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Angel's Party Calculations: How much starfish can we get?

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  • Angel's Party Calculations: How much starfish can we get?

    Ok guys, let's do some calculations to compare what we're going to be getting (in L starfish) compared to last angels party.

    We both have angel's party 1. Assuming that we don't spend any diamonds on the event, we get 3 from zodiac, 3 from bless angel, 1 from 550 devo, and maybe 2 from 600 erebus if we're lucky.

    Now, since we had angel's party last time, most of us kinda ran out of love albums to exchange. If no one had spent 5k diamonds to get rare shells, we'd be missing 10 exchanges * 2 per exchange * 3 days for both normal and fine shells. That's 60 of each shell!

    We also had the event in Must Haves and Daily gift. This time.. we dont
    From Must haves, we got 10 normals and 10 fines everyday (assuming no hot coupon buys, add 10 fine shells per day if you couponed). From daily gift devotion bonus, we got like 5 normals and 5 fines, plus 3 rares per day. Since the event lasts 7 days,, thats 105 normals, 105 fines, and 21 rare shells.

    If you really want to add on Angel's Party 3, then we have 3 normals, 1 fine, and 1 rare each day for both events. (so 21 normals, 7 fines, and 7 rares)

    Now, we also had craft master X_X last event. 6 days (4 event and 2 rewards) * (5 normals + 5 fines + 3 rares) = 30 normals, 30 fines, and 18 rares.

    Since elemental zone no longer gives any starfish, we'll just assume that you got around 7-8 L starfish a day from there. That's around 50 L starfish.

    Now the best(?) event! Angel's party IV... which is still here, thank god. 3 days * (10 normal + 10 fine + 10 rare) = 30 of each. Let's add up the shells and Starfish that we have.

    Normals: 60 exchange + 105 dailygift/musthave + 21 angelsparty3 + 30 craftmaster + 30 angelsparty4 = 246 normals
    Fines: 60 exchange + 105 dailygift/musthave + 7 angelsparty3 + 30 craftmaster + 30 angelsparty4 = 232 fines
    Rares: 0 exchange + 21 dailygift/musthave + 7 angelsparty3 + 18 craftmaster + 30 angelsparty4 = 76 rares.
    Assuming each item in the box has an equal drop rate (it probably doesnt) we have a 1/8 chance of getting 1, 10, and 20 L starfish from the normal, fine, and rare shells, respectively.

    Therefore, we should be getting 246(1/8)1 + 232(1/8)(10) + 76(1/8)(20) = 510.75 L starfish from boxes. Add on 50 from elemental zone, and 50-ish from point rewards/server rewards, 50 from angelsparty1 that's 660 L starfish. That sounds about right, because I got phoenix and bloodsucker last event which was 520 + 120 = 640 L starfish.

    But what do we get this time around?
    Normals: 0 exchange + 0 dailygift/musthaves + 21 angelsparty3 + 0 craftmaster + 30 angelsparty4 = 51 normals
    Fines: 0 exchange + 0 dailygift/musthaves + 7 angelsparty3 + 0 craftmaster + 30 angelsparty4 = 37 fines
    Rares: 0 exchange + 0 dailygift/musthaves + 7 angelsparty3 + 0 craftmaster + 30 angelsparty4 = 37 rares

    Add em up! Note that we have 0 chance of getting L starfish from normals, and triple the chance from rares but the drops are lower
    We have: 51(0) + 37(1/8)(5) + 37(1/8 * 5 + 1/8 * 10 + 1/8 * 20) = .... 185 L starfish wow that sucked!

    Bonus 50 from angels party 1, and maybe 10-20 from server rewards we have at best 250 starfish.

    The difference in expected starfish was 660 - 250 = 410 L starfish;
    The proportion of starfish was 660/250 = 2.64. We had 2.64 more L starfish the previous event, on average.

