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Feedback & suggestion

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  • Feedback & suggestion

    Hey peeps,

    Not sure what to start with:
    Right - so i woke up this morning,sun is shining outside,figured - i should make a coffee(so i did)
    Then - was thinking - great im off today (work),so having loads of time to do stuff.So thought ill check up whats happening in forums (but ofc before that i went to do my dailies).

    So i opened up forum section at ->
    Seeing 1 unread mail - was thinking then - oh damn someone likes me.

    after opening the message - i was like - ******,damn, i need a smoke. Then went to have one.
    after coming back i thought - ill spend a bit of my time to respond to this mail. (so i did)

    Oh did i forgot to say what was on this mail!?!?!?

    Okey,okey dont freak out here it is :

    The thread was removed but your derogatory remarks will be addressed. You do not know the story of what was going and that is why the ticket information is to never be posted in the forums. Players never see the full account of what is said or not said.

    The player was answered and asked to not accuse staff. Please not post any more inflammatory remarks about staff in the forums or your privileges will be suspended.

    Cool HuH? - yeah i thought the same!! - The removed post was from last night where i commented on 1 of the forum threads (noticed quit unprofessional issue handling)

    But again - don't get me wrong - Not that i cared much about that post or this 3rd guys problems or W/E (none of my business right?!)

    Then after i responded,i had to take another smoke (and yes - i did it again)
    While smoking i just thought - who da hell these guys think they are.!??

    To threat me to be suspended for simply giving my opinion!?! where obvious misbehaviour was seen by R2 STAFF member!?!?! (which again was none of business)

    But the mail i got this morning - hell yeah that was my business!!

    SO the main point of this thread is - DO NOT PM me again saying **** like that!!!! You gonna suspend me ban me w/e.
    And start taking responsibilities of your own actions!

    Again you will prolly try to say - i do not know the full story of what happened in that case.. - yea you are right - but you know what who cares what did happen there - we are here talking about what & how do your own staff act

    And now lets see how fast will my thread be removed or you will actually have some balls to respond why the *** such actions were needed?

    Right now thinking - should i put the names of these mods/GMs/vets ... - But neah i guess no need for it ( But if u want to - feel free to ask)
    Oh and ofc - DO NOT tell it never happened cuz yes of course i doo have pictures taken to prove it

    Did i forget anything??
    Ummm,yes i did -

    Have a great day all

    Best regards

    Vei - kisses & hugs
    Last edited by veicis; 04-17-2015, 10:43 AM.
    The Godless Wolf appears once in a thousand years. When he does appear, the entire world cowers in fear. This wild beast believes in nothing but the complete destruction of everything that is, was and ever will be. the gods are extremely proud of the raw power within the animal they had created, wanted to tame this frightening beast. Refusing to be told what to do, the Godless Wolf escaped, and vowed to never subdue his rage until every god was destroyed.

  • #2
    way to go vei - yes they overstep their bounds quite a bit - thinking they are gods - that they can do no wrong - but in reality they are ruining the game - and some dont even know what they are doing and yes if u want names - i would be more than happy to give them. as there are some good ones out there - but the rotten apples spoil it for the good ones.


    • #3
      mod's are here to help players not to show some kind of autority and certainly not to threathen you with a ban !!!

      what i find weird is that r2 mod's only want us to tell good things , otherwise shut up same for the **** that happened a few weeks back, they like to stick there head in the ground.
      S69 Foultusk Lair
      IGN Jm4nsk1
      Guild BloodOath
      Alliance BloodOath
      lvl 100 BR 43 Mil


      • #4
        RAWR RAWR RAWR ..
        I'm veicis, the big angry wolf RAWR

        Aww no veicis, maybe you can ask this to the staff who send you this message and tell them it was inappropriate.

        I will accept the hugs at the end though D

        1.When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about.

        2.Be nice to people on your way up because you might meet them again on your way back down.

        3.Set an example. Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you – not because they are nice, but because you are.

        always be happy and happy faces!!!

        S91 Fireblade Ridge <3 JusTaGozu

