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1-click for Totems' levels?

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  • 1-click for Totems' levels?

    Hi everyone!

    Would it be possible to implement some kind of 1-click for Totems? It would be faster and... having to single click every level that you've already cleared dozens of times it's kinda stupid.

    Maybe a 1-click button that appears once you've cleared all 10 fights on the same level? Would make sense to me.

    Thanks in advance for your attention.

    Have a nice day!

  • #2
    If u cleared 10 levels because of Emblem, Worship buff, and luck... then on the next day u don't have those anymore, that means u can't just 1 click something that u can't beat


    • #3
      Originally posted by lezickh View Post
      If u cleared 10 levels because of Emblem, Worship buff, and luck... then on the next day u don't have those anymore, that means u can't just 1 click something that u can't beat
      It's true, but that applies to everything in game. You could beat levels in Spire with the same method, they still allow you to blitz them later. Same thing with the Erebus. If you're "lucky" once, you unlock the blitz for good. I can't see why this is not doable with Totems as well.


      • #4
        My understanding is it works like this: say I have cleared levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 and am currently on level 5. There is actually a one-click, but it doesn't go all the way. When I one-click, I get 1, 2 and 3 automatically. NOT 4, even though I've completed it and am on to 5.

        When I complete 5 and open up 6, then I will be able to one-click 1, 2, 3 and 4.

        lezickh as to your point, I agree. You don't "lose" a dungeon or a zodiac level or a spire level. Once you beat it, it stays beaten, and it's very strange that the totems are not the same way.


        • #5
          u auto blitz in totems... for instance if cleared level 5 u start at beginning of L5 from now on and level 4 becomes easier for server if u were 1st to clear lvl 5
          u blitz to start of level u cleared which is perfectly fine i not see the problem with it, in spire u have to clear 15-10 to blitz L15, in zod u have to kill the boss mob to blitz lvl diff icon thing have diff rules/bonuses


          • #6
            Lezickh is a troll wandering all suggestion threads and give negative feedback to suggestions so just ignore the troll. One would think he gets paid by R2 to defend their lame points.

