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Merge S177 Pearly Highlands EUROPE Please!!! =,(

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  • Merge S177 Pearly Highlands EUROPE Please!!! =,(

    Hello, I am agree with creating new servers (2 in week 223 224), but want to know if they can merge my server, we are from 4 to 8 people 5 months ago and every time are less, I invite you to the GM's who come to observe the deplorable state in which this server, is the 3rd you see that posting on the same subject please

    S177 Pearly Highlands HeroinMystyc

  • #2
    Hi Heroin,

    Make sure you want this...although I agree its needed... loa may merge 5 servers, so your ranking may go down to 15th, and Skorpys may go down to 5th. There may be 10 or so guilds stronger than yours..So you will never place in the top tier or get the good prizes. You might get the ***** beaten out of you every day from a huge casher, now on your server...

    As to LOA creating new servers, there is a reason for this... firstly, new players start out equal,so they enjoy the game much more, and its just good business to keep your players happy


    • #3
      Hello, I think what you're telling me is that the server is
      best for us to get better rewards if there are few players
      and no casher, you're right but what fun is to fight and
      fight to get a prize or ranking, Did you not find it amusing to see new players and
      friends? New challenges more difficult and
      entertainment to defeat enemies? I want merge server!!!


      • #4
        I don't think I am saying that Heroin, at least I hope not. I guess what I am saying is be patient. R2 is a business providing content to gamers around the world. As a business, I am sure you can appreciate, they have rules to follow like we all do. Having said that, mergers have rules, so when their DAU, MAU,and CCU thresholds reach a certain point, servers are merged... with mixed results. So again, just be patient please, I think we are close bro..


        • #5
          Please consider the newer players perspective like say Frozen. She has played on our server a while, but there is little hope she will ever beat Skorpy. We have tried to include her in our daily tasks at times, so a merge like you suggest might benefit her. But if her reason for playing the game is to be big Kahuna, like it is for many, then a merge won't help her. If I had to do this last gaming year all over again, I would change 1 thing for sure...I would start on a newly announced server where initial prizes are hot! and every one is equal....


          • #6
            you say that we are close? more than six months ago that the server gives hurts, never in 1 year R2 merge servers, can merge servers as 179/173 180/177, players of the same strength


            • #7
              you're patient and believe in fantasies that they promise, to my already made me mad with his stupidity, "list merge" that s h i t is that? they are lies,I understand your point of view, trying to understand my point


              • #8
                10 powerful characters of each server, if fuse 4 servers will be + 40, they only think about the new characters and new cashers, forget those who do not invest money


                • #9
                  my post got lost somehow

                  Lets assume there is some truth in your statements. So what to do? Go to a new server and start over? Or adapt, like we had to do after meeting the first boss in GOW.
                  I am patiently waiting, collecting gold from Gauntlet, and just saving stuff before the merge, I hope...


                  • #10

                    I think I spend more time in forum now than in the game...


                    • #11
                      Youzu and Google formed a jbp a couple days ago maybe that will take some pressure off the devs


                      • #12
                        We can only wait and gather resources. Lol is more fun
                        to play haha. We must continue asking Mergan the
                        server. We must be heard !!


                        • #13
                          This message is to the mods and is simple..

                          Card neatly tucked away in ice in the freezer until we merge

                          You and only you R2 have the blow torch..

                          I understand you will need GTA to open the door.
                          Last edited by 99sammy; 05-09-2015, 04:13 AM.


                          • #14
                            I do agree with the merge , like myself as a new player there i can see that there aren't many players around of my level and it is hard to do even team arena , not even talking about team dungeon or other stuff, not much of a competition. So yes, it might be difficult after the merge but things at least will be more exciting. Now we wait to see if someone will take a look at this thread.
                            Last edited by dragonage10; 05-06-2015, 05:58 AM.


                            • #15
                              Greetings, As a player that's been on for about a year I do like playing LOA but it is a challenge to try to do the different games with only a few active players. As a middle level player a merge would be received happily and with some excitement at enough players to have more players to compete with and become friends. The way it is right now im starting to look for another game to entertain my time which is sad to me because I do enjoy LOA.. I will no longer put one dollar into this game until there is a solution to this issue and will do my best to convince my mates and the rest of my team to do the same. Thanks for your time and wishful for a resolution.

