Hi, i am really confused with this event..
It say i can SWAP heroes for 1diamonds only, if i recharge like 10-20K diams BUT :
Is it a only 1 choice event ? (not specified)
It i recharge 10k Diams, i can swap EVERY 10k Heroes for 1diams only, or i have to recharge 10k diams for Each ??
If i recharge 20k Diams, i can Get 1x 20K heroes prize + 1x 10K heroes prize for SWAP ? or only 1 of them ?
Why is the a second Carnival II event where its the SAME but you have to PAY in diamonds + Recharge instead of swapping ?? Because the SWAP is limited to 1 once again no info here :S.
Thanks a lot if someone can clarifie this.
I don't wanna waste diams if it lack of information...
It say i can SWAP heroes for 1diamonds only, if i recharge like 10-20K diams BUT :
Is it a only 1 choice event ? (not specified)
It i recharge 10k Diams, i can swap EVERY 10k Heroes for 1diams only, or i have to recharge 10k diams for Each ??
If i recharge 20k Diams, i can Get 1x 20K heroes prize + 1x 10K heroes prize for SWAP ? or only 1 of them ?
Why is the a second Carnival II event where its the SAME but you have to PAY in diamonds + Recharge instead of swapping ?? Because the SWAP is limited to 1 once again no info here :S.
Thanks a lot if someone can clarifie this.
I don't wanna waste diams if it lack of information...