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Congratulations !! History event.... WHAT A JOKE !!

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  • Congratulations !! History event.... WHAT A JOKE !!


    Congratulations you have spent $3000 on our game here's a minimal amount of stupid coins so you can buy absolutely nothing!!

    Unless you spend another $2500 for a level 11 gem....

    but if you want a hero it will cost you another $12,000

    I say again Congratulations LOA DEV team this event is just another spit in the face of people who actually keep your game alive!

    Get serious and actually reward your players for spending not try and use it as yet another cash grab...

    Here's a bit of common English for you as defined by Websters dictionary:

    REWARD: A thing GIVEN in recognition of service . effort or achievement...


    Thanks for nothing, I see no reflection of the above meaning in your event !

  • #2
    I think Naoki Yoshida has said it best, paraphrasing:

    With free-to-play, because you’re selling these items, you’ll have months where you sell a bunch of stuff and you make a lot of money in that one month. But it’s all about what happens during that month. Next month, the person who maybe bought $100 worth of items in the last month could purchase nothing at all. You don’t know what you’re going to be getting, and because you don’t know what you’re going to be getting, you can’t plan ahead. You don’t know how much money is coming in. If you can’t plan ahead, then you can’t keep staff, because you don’t know if you’ll have enough money to pay the staff next month.

    With a subscription base, if you get maybe 400,000 members, you know that you’re going to have the money from that monthly subscription for the next month. You also know that you’re going to have 400,000 this month, and it’s not going to go down to 200,000 users next month. That type of jump really doesn’t happen with a subscription model. So you know that you’re going to have a steady income. Because you have a steady income, you can plan ahead further. You can make sure you have staff members to create that new content. By creating new content, you’re making the players happy. If they know this game is going to keep creating new content, they’ll continue to pay their monthly subscription fees. So rather than going for the huge $100-million-a-month hit that you might get with the free-to-play model, having that steady income allows us to provide a better product to the players.


    • #3
      LOL Isn't the idea to reward cash spending?? Don't call it a reward if there is nothing to collect for free...


      • #4
        I agree, History is a big joke, why no tasks to complete every days ??


        • #5
          Yes I agree with you absolutely..

          But with all due respect EL, For months now, players have been leaving in droves, consequently, the devs monthly revenue has fallen off the cliff. In an attempt to rectify this events have been reworked, and Spend, Spend, Spend, seems to be the daily mantra.
          Last edited by 99sammy; 05-07-2015, 11:39 PM.


          • #6
            I find it amusing that they make an event like this, just to annoy thier loyal custumers


            • #7
              I understand were your coming from sammy. just frustrated is all and as usual this will be ignored...


              • #8
                I am probably as frustrated as you EL, but all the mods can really do is relay our concerns to the devs, which I am sure they have done many times.
                The response from the devs over the last 3 months has been to punish the cashers that remain, and sadly getting worse every month.
                All of our concerns have been mostly ignored by the devs, so I don't hold up much hope for change...

                Good thread mate
                Last edited by 99sammy; 05-02-2015, 09:33 PM.


                • #9
                  You all did see that the event will repeat each month. So just save up the coins and you can get the items eventually. Sure it might take a while, but you don't have to spend a single cent more than you already have to get the items.


                  • #10
                    Are you talking about the Recharge History Bonus?
                    Because I'm having an issue with it: my auto-challenge Erebus points are not being counted toward the total needed for 1 day.
                    How do I get that fixed?


                    • #11
                      If their income has gone down that much cuz of ppl leaving or simply not recharging anymore...
                      Why spit the loyal ppl in the face?
                      They want the rest to leave as well?


                      • #12
                        Hi R29,

                        How can I best explain this Its all about the model, the Chinese model crafted for these games. The Chinese devs expect a roi in 7 to 14 days period. To accomplish this there are massive server launches daily. They fully understand that revenue plummets after that and continues to drop substantially on the existing servers. Its all about the daily server launches. It may not seem fair, but life isn't fair. And it works well in China
                        Last edited by 99sammy; 05-05-2015, 08:37 AM.


                        • #13
                          i agree that this and other events have been getting insanely ridiculous this spend spend spend policy, some like the lucky tree and this recharge history started off on a bad note... think of the lucky tree for a minute, personal bonus at 5 then 50, what about maybe at 20 (and shall we get stared on how crappy those "rewards" are compared to how much you have to spend to get there) and the fact that it takes so much level each up after the first one.... while understanding that money is what keeps the game going.. but other things keep the game running too, with all the unnecessary servers being opened instead of merging, the devs are leaving themselves short on time to fix anything that breaks which is only one of the things that chase everyone away from the game along side of lack of players on a server, more players on a server means more chances a new person will stay but because they don't want to look at it from our point of view, things are all out of wack and getting worse in some directions.... they are losing money because of their own actions and they expect people to spend more... what the fail to realize with that part is that people can't grow money on trees, we can only afford so much, if there is 30 ppl on a server and only 3 of them are able to afford to put money into the game and they reached their budget for the month, it doesn't matter what event is released or what the prize is, if we can't afford it, forget it.... merge the servers, stop paying to create more and fix the ones that exist.... it is better to have 50 working and fully functional servers than to have 1200 and only 3 work. (just using random numbers)

                          they also don't understand the word compensation either of which i defined for them in another thread about the CS Wyrm not working for so long of which we still have no compensation for

                          (sorry bounced comparative topics to try to help proof the point)
                          Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

                          S195 Fox's Inn
                          Level 85+


                          • #14
                            I really think to get an appreciation for the game we must understand the model. The design is not unique to LOA, but applies to most Chinese browser games in general. Having said that, lets look at the structure. What costs us say 10 gold in the first say 10 levels, costs 100 gold in the next 20 levels, then the next 20 levels cost 500 gold and so on exponentially. So as you can see at level 100 things can get a bit pricy. We in the West have difficulty with this concept, but it is accepted in China as the norm. It is part of the game mechanics we must deal with. If it seems unfair, then a little feedback to mods can be a good thing


                            • #15
                              This model is spread through out all the games and we as players must adapt to it. Lets just pick one, gems for instance. It takes 3 ones to make a 2, it takes 9 ones to make a 3, it takes 27 ones to make a 4 and so on. So by the time you get to synth. a level 10 gem, that's 6,561 ones, (if my math is correct). So probably best to save so a player can win the super prizes

