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Divine war, why do you hate it?

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  • Divine war, why do you hate it?

    Whats the worse part?
    Is it that you cant move to where you want to because the "Road is blocked" even though your faction owns everything between you and your intended destination.?
    maybe it is the 7 minute wait to get to your destination only to be told afterwards that the road is blocked?
    or is it when you eventually get there you find some one with 19M BR blocking your entrance?

    Any more to add to the list?
    Last edited by tonymile; 03-13-2016, 03:02 AM.

  • #2
    maybe they waiting for someone to send a screen shot, this kindergarden company carnt do anything without a picture to look at.. they fudged it up last year and a year later still don't understand how to fix it......


    • #3
      if you see block in one city ie because diw dont start to run. only when battle run in diw there isnt block in each city. but you can move your char on every city that your faction had occupied. Also you cant move your char if this city that occupy from your faction blocked road from other faction. so you will stay there until the next battle to move in battle.


      • #4
        what i hate about it?nothing,i cant even play it,never did,its at 3 AM at my time,cant play it,like other stuff boss gauntlet teritorial war


        • #5
          I dont like that last 4 divine wars alway been 1 bug or another which blocks out some people from playing.
          Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


          • #6
            WOL was my last straw....add DW to the list of reasons I'm stopping my play. I hope this company dies a painful death for their complete incompetence!!!!

