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bad management and attitude from devs and mods

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  • bad management and attitude from devs and mods

    Ok after a long discussion on our server last night about the attitude of mods/ devs towards paying and non paying customers of this game and reading a now closed thread on free recharge 84% of players on our server have now voted to not pay to play. if the devs want to treat the players this way and not listen to them then this is ok we will punish them by not giving them any cash, it is the players that pay their wages via the cash they put into the game and after reading the thread that was posted in asgard the full thread I can tell you this much I and many other players were shocked at the way the players/customers are treated in this game by r2 and gta just remember its the players that support your business wages and reputation and the players have the power to and right to stop paying to play also I have learnt that the full thread and other threads are available on social media sites for full public viewing and have already had a very large viewing. this is what happens when mods and devs think they are above the players with out us you have no business no profit no wages and there is nothing you can do about it we have this right as consumers we will be advising all old and new players to either not play any thing r2 or gta put out and if they do play to not pay to pla. gta and r2 have only their selves to blame for this by treating players like they do very one is fed up with the way you run the game never getting things fixed always telling players to put a ticket in screen shots and still the same issues I for one am glad that some one has the foresight and courage to go public about this and the bad attitude of devs and mods towards players

  • #2
    I agree with every thing you are saying a lot of people are angry by the way they are treated in this game as I explained in that thread a lot have left the game because of this, and we are doing the same not paying to play till they start listening to the customers / players very bad way to run a game / business


    • #3
      You got points, but show us the facts where mods threat player bad they do their job and only thing they can, which is helping player bump his/her ticket, or forum report. Yet again when mod ask that player to give their unanwsered ticket nr, first thing he do ignore that, and then continiues complain*yes im talking about you* And look again another same thread, atleast you could do and finaly provide the tickets numbers or reports which havent got answered and we see solid proofs of that. Game has its flaws, but mods do their best to help, yet most of the times player ignore their help offer and proceed the path blaming them for their unsolved issue. I just wonder how come some have bugs, and some for very same game has nearly 0 bugs which affect game play...
      Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-12-2016, 11:08 AM.
      Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


      • #4
        the fact some have bugs and others do not is baffling at times the fact some have stuff go missing for no reason at all like diamonds artefact's gold (something some one noticed a few days ago had not used any gold on any thing yet it kept going down ?) the fact others get warnings for breaking forum rules but others do not yet they still break the same rules ? (yes im talking about you) but that one is being looked into now, the point is the devs think they are above the players and this is wrong a lot of players have seen the game being steered more towards the cashier players with more and more chances of getting stuff almost free in events being taken away the over inflated prices of stuff is ridiculous and amounts to greed £58 (6000 diamonds s for an armament in hot events is just greed ) and these can easily be obtained in the game for free I have nothing against people who want to pay to play but not every one can afford to spend on games and rely on doing all dailies to get rewards but when their efforts for doing this are taken away it does nothing but make players angry it is not just cash that makes a great game it is the numbers that play it that push it to popularity now I'm taking a wild guess but I bet if all free players left this game their would not be many left playing it ( point to think on ) this game is a product whether players are cashies or not and every one should be treated fairly it is not just the free players getting ripped off by greedy devs cashies are paying over inflated prices for stuff and its a joke, To be honest I think a storm is coming the devs way very soon and the game will be badly effect by this outcome more than half the players are not happy with the way it`s ran free players and cashies a like have all said the same thing, maybe the devs should spend some time in the game chats see what is being said and how angry the players are getting not to mention how many are leaving the game


