Ok time has come for a meeting in my guild 55 members active. 47 cashier players we have all had it with the lag and bugs so will be discussing whether to leave for good so 47 cashie gone huge profit loss for gta and r2 who only have their selves to blame for bad service so a good 1k a week or more down on profits
No announcement yet.
To many bugs
we have made a ton of tickets posted a load on forum ( as you well know ) and still nothing gets sorted out seems the only thing that gets sorted fast in this game is the payment system. half the tickets never get a reply nearly every post about bugs with screen shots gets the same reply ( put a ticket in ) what's the point if they never answer or fix the issues ( cs is way to lagged out to even play some cant even advance in clash of might even when they get the kills diamonds armaments artefacts totems going missing left right and centre ) add that to all the lag in the game making it a full time job waiting for stuff to open its not fun any more. and the all round opinion of most players is that all gta / r2 care about is the cash, The game is good but just way to many bugs and way to much lag and pls don't say its our pc/ browser as most of us play other games with out all these issues its only loa that is giving us these problems, its been the same for yrs now and since I first started playing on s26Last edited by AzaelSorath; 08-02-2016, 09:02 AM.
Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Postwe have made a ton of tickets posted a load on forum ( as you well know ) and still nothing gets sorted out seems the only thing that gets sorted fast in this game is the payment system. half the tickets never get a reply nearly every post about bugs with screen shots gets the same reply ( put a ticket in ) what's the point if they never answer or fix the issues ( cs is way to lagged out to even play some cant even advance in clash of might even when they get the kills diamonds armaments artefacts totems going missing left right and centre ) add that to all the lag in the game making it a full time job waiting for stuff to open its not fun any more. and the all round opinion of most players is that all gta / r2 care about is the cash, The game is good but just way to many bugs and way to much lag and pls don't say its our pc/ browser as most of us play other games with out all these issues its only loa that is giving us these problems, its been the same for yrs now and since I first started playing on s26.
Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43
If you submited a ticket, I'll need the ticket number so I'll have it a check wether someone answered on it or not.
Also, you can try to submit a new ticket ( with screen-shots ) including every bug you ( and your friends/guild ) encountered, and we will report it further to the devs to fix it.
Example : CS Clash of might bug, log failed ( SS of it ), and so on of everything buggy.
Thank you.
It's the first hour, of the first day
It's hard without you, I cannot lie
You were everything, and could have been
It's the first summer, of the first year
Today only rain, knocks on my window
And it reminds me, how much I loved you.
I fail to emerge
It's a universe, that wants me to get off
Fear catches me, and I start calling you.
It's the first night, when I feel cold
Your arms can no longer warm me
A cold soul, I cannot love.
Thanks for the offer guthros but its come to the time for all of us say bye, the way the players are treated in this game is awful I personally have been playing this for a long time since s26 was rolled out and things don't change at all just the same as war tune we left for the same reasons, after the server merge in loa we had a dev/mentor saying it was done because we were all cheating and getting stuff to easily in hot events players are constantly accused of lying or having issues with their pcs and its not the game yet we all play better browser games that require more from our pcs so we all know this is just a way to fob off players that don't have a good word to say about this game gta/r2 treat us like we are stupid, so after nearly 24 hrs discussing it this is the conclusion we are no longer going to be treated this way and will take our cash to a better ran game, Again ty Guthros for the offer but we really have had it with gta and r2 they have just pushed us all to far this time, and the truth is it is a very badly ran game with a very bad attitude towards its players / customers I just hope a lot of other player`s wake up and follow by leaving the game and going to a better ran one where customers are treated with the respect they deserve and not ripped off by greedLast edited by AzaelSorath; 08-03-2016, 05:07 PM.
