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  • Odin

    I accidently click on odin instead of mountain god as they look similar, now i have 2 can i please exchange it to mountain god if you can help me with this and yes im a noob

  • #2
    You can try filing a ticket requesting an exchange. However I don't believe they will exchange it since it was a player error. It does not hurt to try.
    to file a ticket


    • #3
      problem with the elemental integrity

      800 train yesterday elemental crystals integrity who buy in (house of card). I accept myself just 30% of the crystals and the other 70% of crystals ate them. I showed me an error message. I disminullo me your current br.

      Do you know what happens to me and my Valkyrie verseker. because 70% of my crystals ate, if before they did not. I have not diminished their brs me?

      S79 titamhammer cage
      ING: caliche15


      • #4
        Originally posted by caliche15 View Post
        800 train yesterday elemental crystals integrity who buy in (house of card). I accept myself just 30% of the crystals and the other 70% of crystals ate them. I showed me an error message. I disminullo me your current br.

        Do you know what happens to me and my Valkyrie verseker. because 70% of my crystals ate, if before they did not. I have not diminished their brs me?

        S79 titamhammer cage
        ING: caliche15
        I am unclear on your statement. Can you try to rephrase it?
        to file a ticket


        • #5
          Problems with integrida elementary?

          Why to me berserker and to my Valkyrie they are the elementary integrity was it diminished?

          yesterday buy 800 crystals of elementary integrity. That he buys (the house of card). I accept only 30 % of the crystals.
          Other one 70 % of crystals, was eating up it completely. A message of mistake went to me. On having given him to the
          button (ungrade). And having pressed, the button (ultra), this me was diminishing the br of 2 heroes. At the same time,
          they were going down. The old stars.

          To inherit from other heroes his values, do I lose they quite also?

          S79 titamhammer
          ING: caliche15


          • #6
            When you upgrade elements you should click save when it goes up. using elements does not guarantee it will increase level every time. Also, just use normal or advanced to try and upgrade elements. Ultra is not recommended and yes elements can be inherited.
            to file a ticket

