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sick of world boss ending fast? i found a solution.

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  • sick of world boss ending fast? i found a solution.

    i thought of a great idea and i know a lot of people will enjoy this too. i think World Boss should have 3 difficulties for people to pick from, like zodiac and
    gauntlet has normal, nightmare and purgatory. i think world boss should be the same the higher the difficulty the better the rewards, and bigger the challenge
    the players will experience. that way everyone can take part on any difficulty, no more players with 14 million plus BR one hitting World Bosses they will actually
    have a battle on they're hands too. it needs to be balanced more, way more seeing how most people with 14mil+ BR easily put out 4-8 billion damage in a single
    fight on World Boss(I'm talking 1 attack kills 1 Boss).

    i think the game is awesome as is but honestly World Boss is to easy for those pushing 14mil+ BR, we need something to make world boss fun again. that's why
    I'm suggesting this new feature, please think about it. because there's no point of having a public event that not everyone can take part in, World Boss at the
    moment is more like a single player event! that's just not fair or fun for others.

  • #2
    If world boss would have a change, it would be with timer, and infinite hp, it's way easier to do that than add difficulties and other stuff.
    I will suggest this, seeing wb ends pretty fast for most servers, and adding a wb with timer ( 20-30m let's say ) and infinite hp, is good for old, and new servers.

    It's the first hour, of the first day
    It's hard without you, I cannot lie
    You were everything, and could have been
    It's the first summer, of the first year
    Today only rain, knocks on my window
    And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

    I fail to emerge
    It's a universe, that wants me to get off
    Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

    It's the first night, when I feel cold
    Your arms can no longer warm me
    A cold soul, I cannot love.


    • #3
      Both ideas good but if WB have difficulties then WB time for all players is meaning less, just like Erebus, Zodiac and TD
      and if WB with timer 20-30min. then theirs also some players who don't have much time to spend 20-30min only on WB Task.
      it's only my thinking don't get personal guys.
      Johnny D Wil
      S108 Temple Of Silence/ub17


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rocky7thStar View Post
        Both ideas good but if WB have difficulties then WB time for all players is meaning less, just like Erebus, Zodiac and TD
        and if WB with timer 20-30min. then theirs also some players who don't have much time to spend 20-30min only on WB Task.
        it's only my thinking don't get personal guys.
        Yes, but here's the advantage.
        Everyone can attack the boss for 20-30 minutes, and won't matter how high or who is on that server ( can have 5 people of 100mil br ) they'll still attack for the same amount of time as others, that way no server will have players that whine cause their top player wipes the bosses in 3 hits, all 3 bosses.

        It's the first hour, of the first day
        It's hard without you, I cannot lie
        You were everything, and could have been
        It's the first summer, of the first year
        Today only rain, knocks on my window
        And it reminds me, how much I loved you.

        I fail to emerge
        It's a universe, that wants me to get off
        Fear catches me, and I start calling you.

        It's the first night, when I feel cold
        Your arms can no longer warm me
        A cold soul, I cannot love.


        • #5
          I like the idea Gurothos has, the timer with infinite hp works for all servers.
          My name is Crom. I count the dead even if I am included.
          S13 Valkyries Call. S267 Sea of Stars.


          • #6
            Both ideas good but if WB have difficulties then WB time for all players is meaning less, just like Erebus, Zodiac and TD
            and if WB with timer 20-30min. then theirs also some players who don't have much time to spend 20-30min only on WB Task.
            it's only my thinking don't get personal guys.
            wasn't getting personal but i guess i will now since you want me to. just because someone don't have time to do something is not an excuse, they have responsibilities! its understandable but doesn't give the right to take the fun out of something for everybody else.


            • #7
              I like the idea with the timer a bit better because most players will try to join the highest (Purgatory) lvl anyway for better rewards (like with Gauntlet all guilds play Hell lvl, no matter how strong because fail on it gives better rewards than win on lower ones) so it won't make such a big difference. Timer and unlimited hp will give everyone the chance to hit. And it doesn't have to be even 20-30 mins, 10-15 are enough(too long gets boring). And in the same time players have the time to switch a bit skills and formation and see what works best.
              s56 Starcrest Mountains