        • #5
          Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Post
          the fact some have bugs and others do not is baffling at times the fact some have stuff go missing for no reason at all like diamonds artefact's gold (something some one noticed a few days ago had not used any gold on any thing yet it kept going down ?) the fact others get warnings for breaking forum rules but others do not yet they still break the same rules ? (yes im talking about you) but that one is being looked into now, the point is the devs think they are above the players and this is wrong a lot of players have seen the game being steered more towards the cashier players with more and more chances of getting stuff almost free in events being taken away the over inflated prices of stuff is ridiculous and amounts to greed £58 (6000 diamonds s for an armament in hot events is just greed ) and these can easily be obtained in the game for free I have nothing against people who want to pay to play but not every one can afford to spend on games and rely on doing all dailies to get rewards but when their efforts for doing this are taken away it does nothing but make players angry it is not just cash that makes a great game it is the numbers that play it that push it to popularity now I'm taking a wild guess but I bet if all free players left this game their would not be many left playing it ( point to think on ) this game is a product whether players are cashies or not and every one should be treated fairly it is not just the free players getting ripped off by greedy devs cashies are paying over inflated prices for stuff and its a joke, To be honest I think a storm is coming the devs way very soon and the game will be badly effect by this outcome more than half the players are not happy with the way it`s ran free players and cashies a like have all said the same thing, maybe the devs should spend some time in the game chats see what is being said and how angry the players are getting not to mention how many are leaving the game
          Before saying i break rules, point place where and which point of rules i break, so you can give solid fact. Yes there are the bugs/ any other game mistakes, but it require proper reports and cooperation with mods, and lot of patience to get things sorted out. I know i got reports on me from people close to you . And your points are, True but if we in one point stop pushing our part the bug reports with all the basic questions of mod usualy asks- ss, ign, server, platform and explnation ,we cant blame devs, since not always all get affected and it comes down to specific acc, region or server groups. Cashing is a option of free will, and we as free players would take roughtly months to do same , which casher do in nearly 1 recharge, but even so its his choice and he finds that offer reasonable.
          But you need to admit game still has many thing to enjoy, not the game sake, but for people Still all need to start with own. Make thread and do show the mega bug report, and friends of your server which got affected, so forum mods, can see and forward it do devs. Saying something not working, with out screen shots, proper explanation and even mentioned concrete players isnt quite good enough to solve. IF your guild/friends made a thread and each signed under the proper bug report, or the ticket numbers related to that, all could see that and devs would need to take action faster Cause words are words, facts are facts. Seeing thread of ticket numbers which havent got resolved would be a fact, people affected by it with same issue signing under with proper igns, server name , and ss if its bit different too would be fact, and mod could bump them , so devs take action. But if make threads, saying there are many bugs, but dont provide the bug reports or the ticket numbers of them, wont solve bugs or issues.
          Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-12-2016, 01:24 PM.
          Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


          • #6
            look anti I'm not going to discus it here so you can bait me into another argument with you if you want to take it to private chat by all means do. The fact I have a warning for saying the same things you have said is baffling might be you are the mod or an alt of the mod might not be might be just friends but the fact still stands I said no more than you did. and if you read all the treads on tickets put in you will see that it is not fixed ie no ticket numbers given maybe a way to keep players running around in circles as the rumours going around are the devs can not fix half the issues as do not understand the coding it is written in


            • #7
              Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Post
              look anti I'm not going to discus it here so you can bait me into another argument with you if you want to take it to private chat by all means do. The fact I have a warning for saying the same things you have said is baffling might be you are the mod or an alt of the mod might not be might be just friends but the fact still stands I said no more than you did. and if you read all the treads on tickets put in you will see that it is not fixed ie no ticket numbers given maybe a way to keep players running around in circles as the rumours going around are the devs can not fix half the issues as do not understand the coding it is written in
              See we can have normal discussion. Well ticket numbers are always give to the e-mail they provided, submiting ticket. But there was time tht ticket system had issues , so many players had to do 2nd reports on forums and check on them often , to see if mods had gotten replies. Which is why it is important to be patience and cooperative with mod when we want things sorted. So far all my report in tickets got me e -mail and the ticket nr in it.
              And im player just like you, just with different way of thinking, and i see/view things differently than others.
              Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-12-2016, 01:33 PM.
              Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


              • #8

                heres a thread you can jump on very surprised you have not done so all ready. some very valid comments about r2


