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world boss new scheme

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  • world boss new scheme

    i tried to see for mysself , but i am asking others opinion to.

    1. wich skyls are better to use ? (the ingore def ones)
    2. wich placement of main chars is better ? (front to be first hitted or upper back row?)

  • #2
    Originally posted by InverSe619 View Post
    i tried to see for mysself , but i am asking others opinion to.

    1. wich skyls are better to use ? (the ingore def ones)
    2. wich placement of main chars is better ? (front to be first hitted or upper back row?)
    Front midle, with def ignore skills and aquarius, then it comes down to set proper aegis blessings.
    Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


    • #3
      Add totems to the equation, apaprently the Serpent totem does make a difference here, at least for me
      IGN: Zephyr
      S(186) Heaven of Lapha


      • #4
        Personally I'd think gold divine totem and +27 mod for 100-rage irb and 4 strikers (fire queen, moonlight warrior, amazon hawker and some other one in reserve) would do the most damage. Expensive and takes time but that's my goal. Usually blazing hecate/ dragon whisperer goes in reserve but since heals are practically useless with the 1-shot kills a 4th striker would prob be better.
        Last edited by fuqthegovt; 06-04-2015, 03:05 PM.