              “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


              • #8
                this needs to be added and fast because i am about to come unglued on the person that's doing it as a freaking troll, he or she is doing it just because it makes everyone mad. i know its for a troll because the jerk fast revives with diamonds. how fair is that to everyone else? a person like that deserves to be kicked out of the game all together. no one ever once asked for the bosses to be beat quickly, someone cracked a joke and said why don't he or she just 1 hit all of them so we don't have to bother. ever since he or she has been doing this as a freaking troll and it needs to STOP!!! you want a name here it is [S1] Nocturna's Tear Alexxandria .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by R2219166 View Post
                  this needs to be added and fast because i am about to come unglued on the person that's doing it as a freaking troll, he or she is doing it just because it makes everyone mad. i know its for a troll because the jerk fast revives with diamonds. how fair is that to everyone else? a person like that deserves to be kicked out of the game all together. no one ever once asked for the bosses to be beat quickly, someone cracked a joke and said why don't he or she just 1 hit all of them so we don't have to bother. ever since he or she has been doing this as a freaking troll and it needs to STOP!!! you want a name here it is [S1] Nocturna's Tear Alexxandria .
                  If he/she can 1-hit them no dias are needed for revive. And considering Alexxandria's BR... yeah, think 1-hit it is. But you can't blame a player for being strong and wanting to do WB. Being very strong doesn't make someone a troll. I have a player with even higher BR on my server. Can't get a hit in if he is there, but that's how things are. You can't ask a player to not participate in event just because they are strong.
                  s56 Starcrest Mountains

                  “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by osobena View Post
                    If he/she can 1-hit them no dias are needed for revive. And considering Alexxandria's BR... yeah, think 1-hit it is. But you can't blame a player for being strong and wanting to do WB. Being very strong doesn't make someone a troll. I have a player with even higher BR on my server. Can't get a hit in if he is there, but that's how things are. You can't ask a player to not participate in event just because they are strong.
                    did you not read?
                    someone cracked a joke and said why don't he or she just 1 hit all of them so we don't have to bother. ever since he or she has been doing this as a freaking troll and it needs to STOP!!!
                    yes maybe some of the stuff i said wasn't needed but it still comes down to that that i said! you don't play that server obviously so for you, what you say is only a opinion. believe me i know a troll when i see one! i was able to get in a few good attacks before someone cracked that joke, now I'm lucky to get in two hits. so if they plan to change world boss they need to do it fast, because i am fed up!


                    • #11
                      Players stay calm and and peaceful please... Enjoy the game. I will forward your suggestions about wb
                      to file a ticket


                      • #12
                        my personal opinion is that their should be 2 world bosses like 2 team arena's. If cant have 2 world bosses then stop letting people make gem and giving away equipment that make people so strong they can basically kill world boss with the way they built there character. Another major issue is server lag. Ther server lag on the server I am on is unbelieveable especially when game has multiple events going on. if there is going to be events keep them to a minimum in order to keep server lag and bugs down.. My character name is crazy and I am lvl 84 on Nocternal Tear S1


                        • #13
                          timer like demonic war is an excellent idea!


                          • #14
                            Not just in world boss we need guild boss health increase and more lanes in gauntlet purgatory is to easy now and not worth doing as to many want to do it but not enough lanes for guild members. should be increased to at least 8 lanes, world boss should have a br cap those with high br should have their own world boss as not fair to lower players and is boring seeing the same old people taking top rank all the time and take out the diamond spending perks. not like you aint milking it enough all ready in this game.And while every one is on about time how about shortening TA by reducing the attempts to 5 and just double up on the rewards an hour and half to do TA is a joke as already mentioned people do not want to be wasting that amount of time on one event its way to long and this is why many do not bother doing ta. lastly the dreaded server lag issue yes it is bad on most servers but if everyone just hid their wings and mounts this would reduce a lot of lag and maybe restart servers in the early hrs as they do in other games this will help a lot to sort the lag issue.Staying calm in an already frustrating game with a ton of bugs is not an easy thing to do for most
                            Last edited by AzaelSorath; 02-01-2016, 08:00 PM.


                            • #15
                              Getting kinda sick of turning up at 9pm just for WB and then not getting even a hit. Or usually I get a hit.. just it tries to start a battle and then new message opens: boss is already killed. I am fine with that, if killed then killed. But I am not fine with 1 minute cooldown after that, so I cant try second and third boss. Player who kills them all with 1 hit has to watch couple of seconds the battle, that would be good time for rest of us to try to get even 1 hit.
                              But you cant when you wait cooldown end.
                              So the question: why players who havent hit yet, get a cooldown?
                              It has been like that almost 2 months now... thats huge waste of time for lots of players.