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Post

                  heres a thread you can jump on very surprised you have not done so all ready. some very valid comments about r2
                  I dont play that game. And there is still player assume things and but havent provided any solid proof on his words, just because he thinks it that, doesnt mean its like that.
                  Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


                  • #10
                    the list goes on so many players angry with the way things are done here



                    • #11
                      The point is r2 gta do not care about the players opinions on their games you only have to read all the posts in forum as I do daily


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AzaelSorath View Post
                        the list goes on so many players angry with the way things are done here

                        Good thing for me everything works fine But if after the reports player still is in game, and playing he must be clean, or lack of evidence, to proove his guilt. Cause as you stated above you got warning, right? so in a way you had break some rules. Either insult or inproper language, just and examples. Which is a factual things, and got seen by mod , or the ones who deal with theese things. Same happens in game, if player is cheating or exploiting he gets busted and banned, when evidence are solid, not just related on how many peopel reported with assumption.
                        Not tht they dont care, but on forums loa mods, of r2 and gta have many times said, Devs hold the last word and do things as they think is right But it doesnt mean we , should stop sending proper reports, or make threads. Cause eventuly thing get fixed, sooner sometimes way later
                        Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-12-2016, 01:58 PM.
                        Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


                        • #13
                          I just wish they were more open and honest and say look we don't know how to fix some stuff instead of giving us all the run around it not much to ask and if there is any truth in the accusations of devs selling upgrades to players then how can we have a fair game when or if they doing such things ?

                          we all know they have what we call chasers in the game devs that have high gear toons so player spend to catch them up ie (chasers ) its a common practice in most game s

                          had one on s26 with in 1 months of server opening they were at 5 mill br char name gandelf

                          and even if you are a serious casher there is no way you can be that high in 1 month
                          Last edited by Alkaris; 08-12-2016, 02:40 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AzaelSorath
                            and even if you are a serious casher there is no way you can be that high in 1 month
                            Well all solutions need time to get fixed, so hear from devs it need time to fix would be step forward something. But mods party fill in for that, saying we need to be patient. And all we can do about supicous players are the same old report, of ss, server ign, the ign of perorted player, and explanation. So the one who work on that check the logs and get dealt as needed. Same as the ''seeds'' who got caught,cause there were solid proofs. And accusations may be a lot, but if cant provide even tiny bit of real evidence, then the report must do, and if there is something fishy all get what theydeserve. Everything comes down always to facts,and real evidence/proof with out them its often emotions and personal dislike to certain peopel or group. So glad now we got some good discussion
                            Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 08-12-2016, 02:32 PM.
                            Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


                            • #15
                              didn't make us dislike the player just made a lot of us laugh to think they could fool us that way to spend

                              Ok had an interesting time talking to a dev on gta forum about the free recharge stopped, here the reply

                              Hello, this issue was brought up by free players due to the unfair advantage it gave R2 platforms over others. R2 players were essentially able to collect Hot events rewards without recharging while players from other platforms had to actually pay money to do so. This also gave r2 players an unfair advantage over other platforms due to them being able to collect the resources you'd get for recharging. They competed in cross server events which was completely biased in their favor and due to this and the other platform's free players complaining that option was removed. This was done in the spirit of fair play and equality for all platforms.

                              they call this fair lmao so if this the case why haven't they stopped all the free stuff from gta members club ????????????? nothing fair about it at all

                              seeing as r2/gta get a cut of the profits from us watching vids for a lousy 1 diamond I would not call it free in the world of business time is money so the players time spent watching this has value as it still earns cash for r2 and gta seeing as r2 have to pay a % of profits earned to gta and instead off stopping it (purely for greed ) why not give the option on all platforms as most other games do ?

                              and yes this is gta not r2 stopping this, it seems r2 have tried in some way to give free players a fair chance at stuff in hot events
                              Last edited by Alkaris; 08-16-2016, 02:34 PM.

