This event is a can put money in it to reset bubbles that's fine... you can spend money to lvl the bubbles up before collecting that's fine....what is not fine is flipping the same damn spot over and over again after spending money...
I was really hoping that you would have fixed this by now but i guess you will not so I am now done with this event... nothing but a sink hole for money and a wast of time and money.. PLZ PLZ PLZ take this event out or make it to
were you can not flip the same spot over more than once !!!!!!!
I was really hoping that you would have fixed this by now but i guess you will not so I am now done with this event... nothing but a sink hole for money and a wast of time and money.. PLZ PLZ PLZ take this event out or make it to
were you can not flip the same spot over more than once !!!!!!!