    Mind you, this is assuming that drop rates are legit, knowing r2games/gtarcade, the drop rates for L starfish are probably like 1 in 20 or something like that. Either way, don't expect to get anything over 300 L starfish this time bros lol

    TL;DR: :@:@:@ rly gtarcade/r2games fix the one gud event :@:@:@:@:funk::funk::funk::funk::curse::curse::curse:
    If anyone wants to do calculations for normal starfish, feel free to do so below

    *edit* so after a couple of you responded, it is also clear now that the drop rates are also totally ripped off... 3 people saying that 10 of each box cannot produce over 25 L starfish. If we aren't able to save up or Angel's Party isn't fixed... count this event as useless and just reap server rewards at best (or buy khaos core haha)
    Last edited by SirNinja1700; 05-16-2016, 06:34 PM. Reason: new information

  • #2
    calculation about difference betwen players in gt and r2 (or other platforms) will be nice as well, heard that they can get more than we on r2
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


    • #3
      I'll be posting this in gtarcade as well, will try to get people to tell me how much Starfish they got last event and how much they're getting this event


      • #4
        Today I had 30 shells of different ranks (10 normals, 10 fines, 10 rares). As a result, I received only 5 L starfish
        I'm very disappointed


        • #5
          Well it be lower no matter what, since at th emoment few days no luck to get the shells. I got like 25 L from the daily shells.
          Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


          • #6
            Thanks for breaking down my bitter disappointment with this latest angel party into numbers, SirNinja...but the SIMPLE analysis of the situation is that the "geniuses" have taken the one really great event in the game & reduced it to nothing more than just another diamond sucking SCAM! It's just one more chance to BUY, BUY, BUY...and just one more indication that they wanna drive out all players except the heavy cashers! I, for one, am not only disappointed...but extremely insulted as well. It is my fervent HOPE that all the reduction in decent rewards they are doing lately, will backfire & they will lose so many active players that all servers will crumble completely at some point in the near future! I admit that I cash...a little...but I certainly can't afford to keep up with all this greed! I also would be interested to know the answer to "solowingpixi's" question about the extra offers made only to those who play through GT arcade...considering that (due to a recent server merge) I received an email from GT arcade, promising some big "first come, first served" promotion associated with the event...which never materialized on the R2 games servers. Overall, I think it's just another example of many of us getting scr*wed, without ever being kissed! However, I blame myself, more than anyone else...I could stop playing any time, but I just hate to think about leaving all the friends I've made in the game. In any case, as long as we all continue to play...I foresee things will only get WORSE in the future! Obviously, the only thing worse than the greed by the devs, is their incompetence in fixing all the bugs in the game...neither of which is any more pleasant or appealing! Let's face it, drug dealers, they're simply feeding off our addiction...and until we all find the courage to "just say no"...the extortion will simply escalate! Thanks for "listening" to me vent! Good luck to all the other saps (besides myself) who continue to be hoodwinked by the greedy @#$%&*!


            • #7
              Its hard to follow all that math.TO make it simple in 4 days of event i only have 600 star fish (S) and 87 star fish (L)

              In only 2 days of remaining event i dont thik ill get enough L to get something good in shop

              But hey,nice try puting the event up without making any,but no thinking about it

              Only a bad joke


              • #8
                It's sad that they've practically made the event cash player-only, Angels Party one of the things still good left for free players now ruined again because Gtarcade (the owners/devs) are too hungry for money.
                Just a friendly player trying to help. I'm not a moderator .


                • #9
                  Okey dokey, since we can only get at best 25 a day from angelsparty4, expect 75 + 50 + 20 so around 150 at best haha.

                  Best choices to get are:

                  Bloodsucker (why not? heals + hpmax + damage xd)
                  Amazon Hawker (op night sentinel)
                  Earthshaker (thunderstrike so gud, i almost have on main)
                  Clothing (why not you look sexy but you have no attack thanks gtarcade for **** event)
                  Lizard/Ruthless Leopard (buff party attack, also stacks. Good joint mount if you already have good one)
                  Imperial gear ****
                  Khaos Core

                  I might as well get namira lmao, have 5k coins in lucky tree and 10k diamonds, should be able to get her.

                  I crei now, I wanted kay/noelle

