checkmaid, icebow, Andrzej and Effie, the UNLIMITED diamond player in entire LOA server is temporary suspended and being investigated after the 'ghost sighting'
why now?
back to the title, do you guys think SS tycoon will come after this? I'm just wondering who else know the pattern of LOA. If it is, maybe I will have to use all my Angel Quiz Voucher to win the second place in Angel Quiz. So that I can collect it when ss tycoon arrive.
Have a good day!
why now?
back to the title, do you guys think SS tycoon will come after this? I'm just wondering who else know the pattern of LOA. If it is, maybe I will have to use all my Angel Quiz Voucher to win the second place in Angel Quiz. So that I can collect it when ss tycoon arrive.
Have a good day!