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  • Hot events

    Please mail us out EARNED HOT EVENTS at rollover... i miss mine like 5 days a week, really hurts gameplay.. my inet drags and is very slow, i work, usually when i am here, i am so busy trying to catch up on the dailies, i keep doing dailies and TC and gauntlet and worldboss n such.. while doing dailies, when it can take like 5 min to get the screen to come up.. i usually only get like 2 hits in world boss..that's it, cause the game is so slow, i have a I5 quad-core machine on a 15mb/sec download connection.. should be fast, everything else is..but not this game.. i spent 22 minutes the other night, just trying to click the hot events buttons on 184.. i made it to the 2nd page on HOT events and it rolled over!!! please make the hot events automatically paid out to us, you have the code already written for the other events.. or just have it , at :23:59, push all flashing hot events buttons for us!!! PLEASE, i spend $ on the game, only about $50/month.. but if i keep missing out on the hot events, which is needed to have a chance at TYCOON!!!! I WILL QUIT, and i am dungeon master on 2 servers and deputy on a 3rd... many of us need this, please do it soon...

  • #2
    Already been discussed. You are playing 3 server at the same time with limited time and that is the reason. See your previous link below.!

    Anyway, your CPU system not only depend on "a I5 quad-core machine on a 15mb/sec download connection"

    You also need to know your setting for Rams as well as your graphic card. Obviously the issues here is your system ram/setting/ graphic cards and especially flash player cannot support you playing 3 server at the same time. Solution: upgrade your rams/change your system setting ram/ buy a new graphic card with special flash player to support gaming.

    For that 3 min to collect and you want them to change their whole infrastructure of the game to collect HOT event at 23:59:00 thru mailing, Plus adjust all the setting ending timing to 23:58:59, just for you? What about the lag time between 23:59:01-23:59:59? Where should these hot event rewards goes? the next day? Then there will be another kind of players will suggest why not make it to 23:59:59 and get the mail at 00:00:00 and malfunction in my previous reply will happen. So isnt that a ever round and round circle issues with no real solution? Just for that few min to collect those rewards? are you asking too much here?

    If you are so frustrated, why not play only 1 or 2 server. If gaming really frustrated you so much, you might as well just quit and be a happier person.
    Last edited by Norman818181; 03-30-2015, 08:39 PM.

