What is the point in even doing team arena when more often than not lvl50 and 60 players get put in with lvl70 and 80 players...absolutely crazy matching at its best....and its not br rated because 1.5m br fighting against 2.5 br proves that....time to find another game if it dosnt change
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Team arena
Beserker lvl 73
980K BR
Unearthly Fortuna lvl 85
Royal Unicorn/Sterling Moonbeam
Astral Hunter/Valkryie/Beserker Claws/Neredia (Backup, Night Sentinel)
Guild: Legendary
Lilya Lita
Mystic lvl 72
1.1M BR
Ungodly Serrin lvl 90
Smoldering Steed/Elf Spring
Astral Child/Neredia/Beserker Claws/Djnni
Huh, I'm not sure about all that, because obviously I only speak from my experience.
I'm level 80, and most of the players on my server are around the same level so sometimes we hover around the 240 mark, where we fight 210-239 and 240+, but whenever it dips just slightly under say 238, I always find us battling high BR lvl 79s, I don't know if this is meant to happen, but I've noticed it a heck of a lot over the last few weeks anyway.
A - 0 - 149
B - 150 - 179
C - 180 - 209
D - 210 - 239
E - 240 - i have no idea
Ok So to beat TA system, if u want. Those above are the sum total levels on main heroes players.
For example on A: a lv 60 + lv 45 + a lv 44 = 149 the matchings will be on weakest stage, players who often play 49+50+50.....said that any lv 60 can wipe those solo handed
or a lv 70 + lv 30 + a lv 30 = 130 ...no comment, multi or any awaken aoe skill can wipe the opposite team if they play 49-49-49
lv 80 + 30 + 30 = 140 same as above
B and C are the most altered matchings by players, once you are at a higher level 70+ and you wanna play with your buddy who is also a high player, B and C are the best.
Example B: 70+70+30 = 170 .... or the max 75+74+30 = 179 most often matchings 57+58+58 any level 70 can handle the heat
80+69+30 = 179 you get the point
Example C: 75+75+30 = 180 or 74+73+62 > here you will most encounter players who are playing 65+65+65, a level 70 can wipe any of them with proper awaken skills
(but getting higher on the total amount will get you harder opponents, like a lv 80 and those 2 lv 70's will have a hard time trying to defeat him, most cases they will lose)
85+85+30 = 200
89+89+30 = 208
and so on.....etc[League of Angels]-[S231]-[Huntress] - Retired