs too much are not here to play, but BEG. I have no qualms spending extra income that would be used on a night out at the bar or casino to stay home and play a game. Does it take a huge dent out of my wallet? Nope, because sober I control it better. I know what I spend and how much I spend, and if it bothers you so much that people like me do spend, tough *****. Get out of your mothers basement, get a job, and worry about yourself. Between the 5-6 of us on my merged server who do cash, we normally support you whiners who wont pay and get our tree to level 7-8, and now the tree for us is becoming useless, why? because we have everything it has to offer already, and are getting close to maxing our gems. Then what, simple, free players don't get squat because I don't have to support your welfare behind anymore.

            If I spend $1000 USD on this game, it is DISPOSABLE income that I can afford to spend, no matter if you like it or not, agree with it or not. You spend yours how you do, I spend mine how I do.