Originally posted by AzaelSorath View PostThanks for the offer guthros but its come to the time for all of us say bye, the way the players are treated in this game is awful I personally have been playing this for a long time since s26 was rolled out and things don't change at all just the same as war tune we left for the same reasons, after the server merge in loa we had a dev/mentor saying it was done because we were all cheating and getting stuff to easily in hot events players are constantly accused of lying or having issues with their pcs and its not the game yet we all play better browser games that require more from our pcs so we all know this is just a way to fob off players that don't have a good word to say about this game gta/r2 treat us like we are stupid, so after nearly 24 hrs discussing it this is the conclusion we are no longer going to be treated this way and will take our cash to a better ran game, Again ty Guthros for the offer but we really have had it with gta and r2 they have just pushed us all to far this time, and the truth is it is a very badly ran game with a very bad attitude towards its players / customers I just hope a lot of other player`s wake up and follow by leaving the game and going to a better ran one where customers are treated with the respect they deserve and not ripped off by greedLast edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-04-2016, 01:01 AM.Antifreeze
Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43
Anti is about right for your name trolling is your game and thanks for proving my point by calling us all liars and as for greed mmm so playing this game for free without spending which is what I have done for a long time and spending hrs in the game making my toon strong and yes he is strong and yes a lot of my guild members pay did pay to play, so again your trolling has failed please do not go and run a company with this attitude you have as your staff will quit very fast and stop crying cause we are taking the profit away and trying to pass the blame yet again to the players this is why we are leaving the game in the first place maybe you should start reading all the post s instead of trolling them for your amusement and trying to pass the buck to the players by calling them liars as well as whining to mods when people stand up to your accusations and having their posts taking down because you cant take what you give out (No mentor nor dev said merge was made cause you are cheating ( correct spelling ) we have all the facts right thank you, so you have just called every one on my server a liar the mod / dev came in to our server chat and said it and a lot of people on my server rightfully got mad about the accusations made at them and sorry to burst your bubble anti but your opinion means nothing to us you are just a troll of no importance I think the right polite term is delusions of grandeur as well as a megacephalic, And not the first time you have trolled peoples posts I do actually spend time reading all the posts in forumLast edited by AzaelSorath; 08-04-2016, 08:46 AM.
Originally posted by AzaelSorath View PostAnti is about right for your name trolling is your game and thanks for proving my point by calling us all liars and as for greed mmm so playing this game for free without spending which is what I have done for a long time and spending hrs in the game making my toon strong and yes he is strong and yes a lot of my guild members pay did pay to play, so again your trolling has failed please do not go and run a company with this attitude you have as your staff will quit very fast and stop crying cause we are taking the profit away and trying to pass the blame yet again to the players this is why we are leaving the game in the first place maybe you should start reading all the post s instead of trolling them for your amusement and trying to pass the buck to the players by calling them liars as well as whining to mods when people stand up to your accusations and having their posts taking down because you cant take what you give out (No mentor nor dev said merge was made cause you are cheating ( correct spelling ) we have all the facts right thank you, so you have just called every one on my server a liar the mod / dev came in to our server chat and said it and a lot of people on my server rightfully got mad about the accusations made at them and sorry to burst your bubble anti but your opinion means nothing to us you are just a troll of no importance I think the right polite term is delusions of grandeur as well as a megacephalic, And not the first time you have trolled peoples posts I do actually spend time reading all the posts in forumLast edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-04-2016, 09:55 AM.Antifreeze
Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43
Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Postanti freeze GO AWAY YOUR ARE BORING and stop trolling every ones posts you are not impressing any one all you do is try to bait people then when they respond you whine to a mod and get their posts torn down just go back under your rock and leave forum to the grown ups plshave a nice day
. Way to go
Too scared to confess you were spreading my opinion as game sided dev/mod opinion, anyway. And as above mod said, give him your ticket numbers so he can bump for you. Else you most of the time bad mouth, do nothing and expect things magically fix.
Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-05-2016, 10:45 AM.Antifreeze
Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43
sorry to deflate your already huge ego but you are not a mod just a troll neither are you a dev and my comments about the dev/mod in our server chat were not about you ( yet again your self importance taking over ) you are just a nobody player all my complaints about the game have followed the proper channels time and time again with no results every one is fed up with the same stuck record of put a ticket in and half the time when we get an email response surprise surprise NO TICKET NUMBER. And as posted above it makes no odds any more as we have all found a better game where players are treated fairly both free players and cashies on an even scale with NO RIPP OFFS unlike all the games gta / r2 have going with their over inflated prices and as consumers we have a right to complain about faulty goods with out being called liars by a nobody player maybe that is your intention to rub others up the wrong way to get a reaction then when they say things you don't like you whine to a mod or report them in the hope of getting them banned from forum lmao like that matters any way seeing as we have taken a huge profit away from gta / r2 by leaving tis badly ran game with many more to follow us are you so out of touch with the game that you do not hear every one complaining about the same issues or is it you have no friends because you troll every one or are you just brown nosing ( butt kissing ) the mods / devs for a gold star ? and as stated in the above posts I did thank the mod for the offer of help but we had all ready made our minds up to leave loa so the lies still flow from youmy comments about you in asgard were to the fact you troll peoples posts calling players liars so get you facts right before commenting
Last edited by AzaelSorath; 08-05-2016, 12:26 PM.
Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Postsorry to deflate your already huge ego but you are not a mod just a troll neither are you a dev and my comments about the dev/mod in our server chat were not about you ( yet again your self importance taking over ) you are just a nobody player all my complaints about the game have followed the proper channels time and time again with no results every one is fed up with the same stuck record of put a ticket in and half the time when we get an email response surprise surprise NO TICKET NUMBER. And as posted above it makes no odds any more as we have all found a better game where players are treated fairly both free players and cashies on an even scale with NO RIPP OFFS unlike all the games gta / r2 have going with their over inflated prices and as consumers we have a right to complain about faulty goods with out being called liars by a nobody player maybe that is your intention to rub others up the wrong way to get a reaction then when they say things you don't like you whine to a mod or report them in the hope of getting them banned from forum lmao like that matters any way seeing as we have taken a huge profit away from gta / r2 by leaving tis badly ran game with many more to follow us are you so out of touch with the game that you do not hear every one complaining about the same issues or is it you have no friends because you troll every one or are you just brown nosing ( butt kissing ) the mods / devs for a gold star ? and as stated in the above posts I did thank the mod for the offer of help but we had all ready made our minds up to leave loa so the lies still flow from youmy comments about you in asgard were to the fact you troll peoples posts calling players liars so get you facts right before commenting
. Keep sending bug reports to get game on right tracks, but if you fed up, then why should devs do anything, to fix any issues special indiviuals face, and when asked to provide issue number, they cant even tell it. My intension is simply say my opinion, and give facts, rather than histericaly bad mouth arroud, and threaten that certain group wont recharge, as if recharging gives any right to demand anything, and when asked to make more reports or give older report numbers, then simply ignore it and again rant arround that nothing gets done, although in first place you have done nearly anything to get help
. Mod shows his will to help, you say no, then soon after go bad mouthign how bad game it is, although in first place you do nothing to make it better.
Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-05-2016, 02:05 PM.Antifreeze
Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43
Only greed players get upset are their own. Cause their spending doesnt add up to expectations. Have fun in new game. Just remember always check facts not just spread lies. None mentor nor dev said merge was maid cause you are cheating or its easy stuff. It was me and my opinion which you falsely said as official games opinon across platforms cause you were too hurt of thrown out of easy seats for top ranks.
see your statement`s prove you accuse players of lying it`s you that needs to get your facts straight before trolling posts in your above comment you have accused nearly every one my server of lying you were not even there yet you feel you have an opinion (accusations ) on it with out evidence to prove other wise you are just stirring up trouble and making a fool of your self you stuck your nose in where it had no business to be (trolling ) maybe you are a dev in disguise and cant handle it when players speak the truth about this bugged out game tell me what interest do you have by trolling posts in forum calling people liars ? is you`r life so empty that this is the only way you get recognition of your existence by trolling people to make your self feel like you have value or is it something you do just for fun (warped mind either way ) in the above statements you have accused all players of having bad pcs and the bugs are their fault not the game (Well bug fix blme goes all for gta dev. R2 can dotheir platform sided things. But lot of cases it is player sided issue not game sided ) this is what you typed and then have denied saying you should remember what you write here before calling every one liars, I could sit here an argue it over with you but your intellect is substandard and boring and that's why you troll people .
just one of many posts with s s so you fail again an mouth off your lies with out doing your research 1 st as I have stated your just a nobody troll get your facts straight 1 st then accuse people of lying face palms antifreeze walking away laughing at the fooland lets him go back to his sad little life of trolling people to feed his huge ego sad little guy. you have been added to my ignore list
have a nice day
Last edited by AzaelSorath; 08-05-2016, 02:55 PM.