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New little helper and max broken stuff!

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  • New little helper and max broken stuff!

    So I am not a big fan of this new Little Helper that has been put out. I mean lets look at this, let's make the **** more complicated, and keep the game as broken as possible. Currently Divine War is active on our server, and of course they broke that to, big surprise there. Before you Dev's make new stuff how about fixing the upteen things broken or not working properly. Let's start out with super lag, unless you own alienware, and honestly who is gonna spen $1500 more then you are currently just to play LOA lag free, then you have Team Arena is forever breaking down. Then there are bugs and glitches all over Guild Wars to the point, you can't see half of the players that are competing. Now if all that isn't enough broken junk in the game, the Divine War when you enter is all empty castles, you can't load up, or your loading screen gets to 75% and stops, just awesome there. Now of course they send us this dumb *** questionare everytime they update something, but of course they never read it, they just have it there to feel like they are doing their jobs, when in reality they don't even pay attention to the game or how it is running. So instead of fixing the long list of broken **** their is in a seemingly good game, lets go and mess it all up with an almost insane to figure out Little Helper, that you need A Masters Degree in ** to even comprehend. Congratulations League of Angels staff and Development team, you should be proud, that you have officially joined with all of the other games on the R2 servers, as a good game allowed to go to hell, just because your devs, are to busy upgrading instead of making sure the game even works. I would also like to add this as a warning to any new players thinking about playing here, go somewhere else! They don't answer tickets, they don't read feedback, and they don't give a rats *** if you are alive! Even if you spend a house payment, 2 cars and your first born child, they still only care about the next dollar they will make, and not in the least about anything else. At the rate this game is going it will join the realms of Farmtune(Wartune) soon enough as one of the best games killed by R2Games.

  • #2
    You cost me Divine War.

    Either the DEVS are clueless or just useless.


    We love LOA, that's why we all still play. You can't get the basic things to work and keep adding stuff to make our lives more
    difficult...STOP IT.

    We want a LOA that works properly and isn't constantly faulting out. Here is a list.

    1. Constant lag from updates. (This last update had no lag)

    2. Logging Problems. Every Update...stop it.
    (Now getting into issues that have been around for a couple of years)

    3. TD is still broken....your code can't distinguish when two people hit at the same time and just flush it, and respawn, or give kill credit and move on? This has been going on for two years.

    4. CS...Fix it. Either your code is broken or you are clueless. A level 63 that only every faces 70+? *** is wrong with you. Fix it.

    5. COM....Really...after 3 years, you can't get it to work? Either you don't care or you think it's not a big deal.

    6. Codes don't link for fights..this means you have to refresh for server to acknowledge that you have even fought a battle...let alone the animations constantly dropping in the middle of fights....And don't claim it's a card issue. Everyone experiences it, and has said so, you just don't care.

    Lets start with those DEVs. If you can't fix it, don't be DEVs.

    Honestly I think at this point R2 would be better off hiring contractors instead of paying you to mess the game up more.


    • #3
      yes the new little helper is 1000% terrible. it refuses to keep my garden running all day, which was one of the greatest features of little helper. It also removed all of my icons from their folders and rearranged them. Now if that isn't ridiculously pointless, i dont know what is.
      Faction chat hasnt been up all day, that made life SO WONDERFUL for cross server strategy meetings. (sarcasm laid heavy over that, in case you couldnt tell)
      And then divine war is broken. Yes, before you say you got it back up, you got it back up with a minute to spare before it closed for two days. People have been waiting for this event and we all feel quite cheated.
      Honestly, i dont want another 'update' with new **** thrown in my face while the rest of the game falls apart. If you want people to continue to spend money on this game, make it work before adding new things.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Achilles2015 View Post
        So I am not a big fan of this new Little Helper that has been put out. I mean lets look at this, let's make the **** more complicated, and keep the game as broken as possible. Currently Divine War is active on our server, and of course they broke that to, big surprise there. Before you Dev's make new stuff how about fixing the upteen things broken or not working properly. Let's start out with super lag, unless you own alienware, and honestly who is gonna spen $1500 more then you are currently just to play LOA lag free, then you have Team Arena is forever breaking down. Then there are bugs and glitches all over Guild Wars to the point, you can't see half of the players that are competing. Now if all that isn't enough broken junk in the game, the Divine War when you enter is all empty castles, you can't load up, or your loading screen gets to 75% and stops, just awesome there. Now of course they send us this dumb *** questionare everytime they update something, but of course they never read it, they just have it there to feel like they are doing their jobs, when in reality they don't even pay attention to the game or how it is running. So instead of fixing the long list of broken **** their is in a seemingly good game, lets go and mess it all up with an almost insane to figure out Little Helper, that you need A Masters Degree in ** to even comprehend. Congratulations League of Angels staff and Development team, you should be proud, that you have officially joined with all of the other games on the R2 servers, as a good game allowed to go to hell, just because your devs, are to busy upgrading instead of making sure the game even works. I would also like to add this as a warning to any new players thinking about playing here, go somewhere else! They don't answer tickets, they don't read feedback, and they don't give a rats *** if you are alive! Even if you spend a house payment, 2 cars and your first born child, they still only care about the next dollar they will make, and not in the least about anything else. At the rate this game is going it will join the realms of Farmtune(Wartune) soon enough as one of the best games killed by R2Games.
        Originally posted by KuurusVamp View Post
        You cost me Divine War.

        Either the DEVS are clueless or just useless.


        We love LOA, that's why we all still play. You can't get the basic things to work and keep adding stuff to make our lives more
        difficult...STOP IT.

        We want a LOA that works properly and isn't constantly faulting out. Here is a list.

