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character move server

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  • character move server

    Dear Game Master LOA
    I asked for help from the GM staff
    My character what may be moved to server [S256] Philosopher's Way.
    because in the server [S15] Mikaela's Rampage I could not anything left far level. My old players on this server. at that time I stopped playing the game because I was taking care of my college. I fit to play again, already lagged level.
    therefore if the game masters deign.
    I implore you, please move my character.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    Your first mistake was making real life a priority. You quickly fall behind when you do that. It's doubtful they will ever offer server transfers since that will make them lose money. While I would love to move to a server where there's no event competition and getting #1 in every event costs only $10 each I doubt it will ever happen. The best you can hope for is a server merge which may or may not make your situation worse. Other option is simply wait for a Day 1 brand new server and start over (expensive). Personally I'd just do what most do and quit to play something else (my in-game wife lost internet for 2 weeks, came back to see it would cost a fortune to catch up again, so logged out and never came back).


    • #3
      Originally posted by fuqthegovt View Post
      Your first mistake was making real life a priority. You quickly fall behind when you do that. It's doubtful they will ever offer server transfers since that will make them lose money. While I would love to move to a server where there's no event competition and getting #1 in every event costs only $10 each I doubt it will ever happen. The best you can hope for is a server merge which may or may not make your situation worse. Other option is simply wait for a Day 1 brand new server and start over (expensive). Personally I'd just do what most do and quit to play something else (my in-game wife lost internet for 2 weeks, came back to see it would cost a fortune to catch up again, so logged out and never came back).
      Many players have asked for moving character. The answer always have been - not possible. You either deal with what you have or you start a new character on new server. Not to mention that I do not think it fair to move an old character to a new server. S256 is brand new server and an old character moved there will always have an unfair advantage.
      s56 Starcrest Mountains

      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


      • #4
        Characters can't be transferred/moved.
        to file a ticket


        • #5
          lol since when has this game been fair? You pay to have unfair advantages that's just the way the game/business model is set up. Transferring would be just another unfair advantage for sale. Don't see how it's not possible to delete char data from one server and put it on another (or even just clone it and make old one no longer accessible since I noticed even banned chars are still in the game, just not active). Simply put they make more money forcing people to start over and spend another $5000 rather than simply pay $1000 for a transfer (only hard cashers would probably take advantage of it, free players lose nothing but time from starting over on another server).


          • #6
            Well they can implement this, but only transferable to old servers (dead servers). Don't insist on moving your lvl70-90+ char to a fairly new server or your true agenda will show.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackofblackest View Post
              Well they can implement this, but only transferable to old servers (dead servers). Don't insist on moving your lvl70-90+ char to a fairly new server or your true agenda will show.
              I don't see why it would matter. Anyone can drop $5000 on a new server/char and obliterate everyone in a matter of days anyway since level has very little to do with that, especially after 60 (in fact it's better to stay 60 if possible, hit/dodge is capped at 30k then anyway, avoids the need to raise it to ridiculous levels like 70k+).
              Last edited by fuqthegovt; 06-04-2015, 10:21 AM.

