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  • Suggestions


    With your permission , I would like to make some suggestions regarding the game.

    First is about the Craft Master event : I think that the price for energy is very high.I mean,come on,30 Diamonds for 1 point...
    That makes 9 000 Diamonds for one Cloud Palace exploration.I,for one,would gladly pay 30 Diamonds for 10 Energy points.And Craft
    Master is not the only event in which the Diamonds/point ratio is very high.

    Another one concerns the limitations in buying options per event.Wouldn't it be better if one could buy as many resources,shards,
    cherubstones et caetera,as one can afford?I,for example,was thinking about making some Imperial items.But due to said limitations,I
    find it annoying to wait for 3,4,5 events to get one item.

    Last edited by ligofengials; 06-17-2016, 07:13 PM. Reason: Suggestions regarding events and Diamonds/point ratio

  • #2
    Knowing how many energy cards they give away for free, each events its fair.And think of a back fire of the 2nd part of suggestion, they simply would get removed, sicne it be way too easy to get them, so as a return we would end up with worst prizes.
    Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


    • #3
      I kind of agree with AntifreezeUnder0.
      If they give away items so easily, the game wouldn't be fun anymore. The game has to be challenging in a way and with this one it's getting (good) items through events and limiting the amount you can get in any or a day.

      Regarding your first suggestion, it's unlikely they'll ever make it cheaper. Cause y'know, there are enough people that buy it anyhow.
      Just a friendly player trying to help. I'm not a moderator .