        1. Constant lag from updates. (This last update had no lag)

        2. Logging Problems. Every Update...stop it.
        (Now getting into issues that have been around for a couple of years)

        3. TD is still broken....your code can't distinguish when two people hit at the same time and just flush it, and respawn, or give kill credit and move on? This has been going on for two years.

        4. CS...Fix it. Either your code is broken or you are clueless. A level 63 that only every faces 70+? *** is wrong with you. Fix it.

        5. COM....Really...after 3 years, you can't get it to work? Either you don't care or you think it's not a big deal.

        6. Codes don't link for fights..this means you have to refresh for server to acknowledge that you have even fought a battle...let alone the animations constantly dropping in the middle of fights....And don't claim it's a card issue. Everyone experiences it, and has said so, you just don't care.

        Lets start with those DEVs. If you can't fix it, don't be DEVs.

        Honestly I think at this point R2 would be better off hiring contractors instead of paying you to mess the game up more.
        Please Post it on GTArcade Forums too, since the update note was just copy and pasted from the GTArcade forums.


        • #5
          Thank you AkumeDeDiablo


          • #6
            The gamers that play League of Angels should be able to do 3 basic things every 6 months, and they are as follows:

            A)Vote on if the Development Team is doing their job, or should all be flushed and a new team hired.

            B)Rate the game not on new content, but how much of the stuff that is already out is broken and not working.

            C)Rate Mentors on how friendly and useful they were and have been on their servers.

            Lets be real here for a sec, Mentors should all have individual names instead of all playing from just a single account. It would make it 10 times easier to complain about a specific Mentor, if there was a difference between them. Some mentors are really good at their jobs, and some need to find a new hobby.

            The game players are playing shouldn't ever be rated on how much new stuff they are putting out every week, the only rating that should count is if it is bug free and working in a proper manner. If it isn't, I guess I might need to go online and look up the individual members of the Board, and start emailing them directly with game concerns, since lets be honest, if you want something done, you go talk to the people who have all the money.

            And to put it into prospective, if the Devs aren't doing their jobs, and are the cause of players quitting the game, that is costing the Board money, and costing them money should be grounds for dismissal, not a blue ribbon to keep it up. Sometimes replacing everyone and getting a new team in shows those that aren't doing their job that they can, and WILL be replaced if they don't feel it is their job to fix the game.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Achilles2015 View Post
              The gamers that play League of Angels should be able to do 3 basic things every 6 months, and they are as follows:

              A)Vote on if the Development Team is doing their job, or should all be flushed and a new team hired.

              B)Rate the game not on new content, but how much of the stuff that is already out is broken and not working.

              C)Rate Mentors on how friendly and useful they were and have been on their servers.

              Lets be real here for a sec, Mentors should all have individual names instead of all playing from just a single account. It would make it 10 times easier to complain about a specific Mentor, if there was a difference between them. Some mentors are really good at their jobs, and some need to find a new hobby.

              The game players are playing shouldn't ever be rated on how much new stuff they are putting out every week, the only rating that should count is if it is bug free and working in a proper manner. If it isn't, I guess I might need to go online and look up the individual members of the Board, and start emailing them directly with game concerns, since lets be honest, if you want something done, you go talk to the people who have all the money.

              And to put it into prospective, if the Devs aren't doing their jobs, and are the cause of players quitting the game, that is costing the Board money, and costing them money should be grounds for dismissal, not a blue ribbon to keep it up. Sometimes replacing everyone and getting a new team in shows those that aren't doing their job that they can, and WILL be replaced if they don't feel it is their job to fix the game.
              Actually Mentors did had names before, they were [GM]R2VET"namehere" than when they released the new server rewards they seems to went back to R2Mentor to hide the identity of the Which mentor is which, remember we the players have played on other servers so we have see their names.
              Last edited by AkumaDeDiablo; 09-24-2015, 09:40 PM. Reason: the name of the staff or what ever it is called be edited.


              • #8
                If we didn't like the game and community we wouldn't be here posting...this is stupid.

                FIX the problems...If you can't, get out of the way so that those who can can get it done.

                For the board members of R2...and GTA if that is where the problems are originating...

                You will make more money by fixing what is broke then you do now.

                If your teams can't get it done, stop paying their salaries and hire from outside to get the coding done. Stop wasting our time and your money.


                • #9
                  We are aware AkumeDeDiablo..we chased that dragon early on this server...which is why mentors were banned from it and Orlene only stopped by once a week to try to be a baddass, and then left us alone.


                  • #10
                    True Akuma, but now they hide so that players can't even tell when they switch, I mean how many times on our server alone did one mentor start a fight, then log of like a school girl, and leave the new one logging in holding the bag that they started and caused even more aggravation. I mean if they had individual names they would be less likely to go above their duties since it would be to easy to turn them in, where it is much harder when they are all just named mentor, from seperate accounts, linked onto one. We need the old system back, or i might have to visit every new server and find they bad ones, and spend weeks if not months reporting them until they are sent packing, and yes some of them made me mad enough to do just that. Not play the fun game, but hunt bad mentors until they are removed, it may be one of the funnest things i have seen to do recently after these new upgrades.


                    • #11
                      Most of the players on this server have decided that it's fixed or we're done...and that is a lot of cash out of the pockets of R2..and GTA


                      • #12
                        The players make the games.

                        Anyone who thinks different should look at the best example...WoW..

                        3 million players when I joined, then peaked at 13 million before dropping back to single digits, because they were idiots that didn't listen.


                        • #13
                          oh and another thing. i cant seem to be able to type in any chat for any consistent amount of time :/
                          i have to keep refreshing to get my text through. it is really really frustrating and only happens after each update.


                          • #14
                            i want my little helper back like before..... Loop quest with her is broken... one hour later it's not finish lol....

