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Gauntlet Needs More Coyotes or More HP

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  • Gauntlet Needs More Coyotes or More HP

    My guild does Hell for Gauntlet. There is still not enough attacks for us. We stand around for 50-60 seconds every wave. Our angel takes less than 1k damage most nights. This damage is from when everyone is attacking the dragons and ignoring the little fur balls.

    I am sure other guilds have the same problem.

    I suggest that we get 7 coyotes and 2 werewolves for Hell. Not so much for the other 3. Any guild that doesn't have a lot of people wouldn't go into Hell or be able to keep up with this many enemies. So, this would set the Hell section apart from the other 3 and make it much better.

    Or an increase in enemy HP for Hell. Either one would work.
    Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

    S195 Fox's Inn
    Level 85+

  • #2
    To break the expected monotony of upgrade guild level or flag, split guild, etc. responses that these threads generally provide, I will mention a few of the possibilities I have seen thrown around. They each have their pros and cons, but they are workable ideas. Rewards (gold/honour) not discussed because I don't have time to detail those.

    1) Boost the HP of the wolves and dragons by some insane amount (say 1000x). Keep all else same. On the Pro side, plenty to go around healthwise (1st wave wolves would go from 78million HP to 78billion HP). Cons: with 5 wolves a wave, clears become much harder.

    2) Same as #1, but make the amount even more of a boost, but decrease the number of wolves to 3 total (or 1 with some insane health, like a trillion or something ridiculous). Slow their approach speed so they aren't attacking the angel as quick. Wolves do a lot more damage to angel (e.g., if there is 1 wolf in the wave it will do 1000 damage to angel). Everyone gets multiple shots in, plenty of room to do as much damage as they want. Chances of a clear are still low, but everyone gets to attack (and will be needed to stop the wolves).

    3) A DW/WB style event, minus all the issues (too numerous to count) that plague those. Would need a reward modification.

    4) Endless horde of random enemies (could be wolves could be SQ, ES, GW), all with different stats. No cooldown, no waves, just 30 minutes of chaotic, frantic battles. Each enemy that got through would do a very small amount of damage (1 HP, since we're talking endless enemies). This would be the most active, intense event. Issues are of course, reward system/amounts, CPU strain (lag and what not), and feasibility. This would be the hardest to implement and get working correctly, but if it could be (hypothetically) implemented, it would be heaps of fun.


    • #3
      I'm agree with the 4th proposal of drcaptawesome !


      • #4
        In the survey event I suggested they simply double the number of wolves per wave to 30 (2x spawn rate). As is in my guild 3 people can 1-shot the dragons (800m hp ea) and then solo each lane while waiting over 30s for the next wave. Extra boredom when 6 people show up and have to share and only kill every other wolf.


        • #5
          Originally posted by drcaptawesome View Post
          To break the expected monotony of upgrade guild level or flag, split guild, etc. responses that these threads generally provide, I will mention a few of the possibilities I have seen thrown around. They each have their pros and cons, but they are workable ideas. Rewards (gold/honour) not discussed because I don't have time to detail those.

          1) Boost the HP of the wolves and dragons by some insane amount (say 1000x). Keep all else same. On the Pro side, plenty to go around healthwise (1st wave wolves would go from 78million HP to 78billion HP). Cons: with 5 wolves a wave, clears become much harder.

          2) Same as #1, but make the amount even more of a boost, but decrease the number of wolves to 3 total (or 1 with some insane health, like a trillion or something ridiculous). Slow their approach speed so they aren't attacking the angel as quick. Wolves do a lot more damage to angel (e.g., if there is 1 wolf in the wave it will do 1000 damage to angel). Everyone gets multiple shots in, plenty of room to do as much damage as they want. Chances of a clear are still low, but everyone gets to attack (and will be needed to stop the wolves).

          3) A DW/WB style event, minus all the issues (too numerous to count) that plague those. Would need a reward modification.

          4) Endless horde of random enemies (could be wolves could be SQ, ES, GW), all with different stats. No cooldown, no waves, just 30 minutes of chaotic, frantic battles. Each enemy that got through would do a very small amount of damage (1 HP, since we're talking endless enemies). This would be the most active, intense event. Issues are of course, reward system/amounts, CPU strain (lag and what not), and feasibility. This would be the hardest to implement and get working correctly, but if it could be (hypothetically) implemented, it would be heaps of fun.
          1 & 2 are okay.
          3 - God forbid! An even more boring event to do for just gold and rewards. WB is relatively okay as it's not very long and rewards are worth it now but Demonic is so boring that I usually leave myself to auto attack and go read a book or watch TV. If I do not fall asleep first that is.
          4 - Yes, please! This sounds like waaaaaay fun! An event like this will be really, really nice.
          s56 Starcrest Mountains

          “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


          • #6
            my server basicly has 2 active guilds, my guild can get through hell with me and the 2 others that show up, i can last until about the 6th run then i have a 50/50 shot of dying when attacking Cyotes. the other 2 have no prob. the other Guild as problems making it to the end of Hell, i've talked to them and only 2 ppl usualy show up, they're ranked 2nd and 4th in Com. the 2 in my guild are ranked 1st and 3rd in CoM, i'm ranked 6th, I would be lower but we hardly have any players on our server..


            • #7
              most players have the problem of activity, there really arent that many servers that have so many players they have these issues....


              • #8
                Change the hour of gauntlet, instead of 22:30 server hour , put 21:30 server hour, most of the players are working , school , cant stay late nite to do gauntlet
                Hunter 92lvl
                S189 Bleak Divide


                • #9
                  my guild (3 members) does hell gauntlet, 0 damage to angel, one hit kill everything except dragons which need 2 hits lol. I agree with idea nr 4, would be awesome
                  IGN: Zephyr
                  S(186) Heaven of Lapha


                  • #10
                    Increase your guild level/guild flag level. That's the easiest way to get more HP on the mobs in gauntlet


                    • #11
                      guild lvl 34 flag 11 and hit 230.4mil gold every gauntlet with solo lane


                      • #12
                        flag lvl 11 lol, must be nice to have moneybags to boost your flag lvl so much. $100 big ones just to go from lvl 4 to 5, and we all know prices iincrease exponentially in these things.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pestritu View Post
                          Change the hour of gauntlet, instead of 22:30 server hour , put 21:30 server hour, most of the players are working , school , cant stay late nite to do gauntlet
                          What they get for making real life cr,ap the priority. LoA is worldwide so changing the time would fix nothing since that would be better for some and worse for others. If they are hell bent on having a job and going to school better to change the times of those (personally I just avoid things like work and school and beg for money between events if I'm not sleeping).


                          • #14
                            Until you need a trillion gold to level. Diminishing returns after 30. After 40 it gets outright pathetic.


                            • #15
                              If it's a guild of hard cashers only not really that much per person. Mine is 7 and the creator alone did most of that when the server started. Now if 10 or 20 all chip in $100 11 is easy. After that not much point. Main purpose of flag is make your guild more attractive than others on a new server. After 4-5 months the cost of an increase in stats is far from worth it since by then everyone has 3-4m br and there's far cheaper ways to get stats.

