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Gauntlet Revamped > My Opinion

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  • Gauntlet Revamped > My Opinion

    Gauntlet was revamped. Yes, I am one of the people asking for the monsters to have a higher HP or more of them.

    However, this is insane. You put them on 7 kinds of steroids and gave them rabies instead of just giving them a little bit of a growth hormone. Now, everyone is losing gold and guild honor. This wasn't the objective we were looking for. We were looking for more gold and guild honor. I lost about 40m gold and 3k guild honor. I am not happy about this.

    We couldn't complete the event and our angel died with 6 waves remaining.
    As it turns out, it doesn't even matter what level we choose, the monsters have the same HP in all levels, which makes no sense. It literally doesn't make a difference which one we choose, we would still get the same results.

    Can you tone it down a notch and meet in the middle of what they used to be and what they are now?
    Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

    S195 Fox's Inn
    Level 85+

  • #2
    From what I've been told, it got fixed already.
    The people who have gauntlet today will test it and post I guess ( I'll also do it if oceanic players won't be faster ).

    It's the first hour, of the first day
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    You were everything, and could have been
    It's the first summer, of the first year
    Today only rain, knocks on my window
    And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

    I fail to emerge
    It's a universe, that wants me to get off
    Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

    It's the first night, when I feel cold
    Your arms can no longer warm me
    A cold soul, I cannot love.


    • #3
      nooo, this new gauntlet is epic and well deserved for those fighting tooth and nail for a "harder" gauntlet. You wanted harder you got it lol. Funny how they do what everyone asks and instead of thanks you complain about it being too hard xD

      Next thing you know theyll sc rew it over and make it like WB and DW and then everyone will hate it, cant wait yay


      • #4
        Wolves with steroids are awesome. New gaunlet is made for big guilds again like in the past.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	LoaNewGaunlet.JPG
Views:	4
Size:	69.1 KB
ID:	1714127


        • #5
          The new gauntlet is much better, 2billion dmg per 20 sec is not that bad, more honor and gold


          • #6
            please we wan't new gauntlet we have to fight each others again for wolves
            Last edited by [LitA]; 06-13-2015, 10:00 AM.


            • #7
              ok, someone enlighten me on how you are getting more gold and honor when everyone on our server is getting less, is it once again that our sever is getting sc rewed by the devs?
              Last edited by JennAngel1983; 06-13-2015, 10:24 AM. Reason: typos
              Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

              S195 Fox's Inn
              Level 85+


              • #8
                Originally posted by Galamesh View Post
                Wolves with steroids are awesome. New gaunlet is made for big guilds again like in the past.
                and i am going to guess by this image, that the mages are being favored again, just like when WB was redone, some of the factoring there may be due to the individual char and setup but it does "look" like part of the problem is that the devs are giving the mages the upper hand on everything and saying sc rew the warrior class, all classes should be treated equally in the changes that come about and if the situation is that the devs keep doing this, a lot of warriors will leave the game and mind you 3/4 of the game is warrior, so this won't help solve the problem of getting and keeping ppl on the servers
                Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

                S195 Fox's Inn
                Level 85+


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JennAngel1983 View Post
                  ok, someone enlighten me on how you are getting more gold and honor when everyone on our server is getting less, is it once again that our sever is getting sc rewed by the devs?
                  This may be kind of a moot point since gauntlet has been reverted back to the version it was before the 2billion hp thing, but gold and honour function a little differently. Gold has a cap at 230.4 million possible earned via mail, plus a 250k per hit cap. More damage = more gold, and for the most part that is true, but there is a bit of deception behind that. As you level and get stronger, there is a penalty (I call it a penalty because that what it is to me, in reality it's the incentivisation to keep people donating to the guild and to keep getting stronger) of sorts where you lose gold. Perhaps, stronger members of your guild have complained about reductions in their gold awards seeming significantly less than "the last time." This "penalty" works something like this:

                  Let's say you do 10billion damage today in gauntlet and get 100million gold in mail. Two days later you do the exact same damage, will you get 100million again? No. You'll get some portion less, and the only way to break the 100million mark again will be to do more than 10billion in damage. Now, doing more damage becomes a lot harder when your guildmates growth in strength outpaces the growth of the monsters; also when you can deal 500million in damage, but monsters only have 100million hp you lose out on a lot of damage potential. With 2billion hp on the wolves stronger players are no longer restrained by the health of the wolves, allowing them to surpass the "penalty zone" and make gold as if their guilds had been leveled a lot more. The same principle applies to honour via mail.

                  Honour on the other hand is uncapped: both per hit and overall. The only constraint on the per hit amount is the health of the monsters. If you can do 500million a hit, but only monsters only have 100million health then you miss out on the honour per hit boost. On 100million health wolves you only get around 60-70 honour, but with 2billion health, if you can do your full damage potential of 500million to start, you will see 250+ honour per hit (which over the course of the event really adds up).

                  Strong players benefited by not having to share wolves, intermediate players had wolves to hit (whereas they normally have to fight over the scraps), weak players actually had wolves to hit (and they still died so no change there). Alas, it's all irrelevant given that it was reverted back to the old form.


                  • #10
                    i bet its obvious which reward people would want out of all these over the past month lol

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	gaunt reward.png
Views:	1
Size:	303.6 KB
ID:	1714169


                    • #11
                      it was a bugg and is fixed already , about the penalty is unclear to me if its based every 500k br or level based , both theorys could be true but can to confirm .


                      • #12
                        the monsters have about a 15% increase to HP from they had before the change, this i can handle, thank you for not leaving it the other way... i am getting a little bit more than i was b4 the change..
                        Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

                        S195 Fox's Inn
                        Level 85+


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by JennAngel1983 View Post
                          the monsters have about a 15% increase to HP from they had before the change, this i can handle, thank you for not leaving it the other way... i am getting a little bit more than i was b4 the change..
                          They dont have more hp than before , your guild probably leveled or the flag leveled up or a big rise on guild br .


                          • #14
                            i was thriled to try new gauntlet but NEVER got chance as seems didnt happened or like someone else just say its upgrade guild lvl, guild flag and overal guil br increase
                            thou id love to see new gauntlet as ppl saying with high boss/mob hp

                            s196 Blightcliff


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by godlys View Post
                              i was thriled to try new gauntlet but NEVER got chance as seems didnt happened or like someone else just say its upgrade guild lvl, guild flag and overal guil br increase
                              thou id love to see new gauntlet as ppl saying with high boss/mob hp

                              s196 Blightcliff
                              It wasn't a new Gauntlet, it was a bug they fixed. Wish I have seen it too but it was fixed for my server. Would have been soooo nice.
                              s56 Starcrest Mountains

                              “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

