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Tarot Cards

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  • Tarot Cards

    The bastard devs made tarot a freakin joke. I cant get passed 4 stages without running out of time. *** was the point of all your modifications for that feature its so stupid now i don't know how people can make it past more then that. My computer is not slow and neither is my internet, the time im allowed is just fuc***g ridiculous. You people SUCK!

  • #2
    if your computer and internet are normal , then you suck for failing at lvl4 , i clear almost allways lvl8 without spending diamonds , and others player on my server are around the same .


    • #3
      Originally posted by ohkitsune View Post
      if your computer and internet are normal , then you suck for failing at lvl4 , i clear almost allways lvl8 without spending diamonds , and others player on my server are around the same .
      actually it is prety hard to pass lvls 4+, because of that "it takes 2-3 seconds to flip every card" "improvement" that R2 introduced
      also whole game just freezes at 10 seconds remaining (of course except timer, which is still ticking)
      Last edited by Ceriss; 05-18-2015, 05:00 AM.


      • #4
        lol i can even reach lvl 9 sometimes and lvl 8 all the time ...
        IGN : BaD MaN
        Server : ua57


        • #5
          its highly possible to reach lvl 8. I reach it almost all the time.
          But it does freeze up once the timer reaches red. I don't remember how many seconds are on the clock at that time but when the timers turns Red it doesn't let you flip anymore cards even though there is still a few seconds left. I don't know if its a bug or if its supposed to happen like that.

          If its a bug then i hope it gets fixed if its not a bug then never mind.


          • #6
            Tarot pretty much let's the people with good internet get all the rewards. Honestly I think this is discrimination. Why the same people get the best rewards every day and the rest get a glass of cold water. It's absolutely not fair.
            s56 Starcrest Mountains

            “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

