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Game Suggestions Improvement to avoid mistakes.

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  • Game Suggestions Improvement to avoid mistakes.

    Hi there.

    A saw a lot a ppl and also myself sometimes, hit by some "miss click" on high priced rewards or choice.
    This makes a lot of Issue ticket and problems because the game doesn"t aware enough ppl about this in my opinion.

    Suggestion 1: Add a Confirmation Tooltip (not desactivable)

    - Adding a tooltip "This is an only CHoice, are you sure you wanna take this one Only ?"
    "This is a purchase, do you really wanna spend XXX diams for this ?"
    "This will consume your Egg, you will have to spend them before the end of the day, proceed ?"
    You really need to add this stuff to avoid thousand of monthly mistake du to hard to read/mistaking events and stuff, it would help a lot player and your "support staff", what does it cost ?

    Suggestion 2 : Donations

    Add a 100M-1B option for GUild/Alliance donations.
    Some ppl have to use CLicker software to donate 1-5B gold in guild wich takes hours lol.

    Suggestion 3 : Khaos Core

    For Khaos Core, Add a 100-1000x options too, when you got 5k to spend for tycoon and it lagg after every clicks... took 30Min to spend those cores.

    Suggestion 4 : 1Click Bless/Seraph

    Add a " 1Click Enchant" for Blesstones on Heroes and Seraph stones on Angel, just like you did for the Armament enchantement or Stable. Would also save a lot of time.

    Suggestion 5 : Tycoon Infos Overlay.

    Would help a lot/encourage player to participate without too much pain is you add during the Tycoon event, a little overlay for players like :
    "Your Daily POint : 156000/... next rank"
    "Your total Tycoon Point : 550000 / Rank X"
    Just a little stuff like this, to avoid opening hot event or tycoon everytime to check, tooks time to load those windows during tycoon because of freeze.

    Suggestion 6 : Fight Logs

    Add a Pause/Slow / Details fonction for the Battle/Fight Logs.
    Its hard to see anything when fight are laggy as hell, "Pause" those fight to see what Buff are working or not, what the party is really missing.
    Or a Pause fonction or a really Detailled log like Turn1/Turn2... for each character.
    It would help a lot ppl paying attention to the real gameplay and paying to upgrade their stuff, a lot in my Ally need this.

    Suggestion 7 : Gauntlet Auto

    Add an AutoMod for Gauntlet, or like "pay 50diams to auto gauntlet", this event take soo much time and is really boring as hell, but needed for gold.
    You can't skip it, you should add thise like for the WB, will help ppl participating to it without beeing bored.
    ITs a really non brain Click event^^.

    Suggestion 8 : Toolbar COming Events infos

    Improve Game/Event Communication from the Top Toolbar

    You could add some icons for the next Day events wich are coming.
    Currently ppl have to log in another server to see 6hours in advance what is coming.
    You could simply add ICONS on the almost Empty TOP Toolbar, like "Coming next day : Tycoon Icon, CraftMaster Icon..."

    Suggestion 9 : DEBUG the damn game first lol

    BEFORE you add new content PLEASE Lease pleassseee.... Correct the existing ones...
    Currently :
    HEarFrost Khaos card SKill is not working
    Skysong Sylph Skill is not Working
    Some Amulet Skill like Wand of Grace boost Atk is not working
    Amulets are not working in TA
    Game loading is insane (put your pictures in a real Game CLient to avoid downloading them every day...)
    When someone check an Alliance AE profil of an enemy, its freeze for Every other player, they can't fight in.

    Suggestion 9.1 : LowComputer Game Mod:

    Add a "low game mod" to hide EVERY Game ANimation for ppl who have a low end computer/phone.

    Suggestion 10 : Hard PVE Content

    Add and Harden the PVE content,
    Abyss is over at 170, Eternal Tower is over at 22.1, WB is too weak, Gauntlet mobs are Too weak.
    Add more level in those or an harder difficulty HP for the existing ones.
    (Godsend was great to add various PVE ennemy setup, interesting to continue PVE in this way.)

    Suggestion 11 : WB Pause
    Add a Pause when the Boss is allready killed like in DW so ppl will not fight a 0HP boss and get the 40sec timer..

    Suggestion 12 : More Little Helper
    Some more stuff should be added in this little helper, like the boring "click click click of everyday ^^:
    -Homestead Collect and Shop Refresh
    -Totem BLitz
    - Fairy Collect
    - Angel Blessings
    - Blitz and collect the 16 daily Final Stand
    (the Angel blitz quest shoudl be remove imo, because its really pretty useless compare to the Daily tree rewards...

    Suggestion 13 : Inventory STACK
    why some items stack 10-100-1000-10000times ?
    It makes the inventory like like hell, and laggy to load, you should add Infinite Stack on Every different kind of items so we don't have to load pages of "50* 100stack of this"

    Suggestion 14 : Game Character Setup/Build to Save
    This would be a hard to design stuff, seing how the game is a mess about organisation but, the thing would be :
    Ppl have to swap/change totem/angels/heroes/mounts/blessing/khaosItems or artifact order when they really try to push up builds to optimal for event (like WB/DW/Godsend...)
    Would be great to be able to save like 3Setups (for those event) so in 1Click you are able to swap to those, without struggling for hours to remembe,r note your previous setup and so.

    Like a big windows with Panel regrouping those attribut
    Panel Character
    "Character setup 1 : Heroes 1-4-5 front 5-6-Back"
    "Character setup 2 : Heroes 1-6-5 front 8-9-Back"
    "Character setup 3 : Heroes 1-7-5 front 3-2-Back"
    Panel Totem :
    "Totem Setup 1 : Main = Dragon, 2nd = Fire"
    "Totem Setup 2 : Main = Accursed, 2nd = Fire"
    .... and so on
    A windows with 5-8 panel for Khaos/PArty/Totem and so to organise this.

    I don't remember the rest i had in mind :S.
    Last edited by Bakudankun; 09-22-2016, 01:48 PM.

  • #2
    Ideas are good, but since most of them are old features, doubtly new devs touch them.
    Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


    • #3
      I know its a drop in the ocean but... sometimes, someone pass here and can possibly check and like some ideas and report them back to the dev team, who knows, always is hope^^.


      • #4
        I have sent a list to our support, but as you may know R2 is not developers of game and dont have big influence on actual developers. Your list of suggestions will be reviewed, but im not sure that we will have any answer about it.


        • #5
          Thanks Alka, i've also send it to GT forums, i know they deal with the chinise dev's but, yep i'm not expecting big changes XD.

