until now we had a lot of stun in this game. not a nice thing but ok
Now we have the galaxy ring and more stun then ever.
res to stun is out of zodiac blessing so we get stunned more then ever.
It is no longer a game where you need power and strong heroes. You need now all kind of things to stun to win.
The player that stuns first almost win each fight.
Even fights for over 10 rounds it is possible that your main get stunned from round 1 to last round.
So we need to change skills so we can hit all opponent in 1 hit to get max heroes from opponent stunned.
We need to place headless horsemann back in our formation to get max tries to stun opponent.
Oh and dont forget blazing phantom in your party if you want to stun max.
Is this the new game play of this game?
A lot of players dont see the fun of this rusian (stun) roulette.
We want to fight opponent because we think we can beat them with the power we have.
Not to win or lose because we stun the opponent or get stunned.
Please give us the game play back that we like.
Its a game of power and how you build your team. not a game of stun.
Now we have the galaxy ring and more stun then ever.
res to stun is out of zodiac blessing so we get stunned more then ever.
It is no longer a game where you need power and strong heroes. You need now all kind of things to stun to win.
The player that stuns first almost win each fight.
Even fights for over 10 rounds it is possible that your main get stunned from round 1 to last round.
So we need to change skills so we can hit all opponent in 1 hit to get max heroes from opponent stunned.
We need to place headless horsemann back in our formation to get max tries to stun opponent.
Oh and dont forget blazing phantom in your party if you want to stun max.
Is this the new game play of this game?
A lot of players dont see the fun of this rusian (stun) roulette.
We want to fight opponent because we think we can beat them with the power we have.
Not to win or lose because we stun the opponent or get stunned.
Please give us the game play back that we like.
Its a game of power and how you build your team. not a game of stun.