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suggestion for tarot!

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  • suggestion for tarot!

    As I only see people complain about tarot, im gonna post this in new thread.

    I suggest that you put an option in tarot that allow players to chose flip animation speed.I know that most players wont understand why would such option exist, but there are those who dont need whole eternity to memorize 2 cards.
    Also, I understand that the way tarot is now is for players to spend dias, as any other event, but please put an option like that.

  • #2
    I was about to get mad at another "put tarot back, i suck at it now" post...but i like this lol, if animation speed was halved I could get lvl 10 everytime no sweat


    • #3
      agreed, waiting 1-2 sec to mispair close to open new card eat time too fast, especialy when misspairs comes in row
      S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
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      • #4
        I don't think they made the flipping slow so you can memorize them better. They really don't give a rat's *** whether you do or not. But I am pretty sure they made it slow so that it can consume more of your time and make you spend cash.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ZaferSama View Post
          I don't think they made the flipping slow so you can memorize them better. They really don't give a rat's *** whether you do or not. But I am pretty sure they made it slow so that it can consume more of your time and make you spend cash.
          I've never spent cash on tarot and never will. Only an idiot does since the shop prizes suck if you're not a new player. I'd say most don't. As is I get L8-9 3x with no spending. I save 35k pts for resource buying during tycoon and rest on those fairy/stable stones (and munins on the rare occasion). But since I need so many of those stones just to get a fairy to 5 they are not worth buying at all. 5-6k free pts a day is plenty enough. Still feel sorry for the ones with lousy ping/bad internet or that can't read English and doesn't know what an "Angel with a white hoodie" is. That dragging mechanic is the stupidest idea yet. I get that they did this to kill the bots available that automated tarot (since LH didn't do it) but when they do this it just provides incentive for them to write another bot that can drag.

