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Please merge UA13/Twlight Gate/Smurdunn Cliffs. Merge urgently needed

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  • Please merge UA13/Twlight Gate/Smurdunn Cliffs. Merge urgently needed

    Our server urgently needs a merge. Most of our active players have been playing LOA for a year or more. We're proven and dedicated players. But because of the shrinking server population, it gets harder and harder to find teammates for TA, TD and Inferno.

    A fair number of our players are in the 80s. Several are 85 or over and the highest is 87. With all that we have invested in our characters and parties, starting over on a new server is just not an option.

    If the merge has to be with an older/stronger server than ours, so be it. I for one would rather be a small fish in a big pond than a big fish in a dead pond, and many of the other players agree. We don't want to lose our characters, and we don't want to lose the game because our server dies.

    Please, help us. Please give us a merge so we can continue to play the game that you have created, and that we love so much.

    Server: UA13/Twlight Gate/Smurdunn Cliffs
    IGN: Lunamoth

  • #2
    Lunamoth u a right! we need a merge. our server dies, pls help us.

    Server: UA13/Twlight Gate/Smurdunn Cliffs


    • #3
      I agree with this completely.

      Server: UA13/Twlight Gate/Smurdunn Cliffs
      IGN: Bambi

